/* * "nederlandse benaming" * ACTIVEX = ACTIVEXOBJEKT_ * BROWSE = BLADDOOS_ * CHECKBOX = KONTROLEDOOS_ * COMBOBOX = KEUZEDOOS_ * CONTAINER = DOOS_ * EDITOR = BEWERKDOOS_ * ENTRYFIELD = VELD_ * FORM = Formulier * GRID = ROOSTER_ * HSCROLLBAR = HORIZONUITROL_ * IMAGE = BEELD_ * Line = LIJN_ * LISTBOX = KEUZELIJSTDOOS_ * NOTEBOOK = NOTITIEBOEK_ * OLE = OLEOBJEKT_ * PAINTBOX = KLEURDOOS_ * PROGRESS = BALK_ * PUSHBUTTON = KNOP_ * QUERY = vraagbak_ * RADIOKNOP_ = RADIOBUTTON_ * RECTANGLE = RECHTHOEK_ * ReportViewer = REPORTDOOS_ * SHAPE = VORM_ * SLIDER = SCHUIF_ * SPINBOX = KEUZEVELD_ * TABBOX = LUSDOOS_ * TEXT = Tekst_ * TEXTLABEL = KLEVER_ * TREEVIEW = STRUCTUURBOOM_ * VSCROLLBAR = VERTIKAALUITROL_ */ ** END HEADER -- do not remove this line // // Generated on 25/03/2024 // parameter bModal local f f = new viewcusForm() if (bModal) f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI f.readModal() else f.open() endif class viewcusForm of BASISCFORM from "basis.cfm" with (this) onGotFocus = class::FORM_ONGOTFOCUS onLostFocus = class::FORM_ONLOSTFOCUS onOpen = class::FORM_ONOPEN scaleFontSize = 10.0 scaleFontBold = true metric = 6 // Pixels height = 675.0 left = -84.0 top = 27.0 width = 1485.0 text = "firma info *** Bci ****" windowState = 0 // Normal autoCenter = true mdi = true maximize = false icon = "filename ..\include\BCI.ico" endwith with (this.DATABANK_KLANTEN) left = 119.0 top = 594.0 width = 96.0 height = 37.0 endwith this.VRAAGBAK_SOORTEN = new QUERY(this) with (this.VRAAGBAK_SOORTEN) left = 140.0 top = 286.0 width = 100.0 height = 37.0 database = form.databank_klanten sql = 'Select segcode, description, info from "segm.dbf" where segcode in(select distinct soort from stammdat) order by description' active = true endwith with (this.VRAAGBAK_SOORTEN.rowset) autoEdit = false endwith this.VRAAGBAK_STAMMDAT = new QUERY(this) with (this.VRAAGBAK_STAMMDAT) left = 462.0 top = 594.0 width = 100.0 height = 37.0 database = form.databank_klanten sql = 'Select idnummer, name, street, plz, city, province,country, basetelefon, basefax, handy, email, web, soort, choice, creatie, outside from "stammdat.dbf" ' active = true endwith with (this.VRAAGBAK_STAMMDAT.rowset) with (fields["Province"]) lookupSQL = "select areacode,area from euroregions order by area" endwith with (fields["Country"]) lookupSQL = "select landid,land from country order by land" endwith with (fields["soort"]) lookupSQL = "select * from segm order by description" endwith with (fields["outside"]) lookupSQL = "select * from employee order by name" endwith autoEdit = false endwith this.VRAAGBAK_LAND = new QUERY(this) with (this.VRAAGBAK_LAND) left = 182.0 top = 220.0 width = 80.0 height = 37.0 database = form.databank_klanten sql = 'Select landid, landcode, land from "Country.dbf" where landid in(select distinct country from stammdat)order by land ' requestLive = false active = true endwith with (this.VRAAGBAK_LAND.rowset) autoEdit = false endwith this.VRAAGBAK_BRANDPROD = new QUERY(this) with (this.VRAAGBAK_BRANDPROD) left = 672.0 top = 176.0 width = 100.0 height = 37.0 database = form.databank_klanten sql = 'select idnummer, type, brand, product from BRAND_PROD.DBF"' requestLive = false active = true endwith with (this.VRAAGBAK_BRANDPROD.rowset) autoEdit = false indexName = "FIRMANUMMER" masterRowset = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset masterFields = "IDNUMMER" endwith this.VRAAGBAK_BEDRIJFSTAK = new QUERY(this) with (this.VRAAGBAK_BEDRIJFSTAK) left = 728.0 top = 594.0 width = 100.0 height = 37.0 database = form.databank_klanten sql = 'select idnrbranche, aard, soort from "branche_firma.dbf"' requestLive = false active = true endwith with (this.VRAAGBAK_BEDRIJFSTAK.rowset) autoEdit = false indexName = "KATO_ID" masterRowset = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset masterFields = "IDNUMMER" endwith this.VRAAGBAK_TOPIC = new QUERY(this) with (this.VRAAGBAK_TOPIC) left = 308.0 top = 253.0 width = 83.0 height = 37.0 database = form.databank_klanten sql = 'select topicid, topicbeschrijving, datum from "TOPIC_FIRMA.DBF"' active = true endwith with (this.VRAAGBAK_TOPIC.rowset) autoEdit = false indexName = "THEMAVOLG" masterRowset = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset masterFields = "IDNUMMER" endwith this.VRAAGBAK_CONTACT = new QUERY(this) with (this.VRAAGBAK_CONTACT) left = 238.0 top = 605.0 width = 99.0 height = 37.0 database = form.databank_klanten sql = 'Select idnummer, name, voornaam, telefon, task, gsm, verlaten, email from "communicate.dbf" ' requestLive = false active = true endwith with (this.VRAAGBAK_CONTACT.rowset) with (fields["task"]) lookupSQL = "select * from job" endwith autoEdit = false indexName = "NUMMERID" masterRowset = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset masterFields = "IDNUMMER" endwith this.VRAAGBAK_BEZOEKADRES = new QUERY(this) with (this.VRAAGBAK_BEZOEKADRES) left = 630.0 top = 594.0 width = 100.0 height = 37.0 database = form.databank_klanten sql = 'select idnummer, street, plz, city from "visitadres.dbf"' requestLive = false active = true endwith with (this.VRAAGBAK_BEZOEKADRES.rowset) autoEdit = false indexName = "IDENTIFY" masterRowset = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset masterFields = "IDNUMMER" endwith this.VRAAGBAK_BEZOEK = new QUERY(this) with (this.VRAAGBAK_BEZOEK) left = 42.0 top = 220.0 width = 92.0 height = 37.0 database = form.databank_klanten sql = 'Select idnummer, visit, time1, time2 from "VISIT.DBF" ' active = true endwith with (this.VRAAGBAK_BEZOEK.rowset) autoEdit = false masterRowset = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset masterFields = "IDNUMMER" endwith this.LIJN_1 = new LINE(this) with (this.LIJN_1) left = 1005.0 right = 1005.0 top = 650.0 bottom = 10.0 width = 3 colorNormal = "blue" endwith this.TEKST_KONTAKTNAAM = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_KONTAKTNAAM) height = 22.0 left = 1015.0 top = 15.0 width = 161.0 wrap = false colorNormal = "Black/0x78787885" alignVertical = 1 // Middle transparent = true fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true text = "idnr aanmaakdatum " endwith this.TEKST_FIRMA = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_FIRMA) height = 22.0 left = 7.0 top = 121.0 width = 44.0 wrap = false colorNormal = "Black/0x78787885" alignVertical = 1 // Middle transparent = true fontBold = true text = "firma" endwith this.VELD_FIRMA = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_FIRMA) when = class::VELD_FIRMA_WHEN height = 30.0 left = 70.0 top = 121.0 width = 819.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" border = false fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.TEKST_STRAAT = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_STRAAT) height = 22.0 left = 7.0 top = 165.0 width = 39.0 wrap = false colorNormal = "Black/0x78787885" alignVertical = 1 // Middle transparent = true fontBold = true text = "straat" endwith this.VELD_STRAAT = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_STRAAT) when = class::VELD_STRAAT_WHEN height = 30.0 left = 70.0 top = 162.0 width = 819.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" border = false fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.TEKST_POSTNR = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_POSTNR) height = 22.0 left = 7.0 top = 205.0 width = 44.0 wrap = false colorNormal = "Black/0x78787885" alignVertical = 1 // Middle transparent = true fontBold = true text = "postnr" endwith this.VELD_POSTNR = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_POSTNR) when = class::VELD_POSTNR_WHEN height = 30.0 left = 70.0 top = 198.0 width = 189.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" border = false fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.TEKST_STAD = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_STAD) height = 16.0 left = 275.0 top = 206.0 width = 34.0 wrap = false alignVertical = 1 // Middle transparent = true fontBold = true text = "stad" endwith this.VELD_STAD = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_STAD) when = class::VELD_STAD_WHEN height = 30.0 left = 323.0 top = 198.0 width = 567.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" border = false fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.TEKST_FIRMA_TELEFOON = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_FIRMA_TELEFOON) height = 22.0 left = 4.0 top = 360.0 width = 66.0 wrap = false colorNormal = "Black/0x78787885" alignVertical = 1 // Middle transparent = true fontBold = true text = "tel bureel" endwith this.VELD_TELEFOONFIRMA = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_TELEFOONFIRMA) when = class::VELD_TELEFOONFIRMA_WHEN onLeftMouseDown = class::VELD_TELEFOONFIRMA_ONLEFTMOUSEDOWN height = 30.0 left = 120.0 top = 360.0 width = 357.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" border = false fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" mousePointer = 13 // Hand borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.TEKST_FIRMA_GSM = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_FIRMA_GSM) height = 22.0 left = 497.0 top = 363.0 width = 85.0 wrap = false colorNormal = "Black/0x78787885" alignVertical = 1 // Middle transparent = true fontBold = true text = "gsm bureel" endwith this.VELD_GSMFIRMA = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_GSMFIRMA) when = class::VELD_GSMFIRMA_WHEN height = 30.0 left = 602.0 top = 360.0 width = 357.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" border = false fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" mousePointer = 13 // Hand borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.TEKST_KONTAKT_TELEFOON = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_KONTAKT_TELEFOON) height = 22.0 left = 4.0 top = 484.0 width = 76.0 wrap = false colorNormal = "Black/0x78787885" alignVertical = 1 // Middle transparent = true fontBold = true text = "tel contact" endwith this.VELD_CONTACT_TEL = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_CONTACT_TEL) height = 30.0 left = 120.0 top = 480.0 width = 357.0 colorNormal = "blue/silver" border = false fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" mousePointer = 13 // Hand borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.TESKT_KONTAKT_GSM = new TEXT(this) with (this.TESKT_KONTAKT_GSM) height = 22.0 left = 497.0 top = 484.0 width = 91.0 wrap = false colorNormal = "Black/0x78787885" alignVertical = 1 // Middle transparent = true fontBold = true text = "gsm contact" endwith this.VELD_KONTAKTGSM = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_KONTAKTGSM) height = 30.0 left = 602.0 top = 480.0 width = 357.0 colorNormal = "blue/silver" border = false fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" mousePointer = 13 // Hand borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.ROOSTER_KONTAKT = new GRID(this) with (this.ROOSTER_KONTAKT) fontSize = 14.0 fontBold = true colorNormal = "black/silver" headingColorNormal = "black/0x78787885" dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset columns["COLUMN1"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_KONTAKT) with (columns["COLUMN1"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["name"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 250.0 endwith columns["COLUMN2"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_KONTAKT) with (columns["COLUMN2"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["voornaam"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 250.0 endwith columns["COLUMN3"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_KONTAKT) with (columns["COLUMN3"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["task"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 250.0 endwith columns["COLUMN4"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_KONTAKT) with (columns["COLUMN4"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["verlaten"] editorType = 2 // CheckBox width = 80.0 endwith with (columns["COLUMN1"].headingControl) value = "naam" endwith with (columns["COLUMN2"].headingControl) value = "voornaam" endwith with (columns["COLUMN3"].headingControl) value = "functie" endwith with (columns["COLUMN4"].headingControl) value = "verlaten" endwith headingHeight = 22.0 cellHeight = 22.0 hasIndicator = false rowSelect = true colorRowSelect = "blue/silver" allowEditing = false allowAddRows = false hScrollBar = 0 // Off height = 100.0 left = 120.0 top = 560.0 width = 834.0 endwith this.KNOP_EERST = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_EERST) onClick = class::KNOP_EERST_ONCLICK height = 35.0 left = 15.0 top = 35.0 width = 65.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE PS_FIRST" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true tabStop = false colorNormal = "black" endwith this.KNOP_VORIG = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_VORIG) onClick = class::KNOP_VORIG_ONCLICK height = 35.0 left = 85.0 top = 35.0 width = 65.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE PS_PREV" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true tabStop = false colorNormal = "black" endwith this.KNOP_VOLGEND = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_VOLGEND) onClick = class::KNOP_VOLGEND_ONCLICK height = 35.0 left = 155.0 top = 35.0 width = 65.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE PS_next" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true tabStop = false colorNormal = "black" endwith this.KNOP_LAATST = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_LAATST) onClick = class::KNOP_LAATST_ONCLICK height = 35.0 left = 225.0 top = 35.0 width = 65.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE PS_last" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true tabStop = false colorNormal = "black" endwith this.VELD_ZOEK = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_ZOEK) onLostFocus = class::VELD_ZOEK_ONLOSTFOCUS onOpen = class::VELD_ZOEK_ONOPEN onKey = class::VELD_ZOEK_ONKEY height = 30.0 left = 675.0 top = 80.0 width = 273.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" border = false fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.TEKST_ZOEK = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_ZOEK) height = 22.0 left = 620.0 top = 90.0 width = 49.0 colorNormal = "blue/BtnFace" transparent = true fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true text = "zoek" endwith this.KEUZEDOOS_KEUZE = new COMBOBOX(this) with (this.KEUZEDOOS_KEUZE) onChange = class::KEUZEDOOS_KEUZE_ONCHANGE height = 35.0 left = 440.0 top = 80.0 width = 174.0 fontSize = 17.0 fontBold = true colorNormal = "black/Silver" dataSource = 'array {"(selecteren)","firma", "postnummer","stad"}' style = 1 // DropDown dropDownHeight = 132.0 endwith this.KLEVER_KEUZE = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.KLEVER_KEUZE) height = 22.0 left = 370.0 top = 90.0 width = 60.0 text = "sorteer" colorNormal = "black/0x787878" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true endwith this.KNOP_BEZOEK = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_BEZOEK) onClick = class::KNOP_BEZOEK_ONCLICK height = 35.0 left = 295.0 top = 35.0 width = 65.0 text = "bezoek" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true mousePointer = 13 // Hand colorNormal = "blue/btnface" endwith this.KLEVER_LANDZOEK = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.KLEVER_LANDZOEK) height = 22.0 left = 7.0 top = 90.0 width = 43.0 text = "land" colorNormal = "black/0x787878" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true endwith this.VELD_KONTAKT = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_KONTAKT) when = class::VELD_KONTAKT_WHEN height = 25.0 left = 1106.0 top = 55.0 width = 35.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" border = false fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true value = "" borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.KNOP_WEB = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_WEB) onClick = class::KNOP_WEB_ONCLICK height = 35.0 left = 365.0 top = 35.0 width = 65.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE #2250" fontSize = 12.0 speedTip = "www" mousePointer = 13 // Hand endwith this.TEKST_KONTAKT_EMAIL = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_KONTAKT_EMAIL) height = 22.0 left = 4.0 top = 520.0 width = 97.0 colorNormal = "Black/0x78787885" transparent = true fontBold = true text = "e-mail contact" endwith this.VELD_EMAIL = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_EMAIL) onLeftDblClick = class::VELD_EMAIL_ONLEFTDBLCLICK height = 30.0 left = 120.0 top = 520.0 width = 658.0 colorNormal = "blue/silver" border = false fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true speedTip = "zend email" value = "" mousePointer = 13 // Hand borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.KLEVER_SEGM = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.KLEVER_SEGM) height = 20.0 left = 1015.0 top = 90.0 width = 77.0 transparent = true text = "segment" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true endwith this.KEUZEDOOS_LAND = new COMBOBOX(this) with (this.KEUZEDOOS_LAND) onChange = class::KEUZEDOOS_LAND_ONCHANGE height = 37.0 left = 60.0 top = 80.0 width = 301.0 fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true colorNormal = "black/silver" autoTrim = true dataSource = form.vraagbak_land.rowset.fields["land"] style = 2 // DropDownList dropDownHeight = 132.0 selectAll = false endwith this.TEKST_FIRMAEMAIL = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.TEKST_FIRMAEMAIL) height = 22.0 left = 4.0 top = 407.0 width = 84.0 transparent = true text = "e-mail firma" fontBold = true endwith this.VELD_EMAIL_FIRMA = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_EMAIL_FIRMA) onLeftDblClick = class::VELD_EMAIL_FIRMA_ONLEFTDBLCLICK height = 30.0 left = 120.0 top = 400.0 width = 660.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" border = false fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" mousePointer = 13 // Hand borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.VELD_VERTEGENWOORDIGER = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_VERTEGENWOORDIGER) height = 20.0 left = 1185.0 top = 55.0 width = 287.0 colorNormal = "black/0x787878" border = false fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true value = "" borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.KNOP_INFO = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_INFO) onClick = class::KNOP_INFO_ONCLICK height = 35.0 left = 505.0 top = 35.0 width = 65.0 text = "info" fontName = "Times New Roman" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true mousePointer = 13 // Hand colorNormal = "blue/gray" endwith this.KNOP_OMZET = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_OMZET) onClick = class::KNOP_OMZET_ONCLICK height = 35.0 left = 575.0 top = 35.0 width = 100.0 text = "omzet" fontName = "Times New Roman" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true mousePointer = 13 // Hand colorNormal = "blue/gray" endwith this.KNOP_AANBIEDING = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_AANBIEDING) onClick = class::KNOP_AANBIEDING_ONCLICK height = 35.0 left = 680.0 top = 35.0 width = 100.0 text = "aanbiedingen" fontName = "Times New Roman" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true mousePointer = 13 // Hand colorNormal = "blue/gray" endwith this.KNOP_OPMERK = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_OPMERK) onClick = class::KNOP_OPMERK_ONCLICK height = 35.0 left = 785.0 top = 35.0 width = 100.0 text = "opmerkingen" fontName = "Times New Roman" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true mousePointer = 13 // Hand colorNormal = "blue/gray" endwith this.VELD_BEZOEK = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_BEZOEK) height = 30.0 left = 70.0 top = 286.0 width = 553.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" endwith this.TEKST_BEZOEK = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_BEZOEK) height = 22.0 left = 7.0 top = 291.0 width = 49.0 colorNormal = "black/0x787878" fontBold = true text = "bezoek" endwith this.VELD_POSTNR_BEZOEK = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_POSTNR_BEZOEK) height = 30.0 left = 70.0 top = 325.0 width = 189.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontName = "arial" fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" endwith this.VELD_BEZOEKSTAD = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_BEZOEKSTAD) height = 30.0 left = 265.0 top = 325.0 width = 735.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontName = "arial" fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" endwith this.KNOP_BASIS = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_BASIS) onClick = class::KNOP_BASIS_ONCLICK height = 35.0 left = 890.0 top = 35.0 width = 110.0 text = "basisgegevens" fontName = "Times New Roman" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true mousePointer = 13 // Hand colorNormal = "blue/gray" endwith this.TEKST_LAND = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_LAND) height = 22.0 left = 7.0 top = 248.0 width = 46.0 colorNormal = "Black/0x787878" fontName = "Ariel" fontBold = true text = "land" endwith this.VELD_LAND = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_LAND) when = class::VELD_LAND_WHEN height = 30.0 left = 70.0 top = 242.0 width = 336.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontName = "Times New Roman" fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" endwith this.ROOSTER_BEDRIJFSTAKKEN = new GRID(this) with (this.ROOSTER_BEDRIJFSTAKKEN) fontBold = true colorNormal = "black/silver" dataLink = form.vraagbak_bedrijfstak.rowset columns["COLUMN1"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_BEDRIJFSTAKKEN) with (columns["COLUMN1"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_bedrijfstak.rowset.fields["aard"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 40.0 endwith columns["COLUMN2"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_BEDRIJFSTAKKEN) with (columns["COLUMN2"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_bedrijfstak.rowset.fields["soort"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 300.0 endwith with (columns["COLUMN1"].headingControl) value = "aard" endwith with (columns["COLUMN2"].headingControl) value = "soort" endwith headingHeight = 22.0 cellHeight = 22.0 hasRowLines = false hasIndicator = false hasColumnHeadings = false allowEditing = false allowAddRows = false hScrollBar = 0 // Off height = 120.0 left = 1015.0 top = 205.0 width = 253.0 endwith this.TEKST_WEB = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_WEB) height = 22.0 left = 7.0 top = 444.0 width = 84.0 colorNormal = "black/0x787878" fontName = "arial" fontBold = true text = "www" endwith this.VELD_WEB = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_WEB) onLeftDblClick = class::VELD_WEB_ONLEFTDBLCLICK height = 30.0 left = 120.0 top = 442.0 width = 660.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" border = false fontName = "arial" fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" mousePointer = 13 // Hand borderStyle = 3 // None endwith this.TESKT_CONTACT = new TEXT(this) with (this.TESKT_CONTACT) height = 20.0 left = 1015.0 top = 55.0 width = 84.0 colorNormal = "black/0x787878" fontName = "arial" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true text = "contact" endwith this.VELD_CREATIE = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_CREATIE) height = 25.0 left = 1285.0 top = 15.0 width = 95.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontName = "arial" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true value = "" endwith this.ROOSTER_MERK_PRODUCT = new GRID(this) with (this.ROOSTER_MERK_PRODUCT) fontBold = true colorNormal = "black/silver" dataLink = form.vraagbak_brandprod.rowset columns["COLUMN1"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_MERK_PRODUCT) with (columns["COLUMN1"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_brandprod.rowset.fields["type"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 40.0 endwith columns["COLUMN2"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_MERK_PRODUCT) with (columns["COLUMN2"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_brandprod.rowset.fields["brand"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 173.0 endwith columns["COLUMN3"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_MERK_PRODUCT) with (columns["COLUMN3"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_brandprod.rowset.fields["product"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 225.0 endwith with (columns["COLUMN1"].headingControl) value = "type" endwith with (columns["COLUMN2"].headingControl) value = "brand" endwith with (columns["COLUMN3"].headingControl) value = "product" endwith headingHeight = 22.0 cellHeight = 22.0 hasRowLines = false hasIndicator = false hasColumnHeadings = false allowEditing = false allowAddRows = false hScrollBar = 0 // Off height = 140.0 left = 1015.0 top = 375.0 width = 465.0 endwith this.KNOP_ALG_INFO = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_ALG_INFO) onClick = class::KNOP_ALG_INFO_ONCLICK height = 35.0 left = 435.0 top = 35.0 width = 65.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE #112" mousePointer = 13 // Hand endwith this.ROOSTER_BEZOEK = new GRID(this) with (this.ROOSTER_BEZOEK) colorNormal = "black/silver" dataLink = form.vraagbak_bezoek.rowset columns["COLUMN1"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_BEZOEK) with (columns["COLUMN1"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_bezoek.rowset.fields["visit"] editorType = 3 // SpinBox width = 89.0 endwith columns["COLUMN2"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_BEZOEK) with (columns["COLUMN2"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_bezoek.rowset.fields["time1"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 40.0 endwith columns["COLUMN3"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_BEZOEK) with (columns["COLUMN3"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_bezoek.rowset.fields["time2"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 40.0 endwith with (columns["COLUMN1"].editorControl) rangeMax = {28/05/2003} rangeMin = {17/02/2003} endwith with (columns["COLUMN1"].headingControl) value = "bezoek" endwith with (columns["COLUMN2"].headingControl) value = "van" endwith with (columns["COLUMN3"].headingControl) value = "tot" endwith headingHeight = 22.0 cellHeight = 22.0 hasIndicator = false hasColumnHeadings = false allowEditing = false allowAddRows = false vScrollBar = 1 // On height = 120.0 left = 1275.0 top = 205.0 width = 193.0 endwith this.KLEVER_CONTACT = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.KLEVER_CONTACT) height = 22.0 left = 1325.0 top = 170.0 width = 70.0 text = "contact" colorNormal = "BtnText/0x787878" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true endwith this.VELD_ID = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_ID) height = 25.0 left = 1185.0 top = 15.0 width = 84.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontBold = true value = "" endwith this.VELD_REGIO = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_REGIO) height = 30.0 left = 456.0 top = 242.0 width = 432.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontSize = 18.0 fontBold = true value = "" endwith this.KNOP_BEDRIJFSTAK = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_BEDRIJFSTAK) onClick = class::KNOP_BEDRIJFSTAK_ONCLICK themeBackground = false height = 40.0 left = 1015.0 top = 160.0 width = 162.0 text = "aanpassen bedrijfstak" fontBold = true mousePointer = 13 // Hand colorNormal = "blue/0x78787885" endwith this.KNOP_MERKEN = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_MERKEN) onClick = class::KNOP_MERKEN_ONCLICK themeBackground = false height = 40.0 left = 1015.0 top = 330.0 width = 364.0 text = "aanpassen merken en producten" fontBold = true mousePointer = 13 // Hand colorNormal = "Blue/0x78787885" endwith this.KNOP_TOPICS = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_TOPICS) onClick = class::KNOP_TOPICS_ONCLICK themeBackground = false height = 30.0 left = 1015.0 top = 525.0 width = 161.0 text = "aanpassen topics" fontBold = true mousePointer = 13 // Hand colorNormal = "Blue/0x78787885" endwith this.KEUZEDOOS_SOORTEN = new COMBOBOX(this) with (this.KEUZEDOOS_SOORTEN) onChange = class::KEUZEDOOS_SOORTEN_ONCHANGE systemTheme = false height = 24.0 left = 1015.0 top = 120.0 width = 210.0 fontBold = true colorNormal = "black/silver" autoTrim = true dataSource = form.vraagbak_soorten.rowset.fields["description"] style = 2 // DropDownList dropDownHeight = 132.0 selectAll = false endwith this.ROOSTER_TOPICS = new GRID(this) with (this.ROOSTER_TOPICS) fontBold = true colorNormal = "black/silver" dataLink = form.vraagbak_topic.rowset columns["COLUMN1"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_TOPICS) with (columns["COLUMN1"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_topic.rowset.fields["topicbeschrijving"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 172.0 endwith with (columns["COLUMN1"].headingControl) value = "topicbeschrijving" endwith headingHeight = 22.0 cellHeight = 22.0 hasIndicator = false hasColumnHeadings = false allowEditing = false allowAddRows = false height = 99.0 left = 1015.0 top = 561.0 width = 196.0 endwith this.rowset = this.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset Function Knop_Eerst_onClick Form.rowset.first() Return ***** Function Form_onGotFocus // set application reference to this Form: // If type( "_app.framewin" ) # "U" // _app.framewin.currentForm = this // endif class :: Vernieuw() // Form.Verniuew() form.bookmark = form.rowset.bookmark() Form.rowset.beginFilter() form.rowset.Fields["Country"].value = form.keuzedoos_land.value form.rowset.applyFilter() Form.rowset.goto(form.bookmark) Return ***** Function Form_onLostFocus // null out application's reference to this Form: if type( "_app.framewin.currentForm" ) # "U" _app.framewin.currentForm := null endif Return ***** Function Form_onOpen Class ::Veldenaanvang() // Form.keuzeDoos_Land.setFocus() // deze doos wordt aangesproken // Form.keuzeDoos_Keuze.enabled = false // de doos_keuze wordt buiten werking gesteld // Form.Veld_Zoek.enabled = false // Form.keuzedoos_soorten.enabled = false// het veld Zoe wordt buiten werking gesteld Return ***** Function Knop_Vorig_onClick if not(Form.rowset.next(-1)) Form.rowset.next() msgbox("Begin Data","kan niet verder",64) endif Return ***** Function Knop_Bezoek_onClick local Rdc,rdb Form.bookmark = Form.rowset.bookmark() // Form.rowset.beginappend() // te houden set procedure to ..\forms\Calend.wfm additive private oChild // commando TYPE() te kunnen gebruiken oChild = new calendForm() oChild.mdi = false oChild.date = Date() oChild.readModal() if type("oChild.date") # "D" Rdc = Form.vraagbak_bezoek.rowset Rdb = Form.vraagbak_STAMMDAT.rowset Rdc.beginappend() rdc.fields["idnummer"].value = rdb.fields["idnummer"].value Rdc.fields["visit"].value = oChild.date Rdc.Fields["time1"].value = oChild.keuzedoos_uur1.value Rdc.save() endif close procedure ..\Forms\calend.wfm Form.rowset.goto(form.bookmark) // oChild.release() //Form.entryfieldvisit1.setfocus() te houden // Form.container1.visitsearchentryfield.setfocus() // te houde set procedure to calend.wfm additive Return ***** Function Knop_Web_onClick form.bookmark = form.rowset.bookmark() dcfstr =trim(Form.vraagbak_STAMMDAT.rowset.fields["street"].value) dcfplz= trim(Form.vraagbak_STAMMDAT.rowset.fields["plz"].value) dcfcit= trim(Form.vraagbak_STAMMDAT.rowset.fields["city"].value) set procedure to ..\system2\GoogleMaps.cc additive da = new Maps() da.strasse := dcfstr da.plz := dcfplz da.ort := dcfcit da.ShowMap() // release object da da = null close procedure ..\system2\GoogleMaps.cc form.rowset.goto(form.bookmark) Return ***** Function Knop_Volgend_onClick if not(Form.rowset.next(1)) Form.rowset.next(-1) msgbox("Einde Data"," kan niet verder",64) endif Return ***** Function Knop_Laatst_onClick Form.rowset.last() Return ***** Function Veld_EMAIL_onLeftDblClick(flags, col, row) local emailbladDD set procedure to zendemail.wfm additive emailbladDD = new zendemailForm() emailbladDD.mdi = false emailbladDD.veld_adres_naar.value = this.form.veld_email.value emailbladDD.veld_Naam_naar.value = lTrim(rTrim(this.parent.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["name"].value)) + " " + lTrim(rTrim(this.parent.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["voornaam"].value)) emailbladDD.readmodal() close procedure zendemail.wfm Return ***** Function Veld_Zoek_onKey(nChar, nPosition,bShift,bControl) Form.rowset.findKeynearest(lower(Form.Veld_Zoek.value)) Return ***** Function VELD_FIRMA_when(bOpen) ; Return false ***** Function VELD_GSMFIRMA_when(bOpen) ; Return false **** Function VELD_KONTAKT_when(bOpen) ; Return false ***** Function VELD_LAND_when(bOpen) ; Return false **** Function VELD_POSTNR_when(bOpen) ; Return False **** Function VELD_STAD_when(bOpen) ; Return False ***** Function VELD_STRAAT_when(bOpen) ; Return false ***** Function VELD_TELEFOONFIRMA_onLeftMouseDown(flags, col, row) class::kopieren() Return ***** Function VELD_TELEFOONFIRMA_when(bOpen) Return false ***** Function VELD_WEB_onLeftDblClick(flags, col, row) #include winuser.h extern cHandle ShellExecute( cHandle, cString, cString, ; cString, cString, cINT ) shell32 ; from "ShellExecuteA" cUrl = ["] + this.parent.veld_web.value + ["] private sd && macro needs private not local sd = set( "dire" ) && sometimes it *could* change dirs, so && we are preventing it ... ShellExecute( this.parent.hwnd,"open", ; cURL,null, null,SW_SHOWMINIMIZED ) * if the directory changed: if sd # set("dire") set dire to "&sd." endif Return ***** Function VELD_ZOEK_onLostFocus this.Value = "" Return ***** Function VELD_ZOEK_onOpen if Form.keuzeDoos_Keuze.Value = "(Selecteren)" this.enabled = false else this.enabled = true endif Return ***** Function KNOP_TOPICS_onClick() local themas,cThemas set procedure to ..\forms\topicklant2.wfm additive this.themas = new klanttopic2Form() this.themas.top = Form.top +400 this.themas.left = form.left+300 this.themas.midi = false this.themas.parent = form cThemas = form.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value this.themas.rowset.filter =[idnummer=']+cthemas+['] this.themas.readmodal() close procedure ..\forms\topicklant2.wfm Return ***** Function KEUZEDOOS_keuze_onChange form.knop_basis.enabled = true form.rowset.first() do case case this.value == "firma" Form.rowset.indexname := 'Company' form.rowset.first() Form.Veld_Zoek.enabled = true Form.Veld_Zoek.setfocus() Form.Veld_Zoek.ColorNormal= "black/yellow" Form.Veld_Zoek.Value ="" case this.value == "stad" Form.rowset.indexname := 'citycode' form.rowset.first() Form.Veld_Zoek.enabled = true Form.Veld_Zoek.setfocus() Form.Veld_Zoek.ColorNormal= "black/yellow" Form.Veld_Zoek.Value ="" case this.value == "postnummer" Form.rowset.indexname := 'Postcode' form.rowset.first() Form.Veld_Zoek.enabled = true Form.Veld_Zoek.setfocus() Form.Veld_Zoek.ColorNormal= "black/yellow" Form.Veld_Zoek.Value ="" case this.value == "(selecteren)" Form.rowset.indexname := null form.rowset.first() Form.Veld_Zoek.enabled = true Form.Veld_Zoek.setfocus() Form.Veld_Zoek.ColorNormal= "black/yellow" Form.Veld_Zoek.Value ="" otherwise Form.rowset.indexname := Null Form.Veld_Zoek.enabled = false Form.Veld_Zoek.ColorNormal= "black/silver" form.knop_basis.enabled = false endcase Return ***** Function keuzeDOOS_LAND_onChange local cLand,cLandcode this.style = 2 Class :: Veldenaanpassen() form.rowset.Filter = ' ' cLand = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields['country'].lookuprowset cLand.applyLocate("land = '" +this.value+"'") cLandcode = (cland.fields[1].value) form.rowset.Filter = [country =']+cLandcode+['] Return ***** Function veld_email_firma_onLeftDblClick(flags, col, row) set procedure to zendemail.wfm additive local emailbladEE emailbladEE = new zendemailForm() emailbladEE.mdi = false emailbladEE.veld_adres_naar.value = this.form.veld_email_firma.value emailbladEE.veld_Naam_naar.value = lTrim(rTrim(this.parent.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["name"].value)) + " " + lTrim(rTrim(this.parent.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["voornaam"].value)) emailbladEE.readmodal() close procedure zendemail.wfm Return ******* Function KEUZEDOOS_SOORTEN_onChange() // form.rowset.filter = NULL local cSegm, cS, cMomentFilter this.style = 2 cSegm = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields['soort'].lookuprowset //soort cSegm.applyLocate([description = '] +this.value+[']) // description cS = (cSegm.fields[1].value) cLand = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields['country'].lookuprowset // land cLandcode = (cland.fields[1].value) form.rowset.Filter :=[soort =']+cS+[' and country = '] +clandcode+['] ? form.rowset.filter // result // soort ='0014' and country = '0001'ok ? form.rowset.Filter = NULL + "1" // result is false Ok // form.rowset filter = NULL //form.rowset.filter = " " Return **** Function KNOP_AANBIEDING_onClick() set procedure to ..\forms\opslaggegevens.wfm additive local dcForm, a,b,cMap a= ("d:\dfcc_programms\klantenoffer\") // aanpassen volgens pad b= trim(form.rowset.fields["name"].value) cMap= (a+b ) if right(cmap,1) # "\" cmap = cmap+"\" endif this.dcForm = new opslagForm() this.dcFORM.top = form.top + 400 this.dcForm.left = form.left+ 300 this.dcForm.text = cmap this.dcForm.midi = false this.dcForm.Parent = form this.dcForm.readmodal() close procedure ..\forms\opslaggegevens.wfm this.dcForm := Null Return ***** Function KNOP_ALG_INFO_onClick() local oExcel,rf,rc,oCell,nRij,xWaarde,nCols store 0 to oExcel,rf,rc,oCell,nRij,xWaarde,nCols rf := form.rowset.fields rc := form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields oExcel := new Oleautoclient("excel.application") oExcel.visible =true oExcel.workbooks.add() ***Firmagegevens*** oExcel.range("a1").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "naam" oExcel.range("a2").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "straat" oExcel.range("a3").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "postnummer" oExcel.range("a4").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "stad" oExcel.range("a5").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "land" oExcel.range("a6").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "telefoon" oExcel.range("a7").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "fax" oExcel.range("a8").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = [']+ "gsm" oExcel.range("a9").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "email" oExcel.range("a10").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "web" oExcel.range("a11").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "segment" ***contactgegevens **** oExcel.Range("a15").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.formulaR1C1 = "Contact" oExcel.range("b15").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "naam" oExcel.range("c15").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "voornaam" oExcel.range("d15").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Funktie" oExcel.range("e15").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Telefoon" oExcel.range("f15").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Fax" oExcel.range("g15").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "GSM" oExcel.Range("h15").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "email" ***firmadata**** oExcel.range("c1").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = rf["name"].value oExcel.range("c2").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = rf["street"].value oExcel.range("c3").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ("'")+rf["plz"].value oExcel.range("c4").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = rf["city"].value oExcel.range("c5").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = rf["country"].value oExcel.range("c6").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ("'")+rf["basetelefon"].value oExcel.range("c7").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ("'")+rf["basefax"].value oExcel.range("c8").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ("'")+rf["handy"].value oExcel.range("c9").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = rf["email"].value oExcel.range("c10").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = rf["web"].value oExcel.range("c11").select() oExcel.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = rf["soort"].value nRij = 15 form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.first() do while not form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.EndofSet nRij++ for nCols = 2 to(rc.size-1) xWaarde = rc[nCols].value oCell= oExcel.activeSheet.Cells(nrij,nCols) ocell.formula = "'" + (xWaarde) next form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.next() enddo ***** **** Activiteiten*** nrij = nrij +2 oExcel.Range("A" + nrij).select() oExcel.ActiveCell.formula = "Activiteit" //R1C1 do while not form.vraagbak_bedrijfstak.rowset.endofSet nRij++ for nCols = 2 to(form.vraagbak_bedrijfstak.rowset.fields.size-1) xWaarde = form.vraagbak_bedrijfstak.rowset.fields[nCols].value oCell=oExcel.activesheet.Cells(nRij,nCols) oCell.formula = "'" + (xWaarde) next form.vraagbak_bedrijfstak.rowset.next() enddo ***** **** Merken en Producten*** nrij = nrij+2 oExcel.Range("a"+nrij).select() oExcel.ActiveCell.formula = "Merk/Produkt" do while not form.vraagbak_brandProd.rowset.endofSet nRij++ for nCols = 2 to(form.vraagbak_brandProd.rowset.fields.size-3) xWaarde = form.vraagbak_brandProd.rowset.fields[nCols].value oCell=oExcel.activesheet.Cells(nRij,nCols) oCell.formula = "'" + (xWaarde) next form.vraagbak_brandProd.rowset.next() enddo *** Topics** nrij = nRij+2 oExcel.Range("a"+nRij).select() oExcel.ActiveCell.formula = "Topics" do while not Form.vraagbak_topic.rowset.endofset nRij++ for nCols =2 to(form.vraagbak_topic.Rowset.Fields.size) xWaarde = form.vraagbak_topic.rowset.fields[nCols].value oCell = oExcel.activesheet.cells(nRij,nCols) if form.vraagbak_topic.rowset.Fields[nCols].Type = [character] oCell.formula = form.vraagbak_topic.rowset.Fields["topicbeschrijving"].value endif if form.vraagbak_topic.rowset.fields[ncols].type =[date] oCell.Formula ="" + form.vraagbak_topic.rowset.Fields["Datum"].value endif next // gaat te samen met for form.vraagbak_topic.rowset.next() enddo oExcel.ActiveSheet.Columns.AutoFit() oExcel =null Return ***** Function KNOP_BASIS_onClick() local of_Klant, cKlant form.bookmark = form.rowset.Bookmark() set procedure to ..\forms\stammcust.wfm additive this.of_Klant = new stammcustform() this.of_Klant.top = form.top + 400 this.of_Klant.left = form.left + 300 this.of_Klant.mdi := false this.of_Klant.parent = this.parent cKlant = Form.rowset.Fields["idnummer"].value this.of_Klant.idnummer= cKlant this.of_Klant.rowset.filter=[idnummer=']+cKlant+['] this.of_Klant.readModal() Close procedure ..\forms\stammcust.wfm form.rowset.goto(form.bookmark) form.Veld_zoek.setfocus() Form.Veld_Zoek.ColorNormal= "Red/Cyan" Return ***** Function KNOP_BEDRIJFSTAK_onClick() local BedrijfT,cTak set procedure to ..\forms\bedrijfklant2.wfm additive this.bedrijfT = new Bedrijfklant2form() this.bedrijfT.top := form.top + 400 this.bedrijfT.Left := form.left +300 this.BedrijfT.midi = false this.BedrijfT.Parent = form cTak = form.rowset.Fields["idnummer"].value this.bedrijfT.IdNrBranche = cTak this.BedrijfT.Rowset.filter:=[idnummer=']+cTak+['] this.Bedrijft.readModal() close procedure ..\forms\bedrijfklant2.wfm form.veld_zoek.setFocus() Return **** Function KNOP_INFO_onClick() local oDCForm,cInf set procedure to ..\forms\InputInfo2.wfm //Briwsinfo.wfm additive this.oDCForm = new InputInfo2Form() //browsinfoform() this.oDCForm.left = 200 this.oDCForm.top = 250 this.oDCForm.midi = false this.oDCForm.parent =form // this.oDCForm.idnummer= Form.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value // this.oDCForm.rowset.Findkey(this.oDCForm.idnummer) cInf = form.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value // bijgevoegd van kunden23.wfm this.OdcForm.rowset.filter =[Idnummer=']+cInf+['] //bijgevoegd van Kunde23.wfm this.oDCForm.readmodal() close procedure ..\forms\InputInfo2.wfm //Briwsinfo.wfm Return ***** Function KNOP_MERKEN_onClick() local vMerk,cMerk set procedure to ..\forms\brandcust2.wfm additive this.vMerk = new brandcust2form() this.vMerk.top = form.top + 400 this.vMerk.left = form.left + 300 this.vMerk.midi = false this.vMerk.parent = form cMerk = Form.rowset.Fields["idnummer"].value this.vMerk.rowset.filter=[idnummer=']+cMerk+['] this.vMerk.readModal() close procedure ..\forms\Brandcust2.wfm form.veld_zoek.setFocus() Return ***** Function KNOP_OMZET_onClick() Local oOmzetForm,cOmz form.bookmark = form.rowset.bookmark() Set procedure to ..\forms\kwant_info.wfm additive this.oOmzetform = new Kwant_infoForm() this.oOmzetForm.Left = 300 this.oOmzetForm.top = 200 this.oOmzetForm.midi = false this.oOmzetForm.text = this.parent.text +" " +this.parent.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["name"].value this.oOmzetForm.Parent = this.parent // this.oOMzetform.Idnummer = form.vraagbak_bypass.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value // this.oOmzetForm.Rowset.Findkey(this.oOmzetForm.Idnummer) cOmz = form.vraagbak_bypass.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value this.oOmzetForm.rowset.filter =[Idnummer=']+cOmz+['] this.oOmzetForm.Readmodal() this.oOmzetForm.release() close Procedure ..\forms\Kwant_info.wfm this.oOmzetForm := null form.rowset.goto(form.bookmark) Return ***** Function KNOP_OPMERK_onClick() set procedure to ..\forms\opslaggegevens.wfm additive local dcForm, a,b,cMap a= ("d:\dfcc_programms\klanteninfo\") // aanpassen volgens pad b= trim(form.rowset.fields["name"].value) cMap= (a+b ) if right(cmap,1) # "\" cmap = cmap+"\" endif this.dcForm = new opslagForm() this.dcFORM.top = form.top + 400 this.dcForm.left = form.left+ 300 this.dcForm.text = cmap this.dcForm.midi = false this.dcForm.Parent = form this.dcForm.readmodal() close procedure ..\forms\opslaggegevens.wfm this.dcForm := Null Return ***** Function Veldenaanvang Form.Veld_Bezoek.datalink= "" Form.Veld_BezoekStad.datalink = "" Form.Veld_Contact_Tel.datalink = "" Form.Veld_Creatie.datalink = "" Form.Veld_Email.datalink = "" Form.Veld_Email_Firma.datalink = "" Form.Veld_Firma.datalink = "" Form.Veld_GsmFirma.datalink = "" Form.Veld_ID.datalink = "" Form.Veld_Kontakt.datalink = "" Form.Veld_KontaktGsm.datalink = "" Form.Veld_Land.Datalink ="" Form.Veld_Postnr.datalink = "" Form.Veld_Postnr_Bezoek.datalink ="" Form.Veld_Regio.Datalink= "" Form.Veld_Stad.datalink = "" Form.Veld_Straat.datalink = "" Form.Veld_TelefoonFirma.datalink = "" Form.Veld_Vertegenwoordiger.datalink= "" Form.Veld_Web.Datalink= "" Form.Rooster_bedrijfstakken.visible = false Form.Rooster_Bezoek.visible = false Form.Rooster_Kontakt.visible = false Form.Rooster_Merk_Product.visible = false Form.keuzeDoos_land.datalink = "" form.knop_basis.enabled = false //true form.rooster_topics.visible = false Form.knop_Bezoek.enabled = false Form.Knop_Eerst.enabled = false Form.Knop_Laatst.enabled = false Form.Knop_Volgend.enabled = false Form.Knop_Vorig.enabled = false Form.Knop_web.enabled = false form.keuzedoos_land.value = "selecteer een land" Form.keuzeDoos_Land.setFocus() // deze doos wordt aangesproken Form.keuzeDoos_Keuze.enabled = false // de doos_keuze wordt buiten werking gesteld Form.Veld_Zoek.enabled = false Form.keuzedoos_soorten.enabled = false// het veld Zoe wordt buiten werking gesteld Msgbox("Selekteer een land"+chr(13)+; "Geen Data","View Customer *** Bci***",64) Return ***** Function Veldenaanpassen Form.Veld_Bezoek.datalink= form.vraagbak_bezoekadres.rowset.fields["street"] Form.Veld_BezoekStad.datalink = form.vraagbak_bezoekadres.rowset.fields["city"] Form.Veld_Contact_Tel.datalink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["telefon"] Form.Veld_Creatie.datalink =form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["creatie"] Form.Veld_Email.dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["email"] Form.Veld_Email_Firma.dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["email"] Form.Veld_Firma.datalink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["name"] Form.Veld_GsmFirma.dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["handy"] Form.Veld_ID.dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["idnummer"] Form.Veld_Kontakt.dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["choice"] Form.Veld_KontaktGsm.dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["gsm"] Form.Veld_Land.dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["country"] Form.Veld_Postnr.dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["plz"] Form.Veld_Postnr_Bezoek.dataLink = form.vraagbak_bezoekadres.rowset.fields["plz"] Form.Veld_Regio.dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["province"] form.veld_kontakt.datalink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["choice"] // ? Form.Veld_Stad.dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["city"] Form.Veld_Straat.dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["street"] Form.Veld_TelefoonFirma.dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["basetelefon"] Form.Veld_Vertegenwoordiger.dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["outside"] Form.Veld_Web.dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["web"] Form.keuzedoos_soorten.enabled = true Form.keuzeDoos_Keuze.enabled = true Form.knop_Bezoek.Enabled = true Form.Knop_Eerst.Enabled = true Form.Knop_Laatst.enabled= true Form.Knop_Volgend.enabled= true Form.Knop_Vorig.enabled = true Form.Knop_web.Enabled = true Form.Rooster_bedrijfstakken.visible = true Form.Rooster_Bezoek.visible = true Form.Rooster_Kontakt.visible = true Form.Rooster_Merk_Product.visible = true Form.keuzeDoos_soorten.enabked = true form.rooster_topics.visible = true form.keuzeDoos_Keuze.ColorNormal ="black/Silver" Form.Veld_Zoek.value = "" form.keuzeDoos_keuze.Value = "(selecteren)" form.keuzedoos_soorten.value = "(selecteren)" form.knop_basis.enabled = false Return ***** Function Vernieuw parameter oForm if type( "oForm" ) == "U" or empty( oForm ) oForm = Form endif if type( "UpdateWindow" ) # "FP" extern CLOGICAL UpdateWindow( CHANDLE ) USER32 endif Return UpdateWindow( oForm.hWnd ) ***** Function Kopieren if type('form.activeControl.Copy()') == 'fp' form.activeControl.keyboard("{home}{shift+end}") // this.parent.form.activeControl.keyboard("{home}{shift+End}") form.activeControl.Copy() endif Return ***** Endclass /*Function DisplayFilesInDir *-------------------------* local i, n, cFile, ext, oItem, cText private cDir, oItemToSelect //oItemToSelect MUST be private for the 'type' test !!! * form.treeView1.releaseAllChildren() cDir = form.SelDir * aFiles = new array() //store to use in GetDisplayItem() * n = aFiles.Dir( (cDir) + "*.*", "RASH" ) //Get ALL files in the indicated folder. See array class OLH. Returns a 5 collumn array for i = 1 to n // Loop trough the temp array to get only the file names. cFile = aFiles[i,1] //Read the filename in the first collumn of the array for row (i) cAttr = aFiles[i,5] //Read the file attribute in the fith collumn of array for row (i) if "D" $ cAttr //if the attribute indicates a dir... //..do nothing else oItem = new treeItem( form.treeView1,cFile) //add an item to the treeview. oItem.text = cFile //set the text for the treeview item endif next release object aFiles //get rid of tmp array aFiles = null //disassociate var with array type to make sure * form.treeView1.sortChildren() Return Function knop_aanmaak_contact_onClick set procedure to ..\forms\custview.wfm additive local kConForm,cCont this.kConForm = new CustviewForm() this.kConForm.left = 400 this.kconForm.top = 200 this.kConForm.parent= this.parent cCont = form.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value this.kConForm.rowset.filter =[idnummer=']+cCont+['] // kan ook met findkey(cCont) cNaam = this.parent.vraagbak_Kontakt.rowset.fields["name"].value this.kConform.vraagbak_contact.rowset.filter=[name=']+cNaam+['] this.kConForm.readmodal() Close procedure ..\forms\custview.wfm Return ***** /*local FdcForm form.bookmark = form.rowset.bookmark() set procedure to ..\forms\Cust_compl.wfm additive this.FdcForm = new Cust_complform() this.FdcFORM.top = form.top + 400 this.FdcForm.left = form.left+ 300 this.FdcForm.midi = false this.FdcForm.parent = form this.FdcForm.Idnummer =form.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value This.FdcForm.rowset.Findkey(this.FdcForm.idnummer) this.fdcform.readmodal() this.FdcForm.release() close procedure ..\forms\Cust_compl.wfm This.FdcForm := Null form.rowset.goto(form.bookmark) */ /*Function Basisaanpas cLand = Form.keuzedoos_Land.Value Form.Rowset.BeginFilter() Form.RowSet.filter =[Country=']+cLand+['] Form.Rowset.ApplyFilter() form.knop_basis.enabled = true Return ***** */ /*Function Kleurveranderen Do Case Case Form.keuzeDoos_Keuze.Value ="City" form.Veld_Zoek.ColorNormal= "black/Cyan" Case Form.keuzeDoos_Keuze.Value ="Zipcode" Form.Veld_Zoek.ColorNormal= "black/Cyan" Case Form.keuzeDoos_Keuze.Value ="Company" Form.Veld_Zoek.ColorNormal= "black/Cyan" OtherWise Form.Veld_Zoek.ColorNormal= "black/silver" EndCase Return ***** */ */