clear ** END HEADER -- do not remove this line // // Generated on 2023-11-17 // parameter bModal local f f = new bijlage_testForm() if (bModal) f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI f.readModal() else endif class bijlage_testForm of FORM with (this) onOpen = class::FORM_ONOPEN metric = 6 // Pixels height = 413.0 left = 190.0 top = 33.0 width = 713.0 text = "" endwith this.KNOP_BIJLAGE = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.KNOP_BIJLAGE) onClick = class::KNOP_BIJLAGE_ONCLICK height = 57.0 left = 374.0 top = 177.0 width = 131.0 text = "Run function bijlageB() to select files." endwith this.PUSHBUTTON1 = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.PUSHBUTTON1) onClick = class::PUSHBUTTON1_ONCLICK height = 57.0 left = 374.0 top = 261.0 width = 131.0 text = "Run function bijlageA() to display selected files" endwith this.EDITOR1 = new EDITOR(this) with (this.EDITOR1) height = 126.0 left = 320.0 top = 34.0 width = 321.0 value = "" endwith this.ENTRYFIELD1 = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.ENTRYFIELD1) height = 22.0 left = 35.0 top = 36.0 width = 213.0 value = "D:\examples" endwith this.PUSHBUTTON2 = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.PUSHBUTTON2) onClick = class::PUSHBUTTON2_ONCLICK height = 24.0 left = 50.0 top = 68.0 width = 107.0 text = "Change directory" endwith this.LISTBOX1 = new LISTBOX(this) with (this.LISTBOX1) onRightMouseUp = class::LISTBOX1_ONRIGHTMOUSEUP height = 232.0 left = 35.0 top = 162.0 width = 218.0 id = 106 colorHighLight = "HighLightText/HighLight" multiple = true vScrollBar = 1 // On endwith this.TEXTLABEL1 = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.TEXTLABEL1) height = 22.0 left = 35.0 top = 105.0 width = 267.0 text = "Use Ctrl-key to select/deselect multiple files" endwith this.TEXTLABEL2 = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.TEXTLABEL2) height = 22.0 left = 35.0 top = 132.0 width = 226.0 text = "Right-click to clear selection " endwith this.PUSHBUTTON3 = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.PUSHBUTTON3) onClick = class::PUSHBUTTON3_ONCLICK height = 57.0 left = 374.0 top = 341.0 width = 131.0 text = "Print listbox1.selected()" endwith function KNOP_BIJLAGE_onClick() //save the array returned by bijlageB in form.editor1.value = '' form.bijlage_array = class::bijlageB() return function LISTBOX1_onRightMouseUp(flags, col, row) class::renew_listbox_list() this.cursel = 1 class::deselectEntry() return function PUSHBUTTON1_onClick() if type('form.bijlage_array') ='A' class::bijlageA(form.bijlage_array) else msgbox("bijlageB hasn't been executed") endif return function bijlageB aGroep = new array() aGroep = form.listbox1.selected() return aGroep function PUSHBUTTON2_onClick() form.entryfield1.value = getdir() class::renew_listbox_list() form.listbox1.cursel = 1 class::deselectEntry() return function renew_listbox_list form.listbox1.selected() = null form.listbox1.datasource = null aList = class::get_file_list() form.aList_first = aList[1] form.listbox1.datasource = 'ARRAY aList' class::deselectentry() return function PUSHBUTTON3_onClick() if form.listbox1.selected().size = 0 msgbox('Nothing selected') endif for n = 1 to form.listbox1.selected().size ? form.listbox1.selected()[n] next return function bijlageA(aArray) //Replace with code to set email attachments if aArray.size = 0 msgbox('Nothing selected') endif form.editor1.value = '' for n = 1 to aArray.size form.editor1.value += aArray[n] form.editor1.value += chr(13)+chr(10) next return function get_file_list //Creates the array aList containing a list of //filenames held in the directory shown in entryfield1 local aFiles,nFiles,cSkeleton private aList #define ARRAY_DIR_NAME 1 aFiles = new Array() // Array will be resized as needed aList = new array() //One dimension array for listbox cFileType = '\*.*' //Change as appropriate cSkeleton = form.entryfield1.value+cFileType nFiles = aFiles.dir(cSkeleton) for nFile = 1 to nFiles aList.add(aFiles[nFile,ARRAY_DIR_NAME]) next return aList function setcontrolkey(onoff,nstate) local keybuffer,state,vk_control vk_control = 0x11 //virtual key code for control key keybuffer = Space(256) GetKeyboardState(keybuffer) state=keybuffer.getbyte(vk_control) If onoff # 0 nstate=bitor(128,state) endif keybuffer.setbyte(vk_control,nstate) SetKeyboardState(keybuffer) return state function deselectEntry wm_lbuttondown = 0x0201 wm_lbuttonup = 0x0202 class::setcontrolkey(1,0) sendmessage(form.listbox1.hwnd,wm_lbuttondown,9,0x100010) sendmessage(form.listbox1.hwnd,wm_lbuttonup,9,0x100010) class::setcontrolkey(0,1) return function form_onOpen() if type("SendMessage") # "FP" extern clong SendMessage(chandle,cuint,clong,clong) user32 ; from "SendMessageA" endif if type("GetKeyboardState") # "FP" extern CVOID GetKeyboardState(CPTR) User32 endif if type("SetKeyboardState") # "FP" extern CVOID SetKeyboardState(CPTR) User32 endif //get list of files in diretory shown in entryfield1 aList = class::get_file_list() form.listbox1.datasource = 'ARRAY aList' class::deselectEntry() return endclass