clear ** END HEADER -- do not remove this line // // Generated on 2022-01-04 // parameter bModal local f f = new date_picker_gridForm() if (bModal) f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI f.readModal() else endif class date_picker_gridForm of FORM with (this) onOpen = class::FORM_ONOPEN metric = 6 // Pixels height = 411.0 left = 270.0 top = 42.0 width = 619.0 text = "" endwith this.DBASESAMPLES1 = new DATABASE(this) with (this.DBASESAMPLES1) left = 46.0 width = 78.0 height = 37.0 databaseName = "DBASESAMPLES" active = true endwith this.ORDERS1 = new QUERY(this) with (this.ORDERS1) width = 45.0 height = 37.0 database = form.dbasesamples1 sql = "select * from ORDERS.DBF" active = true endwith with (this.ORDERS1.rowset) onNavigate = class::ROWSET_ONNAVIGATE endwith this.GRID1 = new GRID(this) with (this.GRID1) dataLink = form.orders1.rowset columns["COLUMN1"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.GRID1) with (columns["COLUMN1"]) dataLink = form.orders1.rowset.fields["orderid"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 110.0 endwith columns["COLUMN2"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.GRID1) with (columns["COLUMN2"]) dataLink = form.orders1.rowset.fields["customerid"] editorType = 3 // SpinBox width = 130.0 endwith columns["COLUMN3"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.GRID1) with (columns["COLUMN3"]) dataLink = form.orders1.rowset.fields["orderdate"] editorType = 3 // SpinBox width = 120.0 endwith columns["COLUMN4"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.GRID1) with (columns["COLUMN4"]) dataLink = form.orders1.rowset.fields["employeeid"] editorType = 3 // SpinBox width = 130.0 endwith columns["COLUMN5"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.GRID1) with (columns["COLUMN5"]) dataLink = form.orders1.rowset.fields["shipdate"] editorType = 3 // SpinBox width = 120.0 endwith with (columns["COLUMN1"].headingControl) value = "OrderID" endwith with (columns["COLUMN2"].editorControl) rangeMax = 100 rangeMin = 1 endwith with (columns["COLUMN2"].headingControl) value = "CustomerID" endwith with (columns["COLUMN3"].editorControl) onLeftDblClick = class::EDITORCONTROL_ONLEFTDBLCLICK rangeMax = {2001-03-10} rangeMin = {2000-11-30} endwith with (columns["COLUMN3"].headingControl) value = "OrderDate" endwith with (columns["COLUMN4"].editorControl) rangeMax = 100 rangeMin = 1 endwith with (columns["COLUMN4"].headingControl) value = "EmployeeID" endwith with (columns["COLUMN5"].editorControl) onLeftDblClick = class::EDITORCONTROL_ONLEFTDBLCLICK1 rangeMax = {2001-02-05} rangeMin = {2000-10-28} endwith with (columns["COLUMN5"].headingControl) value = "ShipDate" endwith headingHeight = 22.0 cellHeight = 22.0 height = 212.0 left = 35.0 top = 160.0 width = 516.0 endwith this.DATETIMEPICKER1 = new DATETIMEPICKER(this) with (this.DATETIMEPICKER1) visible = false height = 22.0 left = 173.0 top = 1.0 width = 122.0 dataLink = form.orders1.rowset.fields["orderdate"] format = 2 // Short Date with Century endwith with (this.DATETIMEPICKER1.dropDown) showTodayDate = false endwith this.TEXT1 = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEXT1) height = 22.0 left = 79.0 top = 48.0 width = 593.0 text = "Click on cell in a date column then Left Double Click on the celll to show Date Picker" endwith this.DATETIMEPICKER2 = new DATETIMEPICKER(this) with (this.DATETIMEPICKER2) visible = false height = 22.0 left = 314.0 top = 1.0 width = 122.0 dataLink = form.orders1.rowset.fields["shipdate"] format = 2 // Short Date with Century endwith with (this.DATETIMEPICKER2.dropDown) showTodayDate = false endwith this.RADIOBUTTON1 = new RADIOBUTTON(this) with (this.RADIOBUTTON1) height = 24.0 left = 35.0 top = 83.0 width = 420.0 text = "DateTimePicker calendar opens automatically." group = true value = true endwith this.RADIOBUTTON2 = new RADIOBUTTON(this) with (this.RADIOBUTTON2) height = 24.0 left = 35.0 top = 112.0 width = 420.0 text = "User to open DateTimePicker calendar manually." endwith this.rowset = this.orders1.rowset function editorControl_onLeftDblClick(flags, col, row) getcursorpos(form.point) //form.point is position on screen cmd = 'nCol_width = form.grid1.columns["column'+form.grid1.currentcolumn+'"].width' &cmd form.datetimepicker1.width = nCol_width //set dattimepicker width to match width of selected date column nX_org_scr = form.point.getx(form.point,0) //save screen coordinates for initial leftDblClick in date column nY_org_scr = form.point.gety(form.point,4) // " screentoclient(form.hwnd,form.point) //form.point is now position in form nX_org_frm = form.point.getx(form.point,0) //save form coordinates for initial leftDblClick in date column nY_org_frm = form.point.gety(form.point,4) // " form.colpoint.setx(form.grid1.left+30,0) // set position in 1st coloumn on same row. skip indicator column form.colpoint.sety(ny_org_frm) clienttoscreen(form.hwnd,form.colpoint) //convert colpoint from form position to screen position nX_colpt = form.colpoint.getx(form.colpoint,0) //get screen coordinates for mouseclick ny_colpt = form.colpoint.gety(form.colpoint,4) form.rmMouse.screenLeftClick(nX_colpt,nY_colpt ) //click in left column in same row nCol = form.grid1.currentcolumn //save column number of 1st column displayed setcursorpos(nX_org_scr,nY_org_scr) //set cursor back to where leftDblClick was made in date column form.rmMouse.screenLeftClick(nX_Org_scr,nY_org_scr ) //click in left column in same row nLeft = 25 //width of indicator column for n = nCol to form.grid1.currentcolumn - 1 cmd = 'form.grid1.columns["column'+n+'"].width' nLeft += &cmd next form.datetimepicker1.left = nLeft + form.grid1.left nRows = int((form.point.gety(form.point,4) nTop = nFudge = 2 = nTop+nFudge+((form.grid1.cellheight+1)*nrows) form.datetimepicker1.visible = true //datetimepicker1 moved over selected cell and made visible if form.radiobutton1.value = true //set up form.colpoint to be over the datetimepicker drop-down button. //coordinates are set up using form values. These coordinates then need //to be converted to the screen values which are required for setcursorpos() //and rmMouse.screenLeftClick() screentoclient(form.hwnd,form.colpoint) form.colpoint.setx(form.datetimepicker1.left+form.datetimepicker1.width-5) //set x coordinate almost to right hand end //nY is still pointing to the selected row. clienttoscreen(form.hwnd,form.colpoint) nX_drop_scr = form.colpoint.getx(form.colpoint,0) //save screen coordinates for initial leftDblClick in date column nY_drop_scr = form.colpoint.gety(form.colpoint,4) // " setcursorpos(nX_drop_scr,nY_drop_scr) form.rmMouse.screenLeftClick(nX_drop_scr,nY_drop_scr ) endif return function editorControl_onLeftDblClick1(flags, col, row) getcursorpos(form.point) //form.point is position on screen cmd = 'nCol_width = form.grid1.columns["column'+form.grid1.currentcolumn+'"].width' &cmd form.datetimepicker2.width = nCol_width //set dattimepicker width to match width of selected date column nX_org_scr = form.point.getx(form.point,0) //save screen coordinates for initial leftDblClick in date column nY_org_scr = form.point.gety(form.point,4) // " screentoclient(form.hwnd,form.point) //form.point is now position in form nX_org_frm = form.point.getx(form.point,0) //save form coordinates for initial leftDblClick in date column nY_org_frm = form.point.gety(form.point,4) // " form.colpoint.setx(form.grid1.left+30,0) // set position in 1st coloumn on same row. skip indicator column form.colpoint.sety(ny_org_frm) clienttoscreen(form.hwnd,form.colpoint) //convert colpoint from form position to screen position nX_colpt = form.colpoint.getx(form.colpoint,0) //get screen coordinates for mouseclick ny_colpt = form.colpoint.gety(form.colpoint,4) form.rmMouse.screenLeftClick(nX_colpt,nY_colpt ) //click in left column in same row nCol = form.grid1.currentcolumn //save column number of 1st column displayed setcursorpos(nX_org_scr,nY_org_scr) //set cursor back to where leftDblClick was made in date column form.rmMouse.screenLeftClick(nX_Org_scr,nY_org_scr ) //click in left column in same row nLeft = 25 //width of indicator column for n = nCol to form.grid1.currentcolumn - 1 cmd = 'form.grid1.columns["column'+n+'"].width' nLeft += &cmd next form.datetimepicker2.left = nLeft + form.grid1.left nRows = int((form.point.gety(form.point,4) nTop = nFudge = 2 = nTop+nFudge+((form.grid1.cellheight+1)*nrows) form.datetimepicker2.visible = true //datetimepicker2 moved over selected cell and made visible if form.radiobutton1.value = true //set up form.colpoint to be over the datetimepicker drop-down button. //coordinates are set up using form values. These coordinates then need //to be converted to the screen values which are required for setcursorpos() //and rmMouse.screenLeftClick() screentoclient(form.hwnd,form.colpoint) form.colpoint.setx(form.datetimepicker2.left+form.datetimepicker2.width-5) //set x coordinate almost to right hand end //nY is still pointing to the selected row. clienttoscreen(form.hwnd,form.colpoint) nX_drop_scr = form.colpoint.getx(form.colpoint,0) //save screen coordinates for initial leftDblClick in date column nY_drop_scr = form.colpoint.gety(form.colpoint,4) // " setcursorpos(nX_drop_scr,nY_drop_scr) form.rmMouse.screenLeftClick(nX_drop_scr,nY_drop_scr ) endif return function rowset_onNavigate(type, nRows) this.parent.parent.datetimepicker1.visible = false this.parent.parent.datetimepicker2.visible = false return function form_onOpen set procedure to form.rmMouse = new rmMouseevents(form) if type("GetCursorPos") # "FP" extern CLOGICAL GetCursorPos(CPTR) user32 endif if type("SetCursorPos") # "FP" extern CLOGICAL SetCursorPos(CINT,CINT) user32 endif if type("ScreenToClient") # "FP" extern clogical ScreenToClient(chandle,cptr) user32 endif if type("ClientToScreen") # "FP" extern clogical ClientToScreen(chandle,cptr) user32 endif form.point = new point() form.colpoint = new point() return endclass