* "nederlandse benaming" * ACTIVEX = ACTIVEXOBJEKT_ , * BROWSE = BLADDOOS_ , * CHECKBOX = KONTROLEDOOS_ * COMBOBOX = KEUZEDOOS_ * CONTAINER = DOOS_ , * database = Databank+naam , * datamodule = datadoos * EDITOR = BEWERKDOOS_ , * ENTRYFIELD = VELD_ ,* FORM = Formulier_ , * GRID = ROOSTER_ * HSCROLLBAR = HORIZONUITROL_ , * IMAGE = BEELD_ , * Line = LIJN_ * LISTBOX = KEUZELIJSTDOOS_ * NOTEBOOK = NOTITIEBOEK_ , * OLE = OLEOBJEKT_ , * PAINTBOX = KLEURDOOS_ , * PROGRESS = BALK_ * PUSHBUTTON = KNOP_ , * QUERY = vraagbak _ , * RADIOKNOP_ = RADIOBUTTON_ * RECTANGLE = RECHTHOEK_ * ReportViewer = REPORTDOOS_ , * SHAPE = VORM_ * SLIDER = SCHUIF_ * SPINBOX = KEUZEVELD_ * TABBOX = LUSDOOS_ * TEXT = Tekst_ * TEXTLABEL = KLEVER_ * TREEVIEW = STRUCTUURBOOM_ * VSCROLLBAR = VERTIKAALUITROL_ , * VARIABELEN /* wordt gebruikt bij Stammcust.f, inputinfo1.f */ ** END HEADER -- do not remove this line // // Generated on 20/11/2021 // parameter bModal local f f = new custviewForm() if (bModal) f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI f.readModal() else f.open() endif class custviewForm of FORM with (this) onNavigate = class::FORM_ONNAVIGATE onOpen = class::FORM_ONOPEN onClose = class::FORM_ONCLOSE metric = 6 // Pixels colorNormal = "0X858585" height = 534.0 left = 476.0 top = 9.0 width = 678.0 text = "Info Contact **** Bci ****" systemTheme = true mdi = false icon = "" endwith this.DATABANK_GEGEVKLANT = new DATABASE(this) with (this.DATABANK_GEGEVKLANT) left = 476.0 top = 11.0 width = 100.0 height = 37.0 databaseName = "Custtest" active = true endwith this.VRAAGBAK_FIRMAS = new QUERY(this) with (this.VRAAGBAK_FIRMAS) left = 259.0 top = 44.0 width = 90.0 height = 37.0 database = form.databank_gegevklant sql =[Select s.idnummer, s.name, s.email, s.handy, s.basetelefon, s.web from "stammdat" s ] active = true endwith with (this.VRAAGBAK_FIRMAS.rowset) autoEdit = false endwith this.VRAAGBAK_JOB = new QUERY(this) with (this.VRAAGBAK_JOB) left = 476.0 top = 55.0 width = 73.0 height = 37.0 database = form.databank_gegevklant sql = [Select afkort, werk from "JOB"] active = true endwith this.VRAAGBAK_CONTACT = new QUERY(this) with (this.VRAAGBAK_CONTACT) left = 112.0 top = 88.0 width = 99.0 height = 37.0 database = form.databank_gegevklant sql = 'Select c.idnummer, c.name, c.voornaam, c.task, c.telefon, c.fax, c.gsm, c.email, c.verlaten, c.info from "communicate" c where idnummer = :idnummer' params["idnummer"] = "" masterSource = form.vraagbak_firmas.rowset active = true endwith with (this.VRAAGBAK_CONTACT.rowset) onSave = class::ROWSET_ONSAVE with (fields["task"]) lookupSQL = "select afkort,werk from job" endwith autoEdit = false endwith this.VELD_NAAM = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_NAAM) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["name"] height = 27.0 left = 14.0 top = 60.0 width = 308.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true endwith this.VELD_VOORNAAM = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_VOORNAAM) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["voornaam"] height = 27.0 left = 328.0 top = 60.0 width = 242.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontSize = 12.0 fontBold = true endwith this.VELD_TELF_CONTACT = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_TELF_CONTACT) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["telefon"] height = 27.0 left = 14.0 top = 215.0 width = 275.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontSize = 15.0 fontBold = true endwith this.VELD_GSM = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_GSM) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["gsm"] height = 27.0 left = 294.0 top = 215.0 width = 275.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontSize = 15.0 fontBold = true endwith this.VELD_EMAIL = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_EMAIL) onLeftDblClick = class::VELD_MAIL_ONLEFTDBLCLICK dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["email"] height = 22.0 left = 14.0 top = 270.0 width = 553.0 colorNormal = "red/silver" fontBold = true mousePointer = 13 // Hand endwith this.ROOSTER_CONTACT = new GRID(this) with (this.ROOSTER_CONTACT) fontBold = true colorNormal = "WindowText/0x8d8d8d" dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset columns["COLUMN1"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_CONTACT) with (columns["COLUMN1"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["name"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 287.0 endwith columns["COLUMN2"] = new GRIDCOLUMN(form.ROOSTER_CONTACT) with (columns["COLUMN2"]) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["voornaam"] editorType = 1 // EntryField width = 260.0 endwith with (columns["COLUMN1"].headingControl) value = "NAME" endwith with (columns["COLUMN2"].headingControl) value = "voornaam" endwith headingHeight = 22.0 cellHeight = 22.0 hasIndicator = false hasColumnHeadings = false rowSelect = true colorRowSelect = "black/yellow" allowEditing = false allowAddRows = false hScrollBar = 0 // Off vScrollBar = 0 // Off height = 100.0 left = 14.0 top = 382.0 width = 555.0 endwith this.VELD_TEL_BUREEL = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_TEL_BUREEL) dataLink = form.vraagbak_firmas.rowset.fields["basetelefon"] height = 27.0 left = 14.0 top = 115.0 width = 275.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontSize = 15.0 fontBold = true mousePointer = 12 // No endwith this.VELD_GSM_BUREEL = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_GSM_BUREEL) dataLink = form.vraagbak_firmas.rowset.fields["handy"] height = 27.0 left = 294.0 top = 115.0 width = 275.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontSize = 15.0 fontBold = true mousePointer = 12 // No endwith this.KLEVER_TELF = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.KLEVER_TELF) height = 15.0 left = 14.0 top = 95.0 width = 110.0 text = "Telefoon bureel" colorNormal = "BtnText/0X858585" fontBold = true endwith this.KLEVER_GSM = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.KLEVER_GSM) height = 15.0 left = 301.0 top = 95.0 width = 78.0 text = "Gsm bureel" colorNormal = "BtnText/0X858585" fontBold = true endwith this.KLEVER_TEL2 = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.KLEVER_TEL2) height = 15.0 left = 14.0 top = 195.0 width = 123.0 text = "Contact Telefoon" colorNormal = "BtnText/0X858585" fontBold = true endwith this.KLEVER_GSM2 = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.KLEVER_GSM2) height = 15.0 left = 301.0 top = 195.0 width = 88.0 text = "Gsm Contact" colorNormal = "BtnText/0X858585" fontBold = true endwith this.KLEVER_EMAIL2 = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.KLEVER_EMAIL2) height = 13.0 left = 14.0 top = 252.0 width = 98.0 text = "email contact" colorNormal = "BtnText/0X858585" fontBold = true endwith this.KLEVER_FUNCTIE = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.KLEVER_FUNCTIE) height = 16.0 left = 15.0 top = 351.0 width = 50.0 text = "Functie" colorNormal = "BtnText/0X858585" fontBold = true endwith this.VELD_BUREEL_EMAIL = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_BUREEL_EMAIL) onLeftDblClick = class::VELD_BUREEL_EMAIL_ONLEFTDBLCLICK dataLink = form.vraagbak_firmas.rowset.fields["email"] height = 22.0 left = 14.0 top = 165.0 width = 553.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontBold = true mousePointer = 13 // Hand endwith this.KLEVER_EMAIL = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.KLEVER_EMAIL) height = 15.0 left = 14.0 top = 145.0 width = 84.0 text = "email bureel" colorNormal = "BtnText/0X858585" fontBold = true endwith this.KLEVER_WWW = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.KLEVER_WWW) height = 15.0 left = 17.0 top = 300.0 width = 60.0 text = "website" colorNormal = "BtnText/0X858585" fontBold = true endwith this.VELD_INTERNET = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_INTERNET) onLeftDblClick = class::VELD_INTERNET_ONLEFTDBLCLICK dataLink = form.vraagbak_firmas.rowset.fields["web"] height = 22.0 left = 14.0 top = 320.0 width = 555.0 colorNormal = "red/silver" mousePointer = 13 // Hand endwith this.KONTROLEDOOS_VERLATEN = new CHECKBOX(this) with (this.KONTROLEDOOS_VERLATEN) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["verlaten"] height = 24.0 left = 465.0 top = 348.0 width = 102.0 text = "Fma verlaten" colorNormal = "red/0X858585" fontBold = true endwith this.TESKT_VOORNAAM = new TEXT(this) with (this.TESKT_VOORNAAM) height = 18.0 left = 330.0 top = 35.0 width = 84.0 colorNormal = "black/0X858585" fontBold = true text = "voornaam" endwith this.DOOS_KNOP = new CONTAINER(this) with (this.DOOS_KNOP) left = 579.0 top = 59.0 width = 90.0 height = 293.0 colorNormal = "0X858585" endwith this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_AANMAKEN = new PUSHBUTTON(this.DOOS_KNOP) with (this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_AANMAKEN) onClick = class::KNOP_AANMAKEN_ONCLICK height = 30.0 left = 2.5 top = 35.0 width = 80.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE PS_APPEND" speedTip = "aanmaken" pageno = 0 endwith this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_AANPASSEN = new PUSHBUTTON(this.DOOS_KNOP) with (this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_AANPASSEN) onClick = class::KNOP_AANPASSEN_ONCLICK height = 30.0 left = 2.5 top = 70.0 width = 80.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE PS_edit" statusMessage = "test" speedTip = "aanpassen" pageno = 0 endwith this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_OPSLAAN = new PUSHBUTTON(this.DOOS_KNOP) with (this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_OPSLAAN) onClick = class::KNOP_OPSLAAN_ONCLICK height = 30.0 left = 2.5 top = 105.0 width = 80.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE PS_save" speedTip = "opslaan" pageno = 0 endwith this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_VERLATEN = new PUSHBUTTON(this.DOOS_KNOP) with (this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_VERLATEN) onClick = class::KNOP_VERLATEN_ONCLICK height = 30.0 left = 2.5 top = 140.0 width = 80.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE PS_ABANDON" speedTip = "ongedaan" pageno = 0 endwith this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_VERWIJDEREN = new PUSHBUTTON(this.DOOS_KNOP) with (this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_VERWIJDEREN) onClick = class::KNOP_VERWIJDEREN_ONCLICK height = 30.0 left = 3.0 top = 175.0 width = 80.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE PS_DELETE" speedTip = "verwijderen" pageno = 0 endwith this.DOOS_KNOP.TEKST_DATA = new TEXT(this.DOOS_KNOP) with (this.DOOS_KNOP.TEKST_DATA) height = 22.0 left = 3.0 top = 3.0 width = 70.0 colorNormal = "black/0X858585" alignVertical = 1 // Middle alignHorizontal = 1 // Center fontSize = 14.0 fontBold = true text = "data" pageno = 0 mousePointer = 1 // Arrow endwith this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_VORIG = new PUSHBUTTON(this.DOOS_KNOP) with (this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_VORIG) onClick = class::KNOP_VORIG_ONCLICK height = 30.0 left = 2.0 top = 216.0 width = 80.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE PS_PREV" speedTip = "vorig" pageno = 0 endwith this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_VOLGEND = new PUSHBUTTON(this.DOOS_KNOP) with (this.DOOS_KNOP.KNOP_VOLGEND) onClick = class::KNOP_VOLGEND_ONCLICK height = 30.0 left = 2.0 top = 251.0 width = 80.0 text = "" upBitmap = "RESOURCE PS_next" speedTip = "volgend" pageno = 0 endwith this.TEKST_NAAM = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_NAAM) height = 18.0 left = 16.0 top = 35.0 width = 50.0 colorNormal = "black/0X858585" fontBold = true text = "naam" endwith this.KEUZEDOOS_FUNCTIES = new COMBOBOX(this) with (this.KEUZEDOOS_FUNCTIES) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["task"] height = 29.0 left = 120.0 top = 347.0 width = 259.0 colorNormal = "black/0X858585" dataSource = form.vraagbak_job.rowset.fields["werk"] style = 1 // DropDown dropDownHeight = 132.0 endwith this.TEKST_GEGEVENS = new TEXT(this) with (this.TEKST_GEGEVENS) height = 26.0 left = 16.0 top = 5.0 width = 194.0 colorNormal = "blue/0X858585" fontSize = 16.0 fontBold = true text = "Contact gegevens" endwith this.VELD_INFOCONT = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.VELD_INFOCONT) dataLink = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["info"] height = 25.0 left = 14.0 top = 490.0 width = 555.0 colorNormal = "black/silver" fontSize = 15.0 fontBold = true endwith this.rowset = this.vraagbak_firmas.rowset function form_onClose() // nikeuw 14112019 form.parent.vraagbak_kontakt.rowset.refreshControls() return ***** function form_onNavigate(nWorkArea) if form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["verlaten"].value = true form.tekst_verlaten.text = "Firma verlaten" endif return ***** function form_onOpen() form.text :="Contact voor : "+ form.rowset.fields["Name"].value.lefttrim().righttrim() +" " +"*** Bci ***" return ***** function rowset_onSave() this.parent.parent.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value = this.parent.parent.vraagbak_firmas.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value return function veld_bureel_email_onLeftDblClick(flags, col, row) /* local DfcMailS DfcMailS = ; [mailto:] + form.vrb_Firmas.rowset.fields["email"].value if empty(form.vrb_Firmas.rowset.fields["email"].value) msgbox("geen email","Info") else //type('ShellExecute') // # 'FP' extern chandle ShellExecute(chandle, cstring, ; cstring, cstring, cstring, cint) shell32 ; from "ShellExecuteA" ShellExecute(0, "open", DfcMailS, null, null, 1) endif */ set procedure to zendemail.wfm additive local emailbladA emailbladA = new zendemailForm() emailbladA.mdi = false emailbladA.veld_adres_naar.value = this.form.veld_bureel_email.value //"d.cardoen@telenet.be" emailbladA.Veld_Naam_naar.value = form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["name"].value.righttrim() + " " + form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["voornaam"].value.righttrim() emailbladA.readmodal() close procedure zendemail.wfm return ***** function KNOP_AANPASSEN_onClick() form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.beginEdit() form.Veld_naam.setFocus() class::kleuren() return ***** function KNOP_OPSLAAN_onClick() if form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["voornaam"].value = null form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["voornaam"].value = "xxxx" endif // this.parent.parent.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value = this.parent.parent.vraagbak_firmas.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.save() class::kleuren() return ***** function KNOP_VERLATEN_onClick() form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.abandon() class::kleuren() return ****** function KNOP_VERWIJDEREN_onClick() if msgbox(" Deze Data verwijderen ?","Verwijderen?",36) == 6 form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.delete() endif form.close() class::kleuren() return ***** function KNOP_VOLGEND_onClick() if (not Form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.next()) Form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.next(-1) MsgBox("einde data","kan niet veder",64) endif return ***** function KNOP_VORIG_onClick() if(not Form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.next(-1)) Form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.next() MsgBox("begin date","kan niet verder",64) endif return ***** function KNOP_AANMAKEN_onClick() this.parent.parent.vraagbak_contact.rowset.beginappend() this.parent.parent.vraagbak_contact.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value = this.parent.parent.vraagbak_firmas.rowset.fields["idnummer"].value Form.Veld_Naam.setFocus() class::kleuren() return ***** function VELD_INTERNET_onLeftDblClick(flags, col, row) #include winuser.h extern cHandle ShellExecute( cHandle, cString, cString, ; cString, cString, cINT ) shell32 ; from "ShellExecuteA" cUrl = ["] + this.parent.veld_internet.value + ["] private sd && macro needs private not local sd = set( "dire" ) && sometimes it *could* change dirs, so && we are preventing it ... ShellExecute( this.parent.hwnd, "open",; cURL,null,null,SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED ) * if the directory changed: if sd # set("dire") set dire to "&sd." endif return ***** function Veld_Mail_onLeftDblClick(flags, col, row) /*local DfcMail DfcMail = ; [mailto:] + form.vrb_contact.rowset.fields["email"].value if empty(form.vrb_contact.rowset.fields["email"].value) msgbox("geen email","Info") else // type('ShellExecute') // # 'FP' extern chandle ShellExecute(chandle, cstring, ; cstring, cstring, cstring, cint) shell32 ; from "ShellExecuteA" ShellExecute(0, "open", DfcMail, null, null, 1) endif */ set procedure to zendemail.wfm additive local emailbladBA emailbladBA = new zendemailForm() emailbladBA.mdi = false emailbladBA.veld_adres_naar.value = this.form.veld_email.value emailbladBA.Veld_Naam_naar.value = form.vrb_contact.rowset.fields["name"].value.righttrim() + " " + form.vrb_contact.rowset.fields["voornaam"].value.righttrim() emailbladBA.readmodal() close procedure zendemail.wfm return ***** Function kleuren do case case Form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.state = 3 // append form.veld_Naam.Colornormal ="black/cyan" form.veld_gsm.Colornormal ="black/cyan" form.veld_eMail.Colornormal ="black/cyan" form.veld_Telf_contact.Colornormal ="black/cyan" Form.veld_Voornaam.Colornormal ="black/cyan" form.veld_infoCont.ColorNormal ="black/cyan" case form.vraagbak_contact.rowset.state = 2 //editappend form.veld_Naam.Colornormal ="black/cyan" form.veld_gsm.Colornormal ="black/cyan" form.veld_eMail.Colornormal ="black/cyan" form.veld_Telf_contact.Colornormal ="black/cyan" Form.veld_Voornaam.Colornormal ="black/cyan" form.veld_infoCont.ColorNormal ="black/cyan" otherwise form.veld_Naam.Colornormal ="black/silver" form.veld_gsm.Colornormal ="black/silver" form.veld_eMail.Colornormal ="black/silver" form.veld_Telf_contact.Colornormal ="black/silver" Form.veld_Voornaam.Colornormal ="black/silver" form.veld_infoCont.ColorNormal ="black/silver" Endcase return ***** endclass *****
Warning: Unknown: write failed: No space left on device (28) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct () in Unknown on line 0