clear s = seconds() d = new adodatabase() d.connectionString = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=energydata" = true try cStr = "CREATE TABLE all_timestamps ( " cStr += " eTimestamp TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL," cStr += " PRIMARY KEY USING BTREE (eTimestamp))" d.ExecuteSQL(cStr) catch(exception e) ?e.message, 'Table exists' endtry nYear = 2020 //edit for following years nMonth = 0 nDay = 1 nHour = 0 nMin = 0 dDate = new date(nYear,nMonth,nDay,nHour,nMin,0) dEndDate = new date(nYear+1,nMonth,nDay,nHour,nMin,0) _app.allowYeildOnMsg = true n = 0 nInsert = 1 do while dttoc(dDate) < dttoc(dEndDate) n1 = 1 cStr = "insert into all_timestamps (eTimestamp) values " do while n1 < 1000 and dttoc(dDate) < dttoc(dEndDate) cStr += "('"+dDate.getYear()+"-"+str((dDate.getMonth()+1),2,0,'0')+"-" cStr += str(dDate.getDate(),2,0,'0')+" " cStr += str(dDate.getHours(),2,0,'0')+":"+str(dDate.getMinutes(),2,0,'0')+":00')," nMins = dDate.getminutes() if nMin < 55 nMin += 5 else nMin = 0 if nHour < 23 nHour ++ else nHour = 0 nDay ++ endif endif dDate.setYear(nYear) dDate.setMonth(nMonth) dDate.setDate(nDay) dDate.setHours(nHour) dDate.setminutes(nMin) _app.executeMessages() n++ n1++ enddo cStr = substr(cStr,1,len(cStr)-1) //get rid of last comma ?'insert',nInsert+' of 106' nInsert ++ d.ExecuteSQL(cStr) enddo d.ExecuteSQL('commit') = false ? n,' Records added ' ?'seconds',(seconds()-s)