if file('date_day.dbf') // drop table date_day endif if not file('date_day.dbf') create table date_day (id autoinc,ddate date) use date_day generate 10 use endif ** END HEADER -- do not remove this line // // Generated on 2016/05/21 // local r r = new DATE_DAYREPORT() r.render() class DATE_DAYREPORT of REPORT with (this) autoSort = false endwith this.DATE_DAY1 = new QUERY(this) with (this.DATE_DAY1) left = 75.0 top = 4815.0 sql = 'select * from "date_day.DBF"' requestLive = false active = true endwith this.STREAMSOURCE1 = new STREAMSOURCE(this) with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand) height = 1350.0 endwith this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TITLETEXTID1 = new TEXT(this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand) with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TITLETEXTID1) canRender = {||this.parent.firstOnFrame} height = 300.0 left = 1425.0 top = 50.0 width = 1170.0 prefixEnable = false alignHorizontal = 2 // Right suppressIfBlank = true text = "


" endwith this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TEXTID1 = new TEXT(this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand) with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TEXTID1) height = 293.0 left = 1455.0 top = 403.0 width = 1170.0 variableHeight = true prefixEnable = false alignHorizontal = 2 // Right text = {||this.form.date_day1.rowset.fields["id"].value} endwith this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TITLETEXTDDATE1 = new TEXT(this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand) with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TITLETEXTDDATE1) canRender = {||this.parent.firstOnFrame} height = 300.0 left = 4050.0 top = 5.0 width = 1080.0 prefixEnable = false suppressIfBlank = true text = "


" endwith this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TEXTDDATE1 = new TEXT(this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand) with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TEXTDDATE1) height = 293.0 left = 4080.0 top = 403.0 width = 1080.0 variableHeight = true prefixEnable = false text = {||this.form.date_day1.rowset.fields["ddate"].value} endwith this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TEXT1 = new TEXT(this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand) with (this.STREAMSOURCE1.detailBand.TEXT1) canRender = class::TEXT1_CANRENDER height = 300.0 left = 4080.0 top = 825.0 width = 1080.0 prefixEnable = false text = "Text1" endwith this.PAGETEMPLATE1 = new PAGETEMPLATE(this) with (this.PAGETEMPLATE1) height = 16837.0 width = 11905.0 marginTop = 1080.0 marginLeft = 1080.0 marginBottom = 1080.0 marginRight = 1080.0 gridLineWidth = 0 endwith this.PAGETEMPLATE1.STREAMFRAME1 = new STREAMFRAME(this.PAGETEMPLATE1) with (this.PAGETEMPLATE1.STREAMFRAME1) height = 11592.0 left = 360.0 top = 1365.0 width = 9360.0 form.STREAMFRAME1 = form.pagetemplate1.streamframe1 endwith with (this.printer) duplex = 1 // None orientation = 1 // Portrait paperSource = 7 paperSize = 9 resolution = 3 // Medium color = 2 // Color trueTypeFonts = 1 // Bitmap endwith with (this.reportGroup.footerBand) height = 250.0 endwith with (this.reportGroup.headerBand) height = 250.0 endwith this.firstPageTemplate = this.form.pagetemplate1 this.form.pagetemplate1.nextPageTemplate = this.form.pagetemplate1 this.form.pagetemplate1.streamframe1.streamSource = this.form.streamsource1 this.form.streamsource1.rowset = this.form.date_day1.rowset function TEXT1_canRender() this.text = cdow(this.parent.textddate1.text()) return true endclass