if file('mb1.dbf') drop table mb1 endif if not file('mb1.dbf') create table mb1 (name character(15),str numeric(10,0),def numeric(10,0)) insert into mb1 (name,str,def) values ("Bob",123.00,456.00) insert into mb1 (name,str,def) values ("Fred",789.00,123.00) endif ** END HEADER -- do not remove this line // // Generated on 2023-11-20 // parameter bModal local f f = new increment_a_valueForm() if (bModal) f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI f.readModal() else f.open() endif class increment_a_valueForm of FORM with (this) height = 21.6818 left = 19.4286 top = 6.5455 width = 72.7143 text = "" endwith this.WEF11 = new DATABASE() this.WEF11.parent = this with (this.WEF11) left = 55.0 width = 4.0 height = 1.0 databaseName = "WEF1" active = true endwith this.MB11 = new QUERY() this.MB11.parent = this with (this.MB11) left = 56.0 top = 1.0 width = 3.0 height = 1.0 database = form.wef11 sql = "select * from MB1.DBF" active = true endwith this.GRID1 = new GRID(this) with (this.GRID1) dataLink = form.mb11.rowset height = 4.5 left = 5.8571 top = 3.1364 width = 60.8571 endwith this.PUSHBUTTON1 = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.PUSHBUTTON1) onClick = class::PUSHBUTTON1_ONCLICK height = 1.8636 left = 15.0 top = 9.6364 width = 15.2857 text = "Increment Bob's STR" endwith this.PUSHBUTTON2 = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.PUSHBUTTON2) onClick = class::PUSHBUTTON2_ONCLICK height = 1.8636 left = 42.5714 top = 9.6364 width = 15.2857 text = "Increment Fred's STR" endwith this.PUSHBUTTON3 = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.PUSHBUTTON3) onClick = class::PUSHBUTTON3_ONCLICK height = 1.8636 left = 15.0 top = 12.7727 width = 15.2857 text = "Increment Bob's DEF" endwith this.PUSHBUTTON4 = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.PUSHBUTTON4) onClick = class::PUSHBUTTON4_ONCLICK height = 1.8636 left = 42.5714 top = 12.7727 width = 15.2857 text = "Increment Fred's DEF" endwith this.SPINBOX1 = new SPINBOX(this) with (this.SPINBOX1) onChange = class::SPINBOX1_ONCHANGE dataLink = form.mb11.rowset.fields["str"] height = 1.0 left = 17.0 top = 19.0 width = 8.0 rangeMax = 100 rangeMin = 1 endwith this.TEXTLABEL1 = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.TEXTLABEL1) height = 1.0 left = 4.5714 top = 19.0 width = 12.0 text = " STR" endwith this.SPINBOX2 = new SPINBOX(this) with (this.SPINBOX2) onChange = class::SPINBOX2_ONCHANGE dataLink = form.mb11.rowset.fields["def"] height = 1.0 left = 53.4286 top = 19.0 width = 8.0 rangeMax = 100 rangeMin = 1 endwith this.TEXTLABEL2 = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.TEXTLABEL2) height = 1.0 left = 39.8571 top = 19.0 width = 12.0 text = "DEF" endwith this.TEXTLABEL3 = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.TEXTLABEL3) height = 1.0 left = 9.2857 top = 15.6364 width = 51.1429 text = "Select the correct record in the grid before changing a value." endwith this.ENTRYFIELD1 = new ENTRYFIELD(this) with (this.ENTRYFIELD1) when = {||false} dataLink = form.mb11.rowset.fields["name"] height = 1.0 left = 30.4286 top = 17.1818 width = 8.0 endwith this.TEXTLABEL4 = new TEXTLABEL(this) with (this.TEXTLABEL4) height = 1.0 left = 18.4286 top = 17.2727 width = 12.0 text = "Name" endwith this.rowset = this.mb11.rowset function PUSHBUTTON1_onClick() form.mb11.rowset.applyLocate("name ='Bob'") //Go to the correct record form.mb11.rowset.fields['str'].value ++ //Increment the value form.mb11.rowset.save() //Save the new value return function PUSHBUTTON2_onClick() form.mb11.rowset.applyLocate("name ='Fred'") form.mb11.rowset.fields['str'].value ++ form.mb11.rowset.save() return function PUSHBUTTON3_onClick() form.mb11.rowset.applyLocate("name ='Bob'") form.mb11.rowset.fields['def'].value ++ form.mb11.rowset.save() return function PUSHBUTTON4_onClick() form.mb11.rowset.applyLocate("name ='Fred'") form.mb11.rowset.fields['def'].value ++ form.mb11.rowset.save() return function SPINBOX1_onChange() form.mb11.rowset.save() //save the new value which will the upate the grid return function SPINBOX2_onChange() form.mb11.rowset.save() //save the new value which will the upate the grid return endclass