Subject Re: duplicate photos
From Charlie <>
Date Sat, 15 Mar 2025 09:40:25 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Hi Heinz...  Yea after I posted this I did ask ai and the bot suggested using python with sql and comparing size, date, partial names and others.  If I wasn't retired I'd say no.  But actually think I'm going to try some python.   Reminds me of a golf buddy who is hippyish a couple of years ago.  I made the comment 'I'm going to do some php when I get home.'  He replied 'far out.  Can I come and try some?'  :)

Heinz Kesting Wrote:

> Hi Charlie,
> > Does anyone have code to detect and delete duplicate photos in a folder?
> How do you decide if it's a duplicate photo? You can't go by the
> filename, because duplicate filenames in a folder are very hard to find 😊.
> Comparing filesize and / or filedates would be possible, but very prone
> to error.
> To me this sounds like a good question for AI?
> My two cents, Heinz
> --
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