Subject Re: dbase won't stay running
From Ken Mayer <>
Date Wed, 5 Mar 2025 19:02:35 -0800
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

On 3/5/2025 4:27 PM, Donald Wellsand wrote:
> dBase 2019 and windows 10
> Donald

This is a fairly standard set of instructions to follow:

The instructions below assume the issue is with dBASE itself. However,
similar issues will occur for a deployed executable (myapp.exe …).

1) Try rebooting the computer after the install. This clears out
anything that was in memory, which may be causing an issue.

2) Turn off your Antivirus software, and see if dBASE will start. While
most A/V software will warn you that a program was blocked, sometimes it
doesn't. If that solves the issue, you may want to communicate with the
A/V software company, and request that "PLUS.exe" from dBase, LLC be
placed on the trusted list for their software.

3) Turn off the Firewall software, similar to step 2.
The following all assume that dBASE is not running when you do them:

4) Using Windows File Explorer, navigate to:


If you cannot see anything under “AppData” etc. you may need to go to
the username folder, and then in the toolbar at the top of the File
Explorer, click “View”, on the right is a checkbox for “Hidden items” –
check it. You should now see “AppData” and can navigate from there.
Note: Microsoft has buried this option in Windows 11 just a bit more:
Click “View”, then go down to “Show” at the bottom, and on the right
find “Hidden Items”, and click it if it is not checked.

In the folder above find the file “PLUS.INI” and rename it to something
like “old_PLUS.ini”.

Try restarting dBASE.

5) Perform a complete uninstall of dBASE, and reinstall. This is not as
simple as running the uninstall program that comes with dBASE, however
that is the first step. Once you run the Uninstall option, then do the

Using Windows File Explorer (see 4 above if you can't see "AppData" or
other "hidden" folders)

    Delete the dBASE2019 folder.
    Delete the dBASE2019 folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\dBASE
    Delete the dBASE2019 folder.
    Delete the dBASE2019 folder.
    Delete the dBASE2019 folder.

As you can see, most software gets installed in a lot of different
places. This is common for Windows apps these days.
Reinstall dBASE, and restart the computer after.

If none of these work, please let us know.


*Ken Mayer*
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