Subject Re: dbase won't stay running
From Donald Wellsand <>
Date Wed, 05 Mar 2025 14:52:54 -0500
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Heinz Kesting Wrote:

> Hi Donald,
> > dbase will start but after 3 or 4 seconds it shuts down.
> > I deleted the ini file to allow it to create a new one.
> > Still won't stay running.
> > It used to work ok.
> >
> The last week I spent changing from a WIN10 to a WIN11 machine. It was a
> bit more hassle than I had expected, and I experienced - mostly in
> connection to issues with my firebird installation - some dBase crashes.
> At least twice in this process I was facing the same situation you
> describe here, and by coincidence I found that in my case the trouble
> was with a file named INMEM000.REM which resides in the same directory
> as the PLUS.INI file.
> This file INMEM000.REM seems to be created when dBase starts and is
> normally deleted when it shuts down. In my case, it appeared that the
> file wasn't erased after closing. After manually deleting this file and
> the INI file as well dBase started normally, of course with default
> values, but it was up and running.
> Of course I held a copy of the INI file, simply by renaming it, so it
> was easy to restore my settings.
> Please check the folder where PLUS.INI is located, usually something like:
> C:\Users\Your_User_Name\AppData\Local\dBASE\PLUS\BIN\PLUS.INI
> Try like I did, rename your INI file, and delete the INMEM000.REM if
> there is one.
> Hope this helps.
> Kind regards, Heinz
> --
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Thank you for your response.

I removed INMEM000.REM and saved my ini file.
The program still closes after 3 or 4 seconds.

I tried this 4 times with the same results.
