Subject Re: dbase won't stay running
From Heinz Kesting <>
Date Tue, 4 Mar 2025 22:41:49 +0100
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Hi Donald,
> dbase will start but after 3 or 4 seconds it shuts down.
> I deleted the ini file to allow it to create a new one.
> Still won't stay running.
> It used to work ok.

The last week I spent changing from a WIN10 to a WIN11 machine. It was a
bit more hassle than I had expected, and I experienced - mostly in
connection to issues with my firebird installation - some dBase crashes.

At least twice in this process I was facing the same situation you
describe here, and by coincidence I found that in my case the trouble
was with a file named INMEM000.REM which resides in the same directory
as the PLUS.INI file.

This file INMEM000.REM seems to be created when dBase starts and is
normally deleted when it shuts down. In my case, it appeared that the
file wasn't erased after closing. After manually deleting this file and
the INI file as well dBase started normally, of course with default
values, but it was up and running.

Of course I held a copy of the INI file, simply by renaming it, so it
was easy to restore my settings.

Please check the folder where PLUS.INI is located, usually something like:


Try like I did, rename your INI file, and delete the INMEM000.REM if
there is one.

Hope this helps.
Kind regards, Heinz

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