Subject Re: Memory Management & Conflicts
From Akshat Kapoor <>
Date Fri, 28 Feb 2025 12:31:01 +0530
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started
Attachment(s) Reset.bat

Good Afternoon Louis,

> I'm having a problem with running either dBase 2019 or an app I've created with dBase 2019 and a report viewer (SAP Crystal for example).  If dBase (or my app) is running the other program will not run or not run correctly.  Close dBase or my app and the program runs without issue.
> (You may be asking why not use reports in dBase?  I'm getting there but have a lot invested in Crystal Reports and there is a lot of conversion needed to get there)
> Is there a way to manage how much memory dBase uses?

I can have multiple instances of dbase apps running on my computer. But
there are times (isolated cases) where additional instances of the app
will not run.

A system restart usually solves the issue.

Hibernation and powerup is not system restart.

Additionally posting a batch file. Try running it, it may solve the issue.
(Batch file may require admin rights)

Give it a try

taskkill /F /IM "plus.exe" >closed.txt
taskkill /F /IM "plusrun.exe" >>closed.txt
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq plus*" >tasks.txt
find /I "Plusrun.exe" tasks.txt >NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0"  (goto:task_run)
find /I "Plus.exe" tasks.txt >NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0"  (goto:task_run)
echo The following tasks were not closed successfully >tasks2.txt
type tasks.txt >>tasks2.txt
echo >>tasks2.txt
echo The following tasks were closed successfully >>tasks2.txt
type closed.txt >>tasks2.txt
start "" notepad tasks2.txt
echo The above processes were closed successfully >>closed.txt
start "" notepad closed.txt