Subject Re: Printing in dBase 2019 & DBF Files
From Daniel Georgi <>
Date Mon, 24 Feb 2025 09:45:47 +0100
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Am 21.02.2025 um 14:39 schrieb Louis James:
> A Humble Good Morning to All:
> I will admit to being befuddled.  I am having a hard time wrapping my head around printing and reports in dBase 2019 and DBF files.  The one tutorial I find seems to focus more on ADO or SQL and the sort than using DBF files.
> I realize that SQL and/or ADO (like MariaDB (SQL) is the way to go.  But candidly, the application I developed was from long ago and heavily relies on DBF files.  And with that Crystal Reports.  I've been able to come up with a solution but I still believe I should master reports/printing via dBase.
> That said, I'm wondering if there are some tutorials/information I can use to study printing/reports in dBase that focus more on DBF's.
> Again, "old dog", "new tricks" and more importantly the amount of work to convert causes me to try my hardest to focus on dbf's instead of others.
> Any thoughts/guidance/prodding would be appreciated.  Thanks.
> Louis James


I would also recommend that you take a look at the Report Manager. I use
the tool exclusively instead of the built-in dBase reports, because the
program can also be delivered with your software and thus users can
customize the reports, in contrast to the compiled dBase reports.

There is an ActiveX component that can be called and used with
oleautoclient(). The component offers direct saving as PDF (even A/3-B),
preview and a variety of other functions.

The Report Manager is comparable to Crystal Reports or List and Labels,
but 100% free and even open source. It works perfectly with dBase!

Some training is required. If anyone is really interested, I would be
happy to help (installation of ActiveX component, creating first report...).
