Subject Re: HTML tags
From Lee Grant <>
Date Sat, 22 Feb 2025 04:43:18 -0500
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started


My bad. I was flipping messages to read them and hit the wrong one for
reply. :(

On the other hand, github is at least another alternative, especially
for storage of resources, is what I was looking at. I'm not an avid or
experienced user of it, but a lot of software development is going on
there and we do now have the dBASE UDL listed in one of those projects,
so..yeah, spread the word we're here and still vibrant. It can't hurt.



On 2/21/2025 5:16 AM, Heinz Kesting wrote:
> Hi Lee,
>> Heinz,
> It's actually Jens Kallup - not me - who is doing that github business.
>> Interesting, how long have you had this github dBASE-Community site? I
>> see it's mostly German, but still, this is a good idea for another
>> aspect to connect us.  Will have to ponder this.
> Well, it seemes to pretty new, just a week or so. However, I haven't
> found it too useful, since I don't see a real need for it. We have the
> official groups and Ronnie's dBaseTalk, why introducing a third
> platform? Just more confusing, what is where to be found ...
> The one good thing I could see that it would promote dBase as a software
> and a pogramming package on the web just a little bit more this way?
> Just my two cents ...
> Kind regards, Heinz