Subject Re: Printing in dBase 2019 & DBF Files
From Heinz Kesting <>
Date Fri, 21 Feb 2025 16:34:00 +0100
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Hi Louis,

> I will admit to being befuddled.  I am having a hard time wrapping my head around printing and reports in dBase 2019 and DBF files.  The one tutorial I find seems to focus more on ADO or SQL and the sort than using DBF files.
> I realize that SQL and/or ADO (like MariaDB (SQL) is the way to go.  But candidly, the application I developed was from long ago and heavily relies on DBF files.  And with that Crystal Reports.  I've been able to come up with a solution but I still believe I should master reports/printing via dBase.
> That said, I'm wondering if there are some tutorials/information I can use to study printing/reports in dBase that focus more on DBF's.
> Again, "old dog", "new tricks" and more importantly the amount of work to convert causes me to try my hardest to focus on dbf's instead of others.
> Any thoughts/guidance/prodding would be appreciated.  Thanks.

In addition to Mervin's reply, here's link to the dBulletin Nr. 18 with
an article on reporting:

That could be of interest to you, as well.

From my point of view, the issue with reporting is not so much focused
on DBFs or SQL databases. In a report you use rowsets to access the
underlying data, and wether these rowsets are fed from a dbf or sql
server is another story.

Once you have a working report, you can easily switch from dbfs to sql
or whatever ...

Good luck and kind regards, Heinz