Subject Re: Where is Look In & Also Look In Store for Navigator
From Ken Mayer <>
Date Wed, 12 Feb 2025 20:38:11 -0800
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

On 2/12/2025 4:39 PM, Louis James wrote:
> Ken Mayer Wrote:
>> Are you making changes with dBASE open? If so, that's your problem. If
>> dBASE is open, when you close it, the values that are in memory get
>> rewritten to the .ini file. Instead, use something like Notepad to work
>> on the PLUS.INI file. However, be sure to use the version of the file
>> that is actually used by dBASE. Before you close it, in the Command
>> Window, type:
>> ? _app.iniFile
>> In the output pane you should get a fairly lengthy path, and it may not
>> be the one you're editing ...
>> Ken
> OOOOHHH!!!  Now that makes sense and I learned something else.
> *.-  The [Directories] is the Pull down list in the "Look in" for Navigator
> *.-  The [CommandSettings] with the PATH= Statement is the "Also Look In..." for Navigator
> Now it makes sense.  Thank you so much.  And of course, keeping it closed to make the changes helped.  Thank you again.

Glad I could point you in the right direction.


*Ken Mayer*
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