Subject Re: Where is Look In & Also Look In Store for Navigator
From Ken Mayer <>
Date Wed, 12 Feb 2025 16:20:54 -0800
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

On 2/12/2025 1:32 PM, Louis James wrote:
> In Navigator (dBASE 2019 13.20  b2618 (11/26/2019-EN191126)), there is the:
> Look in:
> Also look in:
> Where are these values stored?  Is it in the PLUS.INI in the section:
> [Directories]
> 0=C:\CivSysPlus
> 1=C:\CivSysPlus\Deploy
> Current=1
> ?
> It changes in the INI but not so in the Navigator.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Are you making changes with dBASE open? If so, that's your problem. If
dBASE is open, when you close it, the values that are in memory get
rewritten to the .ini file. Instead, use something like Notepad to work
on the PLUS.INI file. However, be sure to use the version of the file
that is actually used by dBASE. Before you close it, in the Command
Window, type:

? _app.iniFile

In the output pane you should get a fairly lengthy path, and it may not
be the one you're editing ...


*Ken Mayer*
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