Subject Re: Navigator Not functioning
From Ken Mayer <>
Date Thu, 30 Jan 2025 05:11:28 -0800
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

On 1/30/2025 12:56 AM, Rod Hamilton wrote:
> I have been using dbase plus 2.8 for many years. Suddenly When I choose to View Navigator the system gives an error message "An invalid argument was encountered" and shows an empty window and no menu. I can get around this except I cannot open my existing project files. Is there a command verb I can use in the command window to open and edit my PRJ files?

One possible solution is that something got written weirdly into the
PLUS.ini file.

Try, in the Command Window, the following (I don't recall how far back
this property was created):

? _app.iniFile

If this returns a path, note the path.

Using Windows File Explorer, navigate to that path, which may look like:

(xx may be something like 28, look at that path above)

If you cannot see anything under “AppData” etc. you may need to go to
the username folder, and then in the toolbar at the top of the File
Explorer, click “View”, on the right is a checkbox for “Hidden items” –
check it. You should now see “AppData” and can navigate from there.
Note: Microsoft has buried this option in Windows 11 just a bit more:
Click “View”, then go down to “Show” at the bottom, and on the right
find “Hidden Items”, and click it if it is not checked.

Important: close dBASE at this point. Otherwise, dBASE will rewrite the
PLUS.ini file.

In the folder above find the file “PLUS.INI” and rename it to something
like “old_PLUS.ini”.

Try restarting dBASE.


*Ken Mayer*
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