Subject Re: MDX tags and sql builder
From Carlos Pereira [APKomp] <>
Date Wed, 4 Dec 2024 13:56:49 +0000
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Às 08:00 de 2024-12-03, Rouke Bakker escreveu:
> We can create two indexes (or tags) using:
> index on surname tag surname
> and
> index on surname tage surname1 unique
> but how do I specify that the SQL builder uses surname1 instead of surname?
> In other words, does the SQL builder use the MDX tags or new indexes specified in the SQL builder? If the SQL builder creates its own new indexes, how would I specify something like 'index on surname tag surname unique'?
> Regards,
> Rouke


instead of surname1 use ex. unsurname

surname1 - > unsurname or  ... (that is not contained)