Subject Re: Help f1 problem
From Mervyn Bick <invalid@invalid.invalid>
Date Tue, 10 Sep 2024 12:22:41 +0200
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

On 2024/09/10 10:59, Lee Grant wrote:
> On 9/5/2024 4:14 PM, Charlie wrote:
>> Having 2 problems with help using inno setup on another computer.
>>   function MENU70_onClick()
>>        set procedure to miscapi.prg additive
>>        runhidden("c:\progranfiles\chacha\help\chacha.chm")
>>        return
> Charlie,
> Not sure if this is a typo or you copied and pasted this section, but to
> start, you're trying to run progranfiles  not programfiles
>                                    ^
> If you copy and pasted, that might be the problem?

If INNO installed your .chm file it is probably in C:\Program files
(x86)\chacha\help\   Pleas confirm this and than edit the code below as

RunHidden() is the wrong function to use to display your .chm file.

opepURL() is the function to use.

  function MENU70_onClick()
    if type('openURL') = 'U'
       //Only set the procedure if it hasn't already been set
       set procedure to miscapi.prg additive

To allow F1 to display this .chm file instead of the dBASE help fle when
your application has focus you need to set the shortcut property of the
menu item in your .mnu file to F1
