Subject Re: Help f1 problem
From Charlie <>
Date Fri, 06 Sep 2024 15:56:52 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Never mind.  I figured this out.

Charlie Wrote:

> Having 2 problems with help using inno setup on another computer.
>  function MENU70_onClick()
>       set procedure to miscapi.prg additive
>       runhidden("c:\progranfiles\chacha\help\chacha.chm")
>       return
> With this code everything works fine within dbase.  with inno setup i get this error:
> Access denied...  programfiles\ ncc\junk.bat....  The junk.bat is in programfiles which you can't write to.  not sure how to fix this.  The error happens on line 1212 of miscapi.prg.
> The second problem is F1 is supposed to go to my help file chacha.chm.  Instead it goes to windows help.
> Thanks for any help.