Subject Re: applyLocate and apostrophe applylocate limit ?
From Akshat Kapoor <>
Date Mon, 19 Aug 2024 16:14:14 +0530
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Good Afternoon Dirk,

> i already sampled out with square quaotes, but mis placed the quotes,
> afterwards i used the apostroph function, you gave me once, to use in
> calling a form, which succeded,
> now i tested  with numbers aswell, all ok

>> Using the applyLocate() example in the help file i.e
>> form.rowset.applyLocate( "CITY = '" + form.cityText.value + "'" )
>> If the value in form.cityText.value was O'Grady the code would
>> evaluate to
>> form.rowset.applyLocate( "CITY = 'O'Grady'" ) which would cause an
>> error.  dBASE sees "CITY = 'O'" and doesn't know what to do with Grady'

Are you using dbf tables or some RDBMS.
for some reason

form.rowset.applyLocate( "CITY = 'O\'Grady'" )

failed to work on my system.
Plus 12.3 MariaDB on Windows 10
