Subject Re: inno indexing problem?
From Ken Mayer <>
Date Sun, 4 Aug 2024 15:07:34 -0700
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started
Attachment(s) tutorial.issoanda.iss

On 8/4/2024 12:37 PM, Charlie wrote:
> Hi Ken..  Yes that is exactly what I am doing.  Program files are in (86) and database is in programdata now.   I did find that even so the database folder was read only.  I think I fixed that and they are not read only.  (I added ; Permissions: users-modify)  and now the tables don't look like they are read only at least in dbase.   But they are acting like they are using the setup program.  So I am still having problems.  Still working on it though.  Hopefully there will be an end to this insanity!!

Ultimately I tend to move the database to another location completely.

The tutorial uses the appData folder as defined by Inno Setup (which is
the ProgramData folder), but for my own apps I tend to use a different
path. Attached are the tutorial.iss script, and one for one of my
applications that stores the tables in a completely different location ...


This resolves a lot of issues (I keep a copy of the empty tables in the
ProgramData folder, if you look at the [Dirs] section, because at the
time it made sense, I could of course just recreate the table
structures, but some of them aren't really empty and have "non-changing"
data that is required ...).

Anyway, if you look at these you may get some ideas for deploying the
application. I suggest the tutorial, but if you want to look at the
other (OandA.iss) please feel free. It uses a lot of constants
throughout which do make it easier as well.


*Ken Mayer*
Ken's dBASE Page:
The dUFLP:
dBASE Books:
dBASE Tutorial:
dBASE Web Tutorial:
dBASE DOS to Windows Tutorial:

; This is an Inno Setup Script for the dBASE
; Application Tutorial.
; This is the dBASE 2019 version, April, 2024,
; by Ken Mayer.
; Constants:
#DEFINE MyAppName    "dBASE Tutorial Application"
#DEFINE MyAppVersion "4.01"

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Name of program to run

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Output directory -- where the install program
; gets created (this will be "under" the source, i.e,
; C:\dBASE Tutorial\Installer):

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Source folder for files (where is your application?):

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Application folder, C:\Program Files (x86)\dBASE Tutorial
DefaultDirName={pf}\dBASE Tutorial
; Don't allow user to select paths ...
; -----------------------------------------------------
; Name of group that is created
DefaultGroupName=dBASE Tutorial
; -----------------------------------------------------
; Items involved in install program display:
AppCopyright=Copyright ©2024 - Ken Mayer
; Application Name -- as it will appear in Setup program (upper left corner)
; Version -- required
AppVerName={#MyAppName}, vers. {#MyAppVersion}
; -----------------------------------------------------
; Uninstallable ...?

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Ask about reboot of Windows when done ... -- default is "yes"

; This is where the data is supposed to be placed, this is editable:
;    C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\dBASE Tutorial\tables
Name: "{localappdata}\dBASE Tutorial\tables"; Permissions: everyone-modify;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; images folders -- using DEO, we can store the images used here:
; C:\Program Files (x86)\dBASE Tutorial\images
Name: "{app}\images"; Permissions: everyone-modify;
Name: "{app}\Mug_Images"; Permissions: everyone-modify;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; custom folder -- using DEO, we can store the images used here:
; C:\Program Files (x86)\dBASE Tutorial\custom
Name: "{app}\custom"; Permissions: everyone-modify;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Where the dBASE Plus Runtime Engine will go: "C:\Program Files (x86)" if on
; 64-bit versions of Windows, or on 32-bit versions, "C:\Program Files"):
Name: "{pf}\dBASE\Plus\Runtime"; Permissions: everyone-readexec; Flags: uninsneveruninstall;
; -----------------------------------------------------
; Where the BDE will go:
Name: "{cf}\Borland\BDE"; Permissions: everyone-full; Flags: uninsneveruninstall;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; The application itself, to the application folder:
Source: "deploy\tutorial.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Don't forget your .INI file -- this should go in the {app} folder,
; note that it will be copied when the exe is first run, see above:
Source: "deploy\tutorial.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; object files in main folder
; data modules:
Source: "deploy\*.dmo"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;
; forms:
Source: "deploy\*.wfo"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;
; reports:
Source: "deploy\*.reo"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;
; labels:
Source: "deploy\*.lao"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;
; sql:
Source: "deploy\*.sql"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;
; custom class:
Source: "deploy\*.co"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;
; program:
Source: "deploy\*.pro"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;
; menu:
Source: "deploy\*.mno"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; custom folder -- custom classes, data modules, etc.
Source: "deploy\custom\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\custom"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; images folders -- images used for the toolbars:
Source: "deploy\images\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\images"; Flags: ignoreversion;
; Added April, 2024:
Source: "deploy\Mug_Images\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\Mug_Images"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; tables folder
Source: "tables\*.*"; DestDir: "{localappdata}\dBASE Tutorial\tables"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; dBASE Runtime Installer
Source: "C:\Program Files (x86)\dBASE\dBASE2019\Runtime\dBASE_2019_RuntimeAndBDE_b2618_ALL.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: ignoreversion deleteafterinstall

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Manifest file for runtime:
Source: "C:\Program Files (x86)\dBASE\dBASE2019\Runtime\plusrun.exe.manifest"; DestDir: "{pf}\dBASE\Plus\Runtime"

; Manifest file for our application:
Source: "deploy\tutorial.exe.manifest"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Update the .ini file for the User BDE Alias:
Filename: {app}\tutorial.ini; Section: "UserBDEAliases";
Filename: {app}\tutorial.ini; Section: "UserBDEAliases"; Key: "0"; String: "dBASETutorial";
Filename: {app}\tutorial.ini; Section: "dBASETutorial";
Filename: {app}\tutorial.ini; Section: "dBASETutorial"; Key: "Driver"; String: "DBASE";
Filename: {app}\tutorial.ini; Section: "dBASETutorial"; Key: "Options"; String: "PATH: ""{localappdata}\dBASE Tutorial\tables""";

; DEO Paths:
Filename: {app}\tutorial.ini; Section: "ObjectPath";
Filename: {app}\tutorial.ini; Section: "ObjectPath"; Key: "objPath0"; String: "{app}";
Filename: {app}\tutorial.ini; Section: "ObjectPath"; Key: "objPath1"; String: "{app}\images";
Filename: {app}\tutorial.ini; Section: "ObjectPath"; Key: "objPath2"; String: "{app}\custom";
Filename: {app}\tutorial.ini; Section: "ObjectPath"; Key: "objPath3"; String: "{app}\Mug_Images";

; Application Theme:
Filename: {app}\tutorial.ini; Section: "AppTheme";
Filename: {app}\tutorial.ini; Section: "AppTheme"; Key: "Type"; String: "6";

; dBASE 2019 -- parameter of /S seems to be the "silent" install
Filename: {tmp}\dBASE_2019_RuntimeAndBDE_b2618_ALL; Parameters: "/S"; Flags: runascurrentuser waituntilterminated runhidden; Description: "dBASE Runtime and BDE"; StatusMsg: "Installing dBASE Runtime and BDE..."; WorkingDir: {tmp};

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Application icon
Name: "{group}\dBASE Tutorial"; Filename: "{app}\tutorial.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"
; Desktop icons:
Name: "{userdesktop}\dBASE Tutorial"; Filename: "{app}\tutorial.exe"; IconFilename: "{app}\tutorial.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Comment: "dBASE Tutorial Application";

; -----------------------------------------------------
; End of tutorial.iss Inno Setup script
; -----------------------------------------------------

; This is an Inno Setup Script for the OANDA
; Application
; This is the dBASE Plus 2019 version.
; There is a special CODE section at the end which updates
; the Windows Registry specifically for the purpose of
; the BDE. The reason? The RUN section is executed after
; the REGISTRY section, and therefore overwrites whatever
; is put there. The code at the end runs at the "PostInstall"
; step of this script, and updates the Windows Registry
; keys as defined ...
; Update in December, 2023 to use custom constants ...

; Custom Constants:
#DEFINE AppName         "Ordinary and Armorial"
#DEFINE AppVersion      "16.02"
; Name of Installer Program (include version #):
#DEFINE InstallProgram  "OandA16_02"
#DEFINE AppYear         "2024"
; for Windows app menu and icon placed on desktop:
#DEFINE WindowsIconName "OandA"
; misc:
#DEFINE AppWebAddress   ""
#DEFINE BusinessName    "Golden Stag Productions"
; folder level 1:
#DEFINE PathBusiness    "GSP"
; folder level 2:
#DEFINE PathAppName     "OandA"

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Name of program to run

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Output directory -- where the install program
; gets created (this will be "under" the source, i.e,
; C:\Vesper\InstallImage):

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Source folder for files (where is your application?):

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Application folder, C:\Program Files (x86)\GSP\OandA
; From the dBASE OLH:
; Install executable code under the Program Files folder tree and NOT attempt
; to modify or create any new files under this folder tree while running the program.  
; (Standard users generally have only read and execute permissions to files under
; this folder tree.  In order to modify or create files under this folder tree, a program
; would need either administrator permissions or custom permissions.  However, standard
; users would not be able to run such a program).
; Don't allow user to select paths ...

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Name of group that is created
; Don't allow user to change group name (default is no):

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Items involved in install program display, or in the
; install program's properties (right-click it ...):
AppCopyright=Copyright ©{#AppYear} - {#BusinessName}
; Application Name -- as it will appear in Setup program (upper left corner)
; Version -- required
AppVerName={#AppName}, ver. {#AppVersion}

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Version Information -- Version:
; If you need something different from the above ...
;    uses AppPublisher if nothing is set:
;    uses AppCopyright if nothing is set:
VersionInfoCopyright=Copyright ©{#AppYear} - {#BusinessName}
;    uses AppName if nothing is set:
;    uses AppName if nothing is set:
VersionInfoDescription="SCA Ordinary and Armorial program, converts UNIX text file to relational database, and has an interface to search and return results in a variety of ways."
;    uses VersionInfoVersion if not set:
;    uses VersionInfoVersion or AppVersion if not set:

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Setup wizard

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Uninstallable ...?

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Ask about reboot of Windows when done ... -- default is "yes"

; -- Text Files --
; License file - the license here was copied from
; - it is a generic
; General Public License ...
LicenseFile=GNU License\license.txt

; -----------------------------------------------------
; ProgramData, C:\ProgramData\GSP\OandA
; From the dBASE OLH:
; Place shared configuration and non-updateable data files under the ProgramData folder
; tree - but NOT attempt to modify or create any new files under this folder tree while
; running the program.
; (By default, standard users have readonly access to this folder tree).
;    However, this should allow the temporary files used by the BDE
;    to be created in the same folder the executable is run from.
;    It's a conundrum, because you shouldn't be modifying files in this
;    folder from your app, but the BDE does what it wants to do ...
Name: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}"; Permissions: everyone-modify;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Configuration files? I am not sure my app needs to do this.
; From the dBASE OLH:
; Place master copies of files needed by each user under the ProgramData folder tree
; (to be copied to each user's private folder tree).

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Data is being placed in two locations.
; The "EmptyTables" folder is a special location that is read-only, under:
;    C:\ProgramData\GSP\OandA
Name: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\EmptyTables"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
; This is where the data is supposed to be placed, this is editable:
;    C:\Users\username\AppData\Local ...
Name: "{localappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Data"; Permissions: everyone-modify;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Private data files (I don't believe my application needs these):
; From the dBASE OLH:
; Setup a private folder tree under the Users folder tree for each user when a user first
; runs the program so that each user can modify their private files however they wish
; without interferring with other users.
;  Private files would include:
;     * ini file or other configuration files with user specific settings
;       ** By definition of the UAC Compliant app, a copy of the .INI file
;          is copied (or created) here, under a folder with the same name
;          as the application's folder structure.
;     * private copies of files each user may need which they can modify without affecting other users
;     * any user specific data files that an application may be designed to create or modify
;     * any temporary files created while running the application
; The OLH says:
; The first time a user runs the application, the dBASE runtime will create a private
; user folder for the user's application data and, if not disabled, and if one does not
; already exist, it will create (or copy in) a private user copy of the
; application's .ini file.
; For this app, see the INI section below ...

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Doc files ... this will create the appropriate place -- (C:\ProgramData\Oanda\GSP\Docs)
; as these are read-only, this should be good enough ...:
Name: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Docs"; Permissions: everyone-modify;
; -----------------------------------------------------
; Icons folder -- using DEO, we can store the icons here:
Name: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Icons"; Permissions: everyone-modify;
; -----------------------------------------------------
; Images folder -- using DEO, we can store images here:
Name: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Images"; Permissions: everyone-modify;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Where the dBASE Plus Runtime Engine will go: "C:\Program Files (x86)" if on
; 64-bit versions of Windows, or on 32-bit versions, "C:\Program Files"):
Name: "{pf}\dBASE\Plus\Runtime"; Permissions: everyone-readexec; Flags: uninsneveruninstall;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Where the BDE will go:
Name: "{cf}\Borland\BDE"; Permissions: everyone-full; Flags: uninsneveruninstall;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; The application itself, to the application folder:
Source: "OANDA.EXE"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Don't forget your .INI file -- this should go in the {app} folder:
Source: "Full Set of Empty Tables\OANDA.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Help files (HTML and screen shots)
Source: "Docs\*.*"; DestDir: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Docs"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Image files (Stag Head, splash ...)
Source: "Images\*.*"; DestDir: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Images"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Icon files (.ico, .png (for pushbuttons)  ...)
Source: "Icons\*.*"; DestDir: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Icons"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Misc. files:
; (Nothing here -- removed "gradient")
; Golden Stag Resource File (button images) -- replaced with folder of images
;Source: "GSPRES32.DLL"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Readme file, note the flags parameter
Source: "README.TXT"; DestDir: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Docs"; Flags: isreadme ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Tables, indexes and .dbts to the application\tables folder:
; There should be two sets of the tables according to the standard
; UAC information, one of them (the editable copy) in the
; path under the users' name:
;   C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\GSP\OandA\Data
Source: "Full Set of Empty Tables\*.*"; DestDir: "{localappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Data"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; Tables, indexes and .dbts to the application\EmptyTables folder:
; This is so we can restore the tables, a couple of them have actual data that
; might be an issue if we have a data corruption problem, these are important ...
; Having a complete set of these won't make the installer much bigger, and
; will provide a safety net in case of problems somewhere down the road.
; This will place them in the ProgramData folder structure, which is
; by definition read/execute, but not editable:
;   C:\ProgramData\GSP\OandA\EmptyTables
Source: "Full Set of Empty Tables\*.*"; DestDir: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\EmptyTables"; Flags: ignoreversion;

; -----------------------------------------------------
; dBASE Runtime Installer
Source: "C:\Program Files (x86)\dBASE\dBASE2019\Runtime\dBASE_2019_RuntimeAndBDE_b2618_ALL.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: ignoreversion deleteafterinstall

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Manifest file for runtime:
Source: "C:\Program Files (x86)\dBASE\dBASE2019\Runtime\plusrun.exe.manifest"; DestDir: "{pf}\dBASE\Plus\Runtime"
; Manifest file for BDE:
Source: "C:\Program Files (x86)\dBASE\dBASE2019\Runtime\bdeadmin.exe.manifest"; DestDir: "{cf}\Borland\BDE"
; Manifest file for OandA:
Source: "Manifest\OandA.exe.manifest"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Update the .ini file for the User BDE Alias:
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "UserBDEAliases";
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "UserBDEAliases"; Key: "0"; String: "OandA";
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "OandA";
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "OandA"; Key: "Driver"; String: "DBASE";
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "OandA"; Key: "Options"; String: "PATH: ""{localappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Data""";
; Empty Tables database (used to copy to live data if tables corrupted):
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "UserBDEAliases"; Key: "1"; String: "OandAET";
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "OandAET";
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "OandAET"; Key: "Driver"; String: "DBASE";
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "OandAET"; Key: "Options"; String: "PATH: ""{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\EmptyTables""";
; Location of DOCS files:
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "Docs";
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "Docs"; Key: "Path"; String: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Docs";

; DEO Paths for images and icons:
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "ObjectPath";
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "ObjectPath"; Key: "objPath0"; String: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Icons";
Filename: {app}\OandA.ini; Section: "ObjectPath"; Key: "objPath1"; String: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Images";

; According to Marty Kay, this is how the .INI file is handled:
; You can place the default .INI file, either in {app} (the folder containing your application
; .exe) or in an application folder under \ProgramData (ex: C:\ProgramData\YourApp\YourApp.ini)
; (This folder is what should end up in _app.exename)
; When the application .exe is started, the runtime engine will check for the .ini under
; C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\YourApp.
; (_app.currentUserPath)
; If this user folder does not exist, the runtime engine will create it.
; If no .ini is found here, the runtime will look under C:\ProgramData\YourApp.  
; (_app.allUsersPath)   If an .ini is found here, it will be copied to the user's private
; folder tree.
; If no .ini is found under ProgramData, the runtime will look in the folder containing the
; application .exe.  If found, the .ini will be copied into the user's private folder tree.
; If no .ini is found in the above locations, a new one will be created.
; Keep in mind that if, at startup, the user's private folder tree already exists and
; contains an .ini file, that .ini file will be used and no further search will occur.
; For .exe built with INI ROAM settings in BUILD command:
;   Instead of checking for an application .ini file in
;   _app.currentUserPath, the _app.roamingUsersPath will be used instead.

; dBASE 2019 -- parameter of /S is the "silent" install
Filename: {tmp}\dBASE_2019_RuntimeAndBDE_b2618_ALL; Parameters: "/S"; Flags: runascurrentuser waituntilterminated runhidden; Description: "dBASE Runtime and BDE"; StatusMsg: "Installing dBASE Runtime and BDE..."; WorkingDir: {tmp};

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Also from the dBASE OLH:
; Install any user specific registry keys for the application under
; HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software node
; NOTE: According to the Inno Setup website, the [Registry] section runs BEFORE anything in the [Run]
; section, this is not a top-down program. This is why the BDE settings in the registry are in
; a set of code in the [Code] section below, with a check to make sure we are in "PostInstall" (after
; the rest of the install is complete).
; Also (for the application itself):
; If the application creates or modifies any registry settings while running, it must be
; updated to ensure that these settings are located under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER node in
; the registry.
; For this application, where is the main tables folder? Setting this so that we can use it
; in the installer for the data, which gets updated more often than the software (approximately
; every month). By setting it here, when we run the separate installer for the data, we check
; for this path, and know where to install the updated data files. It's a neat little trick ...
; HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GSP\Oanda\DataFolder
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DataFolder"; ValueData: "{localappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Data"

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Note: to handle the Borland Database Engine Registry issues, see CODE section
; below.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Application icon
Name: "{group}\{#WindowsIconName}"; Filename: "{app}\OandA.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"

; Readme:
Name: "{group}\Readme.txt"; Filename: "{commonappdata}\{#PathBusiness}\{#PathAppName}\Docs\readme.txt"; WorkingDir: "{app}";

; Desktop icons:
Name: "{userdesktop}\{#WindowsIconName}"; Filename: "{app}\OandA.exe"; IconFilename: "{app}\OandA.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Comment: "Ordinary and Armorial Program";

; -----------------------------------------------------
; End of main OandA.iss Inno Setup script
; -----------------------------------------------------

; The code section uses a form of Pascal and must be the last part of the Script.
; For this install we are going to deal with with Registry settings for the BDE in a "PostInstall"
; setting ... This is because this has to run *after* the BDE is installed -- which may set
; defaults that are not what we want, or need.


procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
   if CurStep = ssPostInstall then

      // At the suggestion of Jonny Kwekkeboom, check to see if registry keys exist -- if they don't user may have
      // cancelled the BDE/Runtime installation, which means the application won't run. However, if they did
      // that, then in theory they should know it. In 2024 -- Noted that on my Windows 11 machine, I always ended up
      // getting the error, and realized that this was using HKLM, rather than HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the
      // call to RegKeyExists() below. Oddly this wasn't causing an error on my desktop computer.
      if RegKeyExists( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\System\INIT' ) then

         // BDE Registry settings, these are all based on the appendices of The dBASE Book, which are taken from
         // recommendations from a variety of developers.
         // NOTE: in a 64 bit version of Windows, these will appear, if you use the REGEDIT program,
         // under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node because you're installing 32-bit software on
         // a 64-bit computer, and this is how Microsoft chose to handle it -- you do NOT need to
         // do anything for this, and you do not need to change anything:
         // The following are under the System\INIT structure:
         // LOCAL SHARE: TRUE
         RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\System\INIT', 'LOCAL SHARE', 'TRUE');
         // MAXFILEHANDLES: 4096
         RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\System\INIT', 'MAXFILEHANDLES', '4096');
         // MAXBUFSIZE: 16384
         RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\System\INIT', 'MAXBUFSIZE', '16384');
         // MINBUFSIZE: 4096
         RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\System\INIT', 'MINBUFSIZE', '4096');
         // MEMSIZE: 205
         RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\System\INIT', 'MEMSIZE', '205');
         // SHAREDMEMSIZE: 16384
         RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\System\INIT', 'SHAREDMEMSIZE', '16384');
         // LOW MEMORY USAGE LIMIT: 32
         RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\System\INIT', 'LOW MEMORY USAGE LIMIT', '32');
         // LANGDRIVER: DBWINWE0 (or 'WEuropean ANSI')
         RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\System\INIT', 'LANGDRIVER', 'DBWINWE0');

         // The following are under the DRIVERS\DBASE\INIT structure:
         // LANGDRIVER: DBWINWE0 (or 'WEuropean ANSI')
         RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\DRIVERS\DBASE\INIT', 'LANGDRIVER', 'DBWINWE0');

         // The following are under the DRIVERS\DBASE\TABLE CREATE structure:
         // LEVEL: 7
         RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\DRIVERS\DBASE\TABLE CREATE', 'LEVEL', '7');
         // MDX BLOCK SIZE: 1024
         RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\DRIVERS\DBASE\TABLE CREATE', 'MDX BLOCK SIZE', '1024');
         // MEMO FILE BLOCK SIZE: 1024
         RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\DRIVERS\DBASE\TABLE CREATE', 'MEMO FILE BLOCK SIZE', '1024');

      end else
         // there is a problem, Houston ... you will want to use appropriate wording for your application, language, etc.:
         MsgBox( 'Database Engine Not Installed -- This application will not function properly without it. Please re-install and complete the BDE/Runtime installation.', mbError, MB_OK );
         // no 'end' statement necessary after "end else"
   end; // CurStep = ssPostInstall then
end; // end of procedure

// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------ End of CODE section ------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------