Subject Re: setting default value of fields
From Heinz Kesting <>
Date Sat, 6 Jul 2024 17:02:33 +0200
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

>>> I need to set default value of fields for a new created table
>>> programitically, If I use command below, it executes but when I open
>>> the same (mODI STRUC) and see the defaulf fields values still shows
>>> null.
>>> CREATE TABLE XYZ (code char(6) default "", qty numeric(6) default 0)
>>> Can anybody enligthen, if we can set default fields values
>>> programatically.
>>> Best Regards
>>> Mustansir
>> Unfortunately CREATE TABLE is a localSQL command and, unlike "proper"
>> SQL, it doesn't support the DEFAULT option for fields.
>> It should be possible to use functions from the BDE API (which is what
>> the table designer in the IDE does behind the scenes) to create a
>> table and set default values for fields but digging into the BDE API
>> is not for the fainthearted.
>> As an alternative you can use the rowset's onSave() event handler to
>> force values into empty fields.
>>     function rowset_onSave()
>>          if empty(this.fields['code'].value)
>>           this.fields['code'].value := " "
>>        endif
>>         if empty(this.fields['qty'].value)
>>            this.fields['qty'].value := 0
>>         endif
>>        return
> I'd suggest onAppend, actually ... then you can make it even simpler:
> function rowset_onAppend()
>     this.fields['code'].value := ""
>     this.fields['qty'].value := 0
> return

I would take this even one step further and use the canAppend event,
this would have the charm the desired default values would actually
appear when the user begins to append:

function rowset_canAppend()
    this.fields['code'].value := ""
    this.fields['qty'].value := 0
return true

Just my 2 cents ...

Kind regards, Heinz