Subject Re: Project read only on newly created database correction
From Charlie <>
Date Wed, 29 May 2024 09:10:44 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Thanks again!

Ken Mayer Wrote:

> On 5/27/2024 10:45 AM, Charlie wrote:
> > Thanks Ken..  I figured out how to remove the read only and happy to say so far everything is working.
> >
> > Curious how do you figure out the users name?   Is that part of the iss code?C:\Users\username\AppData\...
> You shouldn't have to.
> Source: "Tables\*.*"; DestDir:
> "{localappdata}\BusinessName\AppName\Data"; Flags: ignoreversion;
> The {localappdata} constant gets replaced by the path
> C:\Users\username\AppData
> And then the rest is provided by you in some fashion ...
> > One other thing.  There is [code] at the bottom of the iss script.  If I allow the code to work, that is where the error 'canceled by user' comes in.  So I have disabled it.  I have a feeling that something is happening in that code that doesn't let the script finish and create the program.
> Some of Jonny K's code got rather involved. I don't think current
> versions of the Project Explorer use this code, or if they do they have
> changed some things, but that would require upgrading your version of dBASE.
> Ken
> --
> *Ken Mayer*
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