Subject |
Re: Rowset at the end of Set |
From |
Mustansir A Ghor <> |
Date |
Wed, 21 Feb 2024 04:02:11 -0500 |
Newsgroups |
dbase.getting-started |
Thank you Mervyn Sir and Ken Sir
That was a great help.
Best Regards
Mervyn Bick Wrote:
> On 2024/02/19 15:11, Ken Mayer wrote:
> > With the form attached, it does exactly as described by Mustansir. It's
> > a simple table, the grid uses the editor control datalinked to a memo
> > field (table also attached). Run it, the table is empty, click the
> > button, you get the "Rowset at end of set" error. If you uncomment one
> > of the two commented statements in the pushbutton code, and recompile
> > the form, run it, click the button, no error.
> Your test form gave the error on closing. My test form didn't so I dug
> a bit deeper. (Test data: the only data that will actually work. :-) )
> The problem is there if the editorcontol for the first column in the
> grid is an editor. The problem isn't there if the editorcontrol for the
> first column isn't an editor.
> Mervyn.