Subject Re: Reporting on current orders only
From Akshat Kapoor <>
Date Mon, 12 Feb 2024 19:33:39 +0530
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Good Evening Craig,
> Thanks for the help I have been able to get it to filter using the Where clause. I have also used the Order By clause to order the the report alphabetically.
> For the orders though we don't just want to sort them alphabetically but we want to group the orders that have a due date and those that don't. Then have these each sorted alphabetically. This is so that they are grouped together. I have tries to use the Group sql clause but I can't get that to work.

select * from tableA order by due_date,name

You can add where clause to the above statement.

This will sort according to due date and then by name if the due date is
the same.

Further grouping will have to be done in the report.
