Subject Re: SUM
From Carlos Pereira [APKomp] <>
Date Fri, 26 Jan 2024 18:57:23 +0000
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

SUM [<exp list>]
[FOR <condition 1>]
[WHILE <condition 2>]
[TO <memvar list> | TO ARRAY <array>]

Try ALL or FOR:

SUM ... ALL TO ...

Às 12:11 de 2024-01-11, Jerry Frost escreveu:

> I have a table with a numerical field named ENTRYFEE containing both positive and negative numbers in the format 1.00,2.00,-3.00, etc.
> Every time I SUM this field I get 0.00 ?
> sum entryfee to x
> ? x
> I am still new at this so much appreciation for a possible solution.