Subject Re: DB Engine Error and Bad Field Name
From Andy Taylor <>
Date Tue, 23 Jan 2024 17:22:22 +0000
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Hi Sean,

In my experience dBASE2019 and Windows 10 do play nice. I know others
here use Windows 11 with dBASE2019 and I don't see any complaints.

Now dBASE can crash big style but again 99% of the time it is due to
faulty code rather than anything inherent within dBASE.  Most hiccups
are caught by the default error messages and with experience you can
develop your own error handling techniques including the try...endtry

If dBASE does crash and tables are in use there is a risk that the
indexes get corrupted.  With dBASE the indexes are separate from the
data and can be treated as disposable items.  In my own applications I
have backup routines that only store data from dbf tables and recreate
indexes on the fly when restored.  Similarly, I have stock code that can
remove all tags and simply recreate them on the fly.  I do this because
even with perfect code and users that always shut down applications
properly you still get powercuts.  All tables and their indexes are
defined in code that can be run easily to recreate tables and/or their
indexes. This is all a long way from using the table designer but I
still also use that..

If, after reading Ken's books you would like to do something similar to
me just shout in the newgroups and I'll drop some sample code.

We have all been through what you're going through, so..
Welcome to the club and good luck :-)

> Just and update to this:
> dBase 2019 and Windows 11 do not play nice. Not sure if my expectations are off but it seems the dBase default is to crash when it incurs any sort of hiccup.
> This crashing seems to break MDX files. Doing a REINDEX does not help. Instead you have to DELETE TAG and then you can add the indexes back (I did this through the design view).
> Popping this here for future reference for anyone who may come across the same issues :)