Subject attachment for mv_mail programm
From Dirk C <>
Date Thu, 16 Nov 2023 23:40:33 +0100
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started


looking for a way to get a variable from 1 function to an other

i am working with a function to get a file :: function bijlageB

  got by this function

    function knop_bijlage_onClick()
need to get the variable into bijlageA ( for testing to send the
attcahment i use opslaanA an B)

with function zendemail

i use this     class::bijlageA(NULL)
  by this way i can send the both attachments

one other  way i tried was with an entryfield , on this way i could use
like form.entryfield.vakue = "d:\test\test.txt"


  if i put a second file in the entryfield, only the first attachment is

so in function bijlageA() i need 3 times the email.setattchment()

later, i can or will figer out to add more attachments and a limit of mb
value whe, moer than X MB to offer to send by " We transfer or some others

thanks in advance to have some clues

i thought to find the way myself, but the last step is missing


  /*Function bijlageB(NULL)   // een test om variablen naar een andere
functie te sturen

     local sFile, opslaan1, opslaan2, opslaan3
      local FileA, FileB, FileC
       sFile =0 ; opslaan1 = 0 ; opslaan2 = 0
         sfile =GetFile("*.*","Selecteer een Bestand")
         if not empty(sFile)  == true
           opslaan1 = ["]+sFile+["]
            opslaanA = Opslaan1
          //   fileA = "opslaanA" + "=" + opslaanA
        //     ? fileA
        //  opslaan1  = NULL ; opslaana = NULL
        aGroep = new array(3)
         aGroep[1] = opslaanA
         aGroep[2] = ""  // opslaanB
         aGroep[3] = ""  //opslaanC
        ? aGroep[1]
    Function bijlageA(NULL)
      // D:\dBASE_UITLEG\EMAIL\"

       opslaan1 = "D:\dBASE_UITLEG\EMAIL\"
      opslaanA = email.setattachment(opslaan1)
           opslaan2 = "D:\dBase_Uitleg\Email\emailtekst.txt"
           opslaanB = email.setattachment(opslaan2)