Subject Re: Display Images on the form from a local imagefolder
From Akshat Kapoor <>
Date Fri, 22 Sep 2023 11:12:30 +0530
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Good Morning Agostinho,
> I've been trying to use images from my computer directory location but
> can't get it to work.
> I added a character field named "imagefolder" to my fish4.dbf file and wrote the image files name to this particular record "C:\Users\HOME_PC\Desktop\blueangelfish.png"
> Dropped an image controle  from the componed pallete  to the form
> and have programmed an onNavigate function into the form.
> this.IMAGE1 = new IMAGE(this)
>     with (this.IMAGE1)
>        height = 4.84
>        left = 73.1111
>        top = 3.96
>        width = 17.8889
>     endwith
> function form_onNavigate(nWorkArea)
>               local cImageFileName
>               // Assuming I have a field in my table that contains image file paths
>              cImageFileName = form.fish41.rowset.fields["imagefolder"]
>              // Image control's ImageFile property to display the image
>            this.image1 = cImageFileName
>    return

The code I use

,alltrim(z["company"].value)+" " + alltrim(z["item"].value) + " "+
alltrim(z["descrip"].value) )

function disp_image
    parameters mfile , title
    local image_f
    image_f = new form()
    with image_f
       height = 22.7273
       left = 5.7143
       top = 0.0
       width = 142.0
       text = iif(type('title') = "C","Photo of "+alltrim(title),"Photo
of ")

    image_f.IMAGE1 = new IMAGE(image_f)
    with (image_f.IMAGE1)
       height = 22.6364
       left = 0.0
       top = 0.0
       width = 142.0
       dataSource = [FILENAME "]+mfile+["]
       alignment = 3        // Keep Aspect Stretch
       anchor = 3        // Left
    image_f.mdi = false
    ?"Going to open form"
return true

It is working perfectly.

Watch for wordwrap.
Note the property datasource and use of keyword Filename.

Test it and then customise it according to your needs.

Another line that is working well.

mform.image1.dataSource = 'FILENAME "'+["path"].value +'"'

Please take note of delimiters. They require special handling.
mform.image1.dataSource = 'FILENAME "myfile.jpg"'

should be the net result.
