Subject Re: Issuue with Template (picture) for an entryfield
From Mervyn Bick <invalid@invalid.invalid>
Date Sat, 16 Sep 2023 18:13:47 +0200
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started
Attachment(s) date_picture.wfm

On 2023/09/16 10:20, Heinz Kesting wrote:
> Hi all,
> for a filter form I want to restrain a date field to certain patterns,
> for example DD.MM.YYYY for a complete date, DD.MM. or YYYY for other needs.
> So I set the entryfield's picture property accordingly ("99.99.9999" for
> a complete date, "99.99." or "9999" respectively). That all works nicely.
> However, for the pattern MM.YYYY (picture "99.9999") dBase replaces the
> dot for the decimal point with a comma the moment some data is entered.
> By 'Trial and Error' I found that this only happens when the picture
> contains just ONE decimal point, like "99.9999". If I use "99.9999." for
> this, it works fine, but I don't find it correct to have a dot after the
> year (the fieldS value would then hold a string like "09.2023." which I
> dislike)
> Is there a way around this?

Instead of using the entryfield's picture property, the attached example
uses the entryfield's key event handler to ensure that a point is used
as the separator between day, month and year values.

The example filters the rowset on a date field.  If you need to filter
on a character field holding dates or portions of dates the onKey event
handler will require more work.



The form designer reformats the contents of the query's sql
property.  This copy for easy reference

      l0 = "select  e.*, "
      l0 += "extract(day from e.hiredate) as dd, "
      l0 += "extract(month from e.hiredate) as mm, "
      l0 += "extract(year from e.hiredate) as yy "
      l0 += "from EMPLOYEES e  "
      l0 += "where (extract(day from hiredate) between :dd1 and :dd2 ) "
      l0 += "and (extract(month from hiredate) between :mm1 and :mm2 ) "
      l0 += "and (extract(year from hiredate) between :yy1 and :yy2 ) "
      l0 += "order by  yy,mm,dd  "
      sql = l0  

** END HEADER -- do not remove this line
// Generated on 2023-09-16
parameter bModal
local f
f = new date_pictureForm()
if (bModal)
   f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI

class date_pictureForm of FORM
   with (this)
      onOpen = class::FORM_ONOPEN
      height = 19.5909
      left = 19.8571
      top = 1.7727
      width = 93.7143
      text = ""

   this.DBASESAMPLES1 = new DATABASE(this)
   with (this.DBASESAMPLES1)
      left = 26.0
      width = 11.0
      height = 1.0
      databaseName = "DBASESAMPLES"
      active = true

   this.EMPLOYEES1 = new QUERY(this)
   with (this.EMPLOYEES1)
      left = 3.0
      width = 8.0
      height = 1.0
      database = form.dbasesamples1
      l0 = "select  e.*, "
      l0 += "extract(day from e.hiredate) as dd, "
      l0 += "extract(month from e.hiredate) as mm, "
      l0 += "extract(year from e.hiredate) as yy "
      l0 += "from EMPLOYEES e  "
      l0 += "where (extract(day from hiredate) between :dd1 and :dd2 ) "
      l0 += "and (extract(month from hiredate) between :mm1 and :mm2 ) "
      l0 += "and (extract(year from hiredate) between :yy1 and :yy2 ) "
      l0 += "order by  yy,mm,dd  "
      sql = l0  
      params["dd1"] = 0
      params["dd2"] = 31
      params["mm1"] = 0
      params["mm2"] = 12
      params["yy1"] = 0
      params["yy2"] = 3000
      active = true

   this.GRID1 = new GRID(this)
   with (this.GRID1)
      dataLink = form.employees1.rowset
      height = 6.2273
      left = 5.5714
      top = 1.0
      width = 82.7143

   this.ENTRYFIELD1 = new ENTRYFIELD(this)
   with (this.ENTRYFIELD1)
      key = class::ENTRYFIELD1_KEY
      onKey = class::ENTRYFIELD1_ONKEY
      height = 1.0
      left = 25.0
      top = 17.3182
      width = 24.7143
      value = " "

   this.TEXT1 = new TEXT(this)
   with (this.TEXT1)
      height = 8.8636
      left = 25.0
      top = 7.8182
      width = 29.7143
      text = ""

   function ENTRYFIELD1_key(nChar, nPosition,bShift,bControl)
      local lRet
      if (nChar >= 48 and nChar <= 57) or nChar = 46 or nChar = 13 or nChar = 8
         lRet = true
         lRet = false
      return lRet

   function ENTRYFIELD1_onKey(nChar, nPosition,bShift,bControl)
      if nChar = 13
         if empty(this.value)
            //Do nothing except requery()
         elseif  not '.'$this.value //year only
            form.employees1.params['yy1'] = val(this.value)        
            form.employees1.params['yy2'] = val(this.value)
         elseif at('.',this.value,2) > 0 // 2 points i.e full date
            form.employees1.params["dd1"] = val(substr(this.value,1,at('.',this.value,1)-1))
            form.employees1.params["dd2"] = val(substr(this.value,1,at('.',this.value,1)-1))
            form.employees1.params["mm1"] = val(substr(this.value,at('.',this.value,1)+1,at('.',this.value,2)-at('.',this.value,1)))
            form.employees1.params["mm2"] = val(substr(this.value,at('.',this.value,1)+1,at('.',this.value,2)-at('.',this.value,1)))
            form.employees1.params["yy1"] = val(substr(this.value,at('.',this.value,2)+1))
            form.employees1.params["yy2"] = val(substr(this.value,at('.',this.value,2)+1))
         elseif   at('.',this.value,1) > 0 and len(this.value) >= 7 //month and year
            form.employees1.params["mm1"] = val(substr(this.value,1,at('.',this.value,1)-1))
            form.employees1.params["mm2"] = val(substr(this.value,1,at('.',this.value,1)-1))
            form.employees1.params["yy1"] =  val(substr(this.value,at('.',this.value,1)+1))
            form.employees1.params["yy2"] = val(substr(this.value,at('.',this.value,1)+1))
         elseif  at('.',this.value,1) > 0 // day and month
            form.employees1.params["dd1"] =  val(substr(this.value,1,at('.',this.value,1)-1))
            form.employees1.params["dd2"] =  val(substr(this.value,1,at('.',this.value,1)-1))
            form.employees1.params["mm1"] = val(substr(this.value,at('.',this.value,1)+1))
            form.employees1.params["mm2"] = val(substr(this.value,at('.',this.value,1)+1))

   function form_onOpen()
      form.text1.text = "Enter or mm.yyyy or yyyy or then press Enter"
      form.text1.text += chr(13)+chr(10)+chr(13)+chr(10)
      form.text1.text += "Pressing Enter with no value will return all records. "
      form.text1.text += chr(13)+chr(10)+chr(13)+chr(10)
      form.text1.text += "Single digit days and months can be entered as a single digit or with a leading 0.  "
      form.text1.text += chr(13)+chr(10)+chr(13)+chr(10)
      form.text1.text += "Only digits, point, Enter and Backspace will be accepted. "

   function default_params
      form.employees1.params["dd1"] = 0
      form.employees1.params["dd2"] = 31
      form.employees1.params["mm1"] = 0
      form.employees1.params["mm2"] = 12
      form.employees1.params["yy1"] = 0
      form.employees1.params["yy2"] = 3000
