Subject Re: field type binary not working on my form
From Mervyn Bick <invalid@invalid.invalid>
Date Sat, 16 Sep 2023 09:34:13 +0200
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

On 2023/09/16 06:29, AGOSTINHO wrote:
> Dear Mervyn I've tried what you advise but I get the following at the
> Program Alert Error when searching the database.
> Error:  No CATCH for exception, class:  EXCEPTION.
> Error:  Data type mismatch.  Expecting:  Object
> The Ignore and suspend button is dimmed and I click the Fix button and it
> takes me to:
> form.products1.requery()  //it will work the second time. :-)
> function ENTRYFIELD4_onKey(nChar, nPosition,bShift,bControl)
>     //form.rowset.first() // This is not necessary.
>     //A requery() with the argument '%...%' for the LIKE predicate
>     //examines every record in the table.
>       form.products1.params['ag'] = '%'+this.value+'%'
>     try
>       form.products1.requery()  //If it doesn't work the first time
>     catch(exception e)
> ===>     form.products1.requery()  //it will work the second time. :-)
>     endtry
>     return
> Please what's can I do  to avoid this error
> Thanks
> A.Teixeira

The most common cause for "Error:  Data type mismatch.  Expecting:
Object" is a spelling mistake in the code.

Is the instance of the query object in your form named products1?
