Subject Re: dBASE Plus 2.8
From Lee Grant <>
Date Thu, 18 May 2023 04:02:52 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started


As the others have already mentioned, those are possible issues, but the
issue I think I'm hearing, is that the developer had a license for the
program that he wrote, and you don't have a license for it, not dBASE in
general which the runtime doesn't need anyway, so this should be related
to the developers licensing the program to you. If the computer doesn't
have whatever licensing scheme the developer created to verify your
licensing right to the program, it's not going to matter what dBASE,LLC
has to say about it.  This should be a program that you have a license
to run his (the developers) program.


On 5/17/2023 6:35 PM, Dennis wrote:
> This is a shot in the dark and I am desperately hoping a guru can assist me.
> I have a very old custom developed dBASE Plus 2.8 application running on Windows 7.
> The original author passed away 4 years ago and I am trying to get the program running on new computers.  I do not have any source data.  I do some installation files but have some questions (and problems).
> Does the PLUSRUN.exe runtime only installation need a license key? If so, I may be in trouble.  Even though the author had a valid license, I don't have it.
> When the custom .exe file launches it appears to start and I can see the main menu form, however, a dialog box pops up telling me I don't have a license to run the program.
> I have spent hours trying to find out what this program is looking for.  I have tried comparing registries, tables, files, etc.  Used Procmon to monitor processes but just can't figure out what it needs.  I am just thinking that maybe I need to install the runtime with a license or something.
> Any ideas are GREATLY appreciated and thank you for your efforts.