Subject Re: Too Many Symbols error
From Michael <>
Date Tue, 21 Mar 2023 18:08:05 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Hi Ken,

I know what you mean about splitting the code, I try to make all functions reusable across most modules, it's just the sheer volume of features in the main transaction screen has tipped me over, I have been stripping functions out of it for some time now and there really isnt much more I can strip.

It's working ok for now, i hope they will expand the limitations in the new version. Thanks for your input it has helped.



Ken Mayer Wrote:

> On 3/21/2023 1:19 AM, michael wrote:
> > Top Tip Ken but unfortunately theres not much I can pull out of the main library to seperate it but it seemed to work when I split it.
> >
> > It helped for now but i am dreadfully close on all limits, do we know if they have expanded the limitation on Dbase 19 or the new version not released yet?
> dBASE 2019 has the same limits. You should look seriously at what you
> can split out. There's nothing wrong with lots of smaller sets of code.
> (It also makes maintenance and re-use of code easier)
> >
> > Do we know whats in the new version ?
> Michael, I cannot speak to the new version (I'm under NDA).
> Ken
> --
> *Ken Mayer*
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