Subject Re: Import/Export not all excel data can be imported
From James Lavery <>
Date Wed, 15 Mar 2023 02:40:12 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Akshat Kapoor Wrote:

> Good Morning James,
> > Found enclosed below note (from Nov 2022) regarding Excel import/export.
> >
> > Info helpful to me: "append from array"
> >
> > My question: How do I identify to dBase5 that the Excel spreadsheet is an Array??
> >
> > The spreadsheet contains only letters and numbers.
> >
> > Developer Desktop does not recognize .xlsx files.
> >
> > What must I do to spredsheet/data for it to be recognized by dBase5 as an array.
> >
> > Help is greatly appreciated.
> I doubt you can open xslx files using dbase 5.
> In current versions also you require a software like excel to open xlsx
> files.
> oleautoclient is used to open/read data from the xlsx file using excel.
> Regards
> Akshat
> Akshat,
I've not heard of Oleautoclient.  Are you suggesting that Oleautoclient will allow me to export .XLXS data to dBASE?
