Subject Re: dBASE 2019 - Files does not exist: and
From wendy <>
Date Sun, 26 Feb 2023 23:30:19 -0500
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Lee Grant Wrote:

> Ken,
> Considering the amount of times this is happening, it might be a good
> idea for a feature request to the powers that be, to prevent .cc files
> from trying to be executed from the navigator windows. :)
> Lee
> On 2/20/2023 11:29 AM, Ken Mayer wrote:
> > On 2/20/2023 3:41 AM, wendy wrote:
> >> Lemme start by saying I uninstalled and installed dBASE for like three
> >> times. And still whenever I start dBASE 2019 it starts looking for
> >> some files and when it can't find them it displays 2 dialog boxes that
> >> say:
> >>
> >> Error: File does not
> >>
> >> Error: File does not exist:
> >>
> >> How do I get rid of this alerts? I have attached a screenshot for
> >> reference.
> >
> > In addition to Akshat's response, the reason this occurs is that unlike
> > .PRG, .WFM, and so on, type files, .CC files are not normally
> > "executable" -- if you double-click a .PRG file, dBASE will run it. If
> > you double-click a .CC file, it gets added to the .ini file as something
> > to load when dBASE starts. I would guess you were in the tutorial folder
> > (if you did the tutorial) when you did this based on the names of the
> > files. The moral of the story, don't double-click .CC files. ;)
> >
> > Ken
> >
> Lesson learnt. Thank you.