Subject Re: Seeker and
From roy price <>
Date Mon, 03 May 2021 20:09:07 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

roy price Wrote:

OOps, the seeker code below now amended.

> Hopefully one last problem.....
> My form uses, and I wish to include a seeker as part of the form, but cannot see how to combine Seeker with gridcolumnindex change.
> So my approach is to include a button on the form that runs a separate seeker form with the same table, does a seek, and stores the record number of the table  to a variable, close the Seeker Form, and then use the variable to navigate the table to the same record number.
> As with the following, that does produce an error, but doesn't navigate either, as I cannot see how to navigate just by closing the seeker form.
> ?I need something to "trigger" the navigate.
> function SEEKERREC_onClick()
>       Do seekertitle85.wfm
>       return
>  function SEEKERREC_onClose()
>      Store Rec to mrec
>    this.cactusaa1.rowset.applyLocate( mRec)
>       return
> function form_onNavigate(nWorkArea)
>        this.image1.dataSource = "FILENAME
> "+form.cactusaa1.rowset.fields['photoloc'].value
> return