Subject Seeker and
From roy price <>
Date Mon, 03 May 2021 20:06:23 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Hopefully one last problem.....
My form uses, and I wish to include a seeker as part of the form, but cannot see how to combine Seeker with gridcolumnindex change.

So my approach is to include a button on the form that runs a separate seeker form with the same table, does a seek, and stores the record number of the table  to a variable, close the Seeker Form, and then use the variable to navigate the table to the same record number.
As with the following, that does produce an error, but doesn't navigate either, as I cannot see how to navigate just by closing the seeker form.
?I need something to "trigger" the navigate.

function SEEKERTITLE85_onClick()
      Do seekertitle85.wfm

function SEEKERREC_onClose()
     Store Rec to mrec
   this.cactusaa1.rowset.applyLocate( mRec)

function form_onNavigate(nWorkArea)
       this.image1.dataSource = "FILENAME