Subject Re: Closing an image on a form
From Mervyn Bick <invalid@invalid.invalid>
Date Sat, 10 Apr 2021 12:18:19 +0200
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started
Attachment(s) three_images.wfm

On 2021/04/10 09:29, roy price wrote:

> Hello Again Mervyn / Akshat,
> After setting up a test area, with three records on the main table, each with a field "Photoyesfile" "01", "02", "03", and three image files (with one image each), and trying (very trying) the code below in various combinations, I get nowhere with selecting the second and third files images.
> The If's or Cases statements work to get to the correct line, but the statements, "this.dataSource =", or "form.testimagedatamodule1.dataSource =" do not cause the first image  to be replaced with the second, or third.

Have a look at the attached example.  If you open it in the form
designer you will see the same image in each image control.  This is
because I've used the same table three times and each image query opens
with the first record selected.  If I had use three different image
tables (I didn't because there aren't three suitable tables in the
samples database) each image would display a different image.

I've used the form's form_onOpen event handler to blank out two of the
image controls when the form opens.

The main table's onNavigate event handler only uses this.parent.parent.
in place of form. as I'm not using a datamodule for the example.  With
the tables in a datamodule you will need to use
this.parent.parent.parent. instead.

I've placed some comments in the fist section of the onNavigate event
handler.  They apply equally to the rest of the code in the event handler.

It is not usual to have three image controls even though one has three
image files.  If you opt for one image control you won't need the
form_onOpen event handler.  Simply assign the image file which holds the
image for the first record in your main file to the image control in the
image control constructor code.

The onNavigate event handler only need to select the correct record in
the correct image table and assign that table to the single image
control's datasource property.  There are no other image controls to null.

   function rowset_onNavigate()
       if this.fields['photoyesfile'].value = '01'
          this.parent.parent.fish1.rowset.applyLocate( "id = " +
this.fields['id'].value  )
          this.parent.parent.image1.datasource =
this.parent.parent.fish1.rowset.fields["fish image"]
       elseif this.fields['photoyesfile'].value = '02'
           this.parent.parent.fish2.rowset.applyLocate( "id = " +
this.fields['id'].value  )
           this.parent.parent.image1.datasource =
this.parent.parent.fish2.rowset.fields["fish image"]
        elseif this.fields['photoyesfile'].value = '03'
           this.parent.parent.fish3.rowset.applyLocate( "id = " +
this.fields['id'].value  )
           this.parent.parent.image1.datasource =
this.parent.parent.fish3.rowset.fields["fish image"]


if not file('fish_demo.dbf')
  copy table :dbasesamples:fish to fish_demo
  alter table fish_demo add photoyesfile char(2)
  use fish_demo
  replace photoyesfile with '0'+ltrim(str(mod(id,3)+1))

** END HEADER -- do not remove this line
// Generated on 2021-04-10
parameter bModal
local f
f = new three_imagesForm()
if (bModal)
   f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI

class three_imagesForm of FORM
   with (this)
      onOpen = class::FORM_ONOPEN
      height = 21.0909
      left = -1.2857
      top = 0.7273
      width = 106.8571
      text = ""

   this.DBASESAMPLES1 = new DATABASE(this)
   with (this.DBASESAMPLES1)
      left = 13.0
      width = 11.0
      height = 1.0
      databaseName = "DBASESAMPLES"
      active = true

   this.FISH1 = new QUERY(this)
   with (this.FISH1)
      left = 4.0
      width = 3.0
      height = 1.0
      database = form.dbasesamples1
      sql = "select * from FISH.DBF"
      active = true

   this.FISH2 = new QUERY(this)
   with (this.FISH2)
      left = 30.0
      width = 3.0
      height = 1.0
      database = form.dbasesamples1
      sql = "select * from FISH.DBF"
      active = true

   this.FISH_DEMO1 = new QUERY(this)
   with (this.FISH_DEMO1)
      left = 45.0
      width = 8.0
      height = 1.0
      sql = 'select * from "fish_demo.DBF"'
      active = true

   with (this.FISH_DEMO1.rowset)
      onNavigate = class::ROWSET_ONNAVIGATE

   this.FISH3 = new QUERY(this)
   with (this.FISH3)
      left = 39.0
      width = 3.0
      height = 1.0
      database = form.dbasesamples1
      sql = "select * from FISH.DBF"
      active = true

   this.GRID1 = new GRID(this)
   with (this.GRID1)
      dataLink = form.fish_demo1.rowset
      height = 12.4545
      left = 2.0
      top = 3.1364
      width = 69.8571

   this.IMAGE1 = new IMAGE(this)
   with (this.IMAGE1)
      height = 4.8182
      left = 80.2857
      top = 2.6364
      width = 21.4286
      dataSource = form.fish1.rowset.fields["fish image"]

   this.IMAGE2 = new IMAGE(this)
   with (this.IMAGE2)
      height = 4.8182
      left = 80.2857
      top = 8.3636
      width = 21.4286
      dataSource = form.fish2.rowset.fields["fish image"]

   this.IMAGE3 = new IMAGE(this)
   with (this.IMAGE3)
      height = 4.8182
      left = 80.2857
      top = 14.7273
      width = 21.4286
      dataSource = form.fish3.rowset.fields["fish image"]

   this.rowset = this.fish1.rowset

   function form_onOpen()
     //Only one image table has the correct image so we need
     //to null the datasource property for two of the image controls
       mphoto = form.fish_demo1.rowset.fields["photoyesfile"].value
      If mPhoto='01'
      form.IMAGE2.dataSource = []
      form.IMAGE3.datasource = []
      elseif mPhoto='02'
      form.IMAGE1.dataSource = []
      form.IMAGE3.datasource = []
      elseif mPhoto='03'
      form.IMAGE1.dataSource = []
      form.IMAGE2.datasource = []

   function rowset_onNavigate()
      if this.fields['photoyesfile'].value = '01'
         //Go to the correct record in the image file.
         //You will need to use the correct field names.
         // If the fields are character then
//          this.parent.parent.fish1.rowset.applyLocate( "id = '" + this.fields['id'].value +"'" )
          this.parent.parent.fish1.rowset.applyLocate( "id = " + this.fields['id'].value  )
          //Set the datasource property of the image control to use
          this.parent.parent.image1.datasource = this.parent.parent.fish1.rowset.fields["fish image"]
          //Null the datasource property for each of the other image controls
          this.parent.parent.image2.datasource = [] //note: no space between the square brackets
          this.parent.parent.image3.datasource = []
      elseif this.fields['photoyesfile'].value = '02'
          this.parent.parent.fish2.rowset.applyLocate( "id = " + this.fields['id'].value  )
          this.parent.parent.image2.datasource = this.parent.parent.fish2.rowset.fields["fish image"]
          this.parent.parent.image1.datasource = []
          this.parent.parent.image3.datasource = []    
       elseif this.fields['photoyesfile'].value = '03'
          this.parent.parent.fish3.rowset.applyLocate( "id = " + this.fields['id'].value  )
          this.parent.parent.image3.datasource = this.parent.parent.fish3.rowset.fields["fish image"]
          this.parent.parent.image1.datasource = []
          this.parent.parent.image2.datasource = []      
