Subject Re: Exportdata sinks
From Bamidele Onwu <>
Date Sun, 02 Aug 2020 12:35:41 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Thank you Mervyn. The program was a success
Am out of the woods. Thank you.


Mervyn Bick Wrote:

> On 2020-08-02 14:19, Bamidele Onwu wrote:
> > Wow, I didn't know about this. Thanks to you Mervyn.
> >
> > I seriously need help but I use mysql as backend. I will be very grateful if I can get sample program of how to export from sql to excel.
> >
> There is a comprehensive article on moving data from dBASE to Excel in
> the Advanced Topics of the knowledgebase
> Attached is a rudimentary (but working) program to extract 3 fields from
> a MySQL table and place them in an Excel spreadsheet.  You will, of
> course, need to change the connection string as well as the table and
> field names.
> Mervyn.
> d = new adodatabase()
> d.connectionString = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=energydata"
> = true
> q = new adoquery()
> q.sql = "select siteId,eTimestamp,econs from energydata where siteId = '227105' "
> q.sql += "and eTimestamp between '2020-06-05 010:00:00' and '2020-06-05 12:55:00' "
> = true
> oExcel = new oleAutoclient("excel.application")
> // oExcel.visible = true
> oExcel.workbooks.add()
> nRow = 1
> //Add headings
> for i = 1 to q.rowset.fields.size
>   oExcel.ActiveSheet.cells( nRow, i ).select()
>   with ( oExcel.ActiveCell )
>     if i = 1
>       ColumnWidth := 8
>       formula := 'siteID'
>     elseif i = 2
>       ColumnWidth := 20
>       formula := 'Timestamp'
>     elseif i = 3
>       ColumnWidth := 10
>       formula := 'Econs'
>     endif
>   endwith  
> next
> nRow++
> do while not q.rowset.endofset
>    for i = 1 to q.rowset.fields.size
>       oExcel.ActiveSheet.cells( nRow, i ).select()
>       if i = 1
>           oExcel.Activecell.formula = "'"+q.rowset.fields[i].value
>       elseif i = 2
>          oExcel.Activecell.formula = "'"+dttoc(q.rowset.fields[i].value)
>       elseif i = 3
>          oExcel.Activecell.formula = q.rowset.fields[i].value
>       endif
>    next    
>    nRow++  
> enddo
> false
> = false
> oExcel.visible = true