Subject Re: COMBOBOX function = "!"
From Heinz Kesting <>
Date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 16:57:17 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Hi Eric,

>    this.COMBOBOX1 = new COMBOBOX(this)
>    with (this.COMBOBOX1)
>       function = "!"  //   ----> it doesn't work

According to the OLH, in version 2.8 neither FUNCTION nor PICTURE are properties of the combobox class.

My guess is this hasn't changed in later versions, so I can only think of a manual workaround - you would want to convert the strings to the desired format using your own code, perhaps something like proper(), before assigning them to the datasource of your combobox.

Kind regards, Heinz