Subject Re: lookupsql and Combobox ; where is the missing link
From Dirk <>
Date Sat, 30 May 2020 09:47:07 +0200
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Op 30/05/2020 om 8:15 schreef Akshat Kapoor:
> On 30.05.2020 01:56, Dirk wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i changes some *dbf files, using lookupsql
>>   as far is all ok, append ad edit all good
>> but im struggling on filter in a form by country
>> by datalink i haven the dat in the combobox
>> when i do the following
>> a=this.parent.rowset.fields["country"].lookupRowset.fields[1].value
>> i get the value a = B of Belgium
>> changing the field to  2  i get Belgium
>> now when i try   form.rowset.filter=[country=']+"A"+[']
>> i get filtered by Austria
>> when i try to use the varaible a i get a warning
>> of course when i change teh value of the country, whatever  belgium or
>> germany ... i get of course the the value of variable A
>> my question is when i make a choice of a country in the combobox,
>> how it's filtering by chosen country
> Good Mornign Dirk,
> I would request for a table structure and sql's you are using. It would
> give us a better understanding.
> this.parent.rowset.fields["country"].lookupRowset.fields[1].value gives
> us no idea what is the data type and expected values.
> With SQL and lookupsql definations we may even be able to suggest changes.
> Regards
> Akshat

Good day Akshat,

   the main table = stammdat key index  idnummer and further on index on
name, postcode, city

  the lookup table =  country with jey index landcode and sec index land

  this.VRAAGBAK_STAMMDAT = new QUERY(this)
    with (this.VRAAGBAK_STAMMDAT)
       onOpen = class::VRAAGBAK_STAMMDAT_ONOPEN
       left = 140.0
       top = 94.0
       width = 100.0
       height = 37.0
       database = form.databank_cust
       sql = 'Select * from "STAMMDAT"'
       active = true

    with (this.VRAAGBAK_STAMMDAT.rowset)
       with (fields["Country"])
          lookupSQL = "select landcode,land from country" // order by
       with (fields["dcPostnaam"])
          beforeGetValue = class::DCPOSTNAAM_BEFOREGETVALUE
       autoEdit = false
       indexName = "IDENTIFY"


  a= form.keuzedoos_land.value
  ?" eerste a = "  + "   "+ a
  eerste a =    Österreich // the first variable a is this one I make
  arbitrair a choice in the combobox


  a =this.parent.rowset.fields["country"].lookupRowset.Fields[2].value
      or //Rowset.fields[1].value
  ?" tweede a = "  + "   "+ a
       tweede a =    Belgie   or B if using field 1 :
     i need this one field 1  because table stammdat for country.value =
B up to lookupsql..

   a = NULL
   ? "wat is a nu met waarde null"

    "wat is a nu met waarde null" gvives nothing
************ = this.parent.rowset.fields["country"].value
    ? ""+"  " +  Belgie

   ( is :
    this.KEUZEDOOS_LAND = new COMBOBOX(this)
    with (this.KEUZEDOOS_LAND)
       onChange = class::KEUZEDOOS_LAND_ONCHANGE
       dataLink = form.vraagbak_stammdat.rowset.fields["country"]
   where in the table stammdat country = B )

another test :

  when i use filter with an arbtrair landcode D


  all filtered for country D or germany

  is working

  i send the fils in binairy



    Structure for table   D:\DFCC_Programms\Customerinfo\Data\STAMMDAT.DBF
Table type            DBASE
Version               7
Number of rows        12510
Last update           30/05/2020
Field  Field Name                        Type          Length  Dec  Index
     1  IDNUMMER                          CHARACTER         10           N
     2  Name                              CHARACTER         60           N
     3  Street                            CHARACTER         50           N
     4  Plz                               CHARACTER         10           N
     5  City                              CHARACTER         35           N
     6  Province                          CHARACTER         25           N
     7  Country                           CHARACTER          3           N
     8  Areacode                          CHARACTER          6           N
     9  Basetelefon                       CHARACTER         25           N
    10  basefax                           CHARACTER         25           N
    11  handy                             CHARACTER         25           N
    12  email                             CHARACTER         50           N
    13  web                               CHARACTER         50           N
    14  soort                             CHARACTER         30           N
    15  choice                            CHARACTER          1           N
    16  creatie                           DATE               8           N
    17  outside                           CHARACTER         25           N
    18  TAAL                              CHARACTER          4           N
    19  Monitor                           LOGICAL            1           N
    20  BTWNummer                         CHARACTER         20           N
    21  btw                               NUMERIC            2           N
    22  betalingen                        CHARACTER         30           N
** Total **                                               496

tructure for table   D:\DFCC_Programms\Customerinfo\Data\country.DBF
able type            DBASE
ersion               7
umber of rows        62
ast update           27/05/2020
ield  Field Name                        Type          Length  Dec  Index
    1  landcode                          CHARACTER          4           N
    2  Land                              CHARACTER         20           N
    3  telcode                           CHARACTER          5           N
    4  Iso1366                           CHARACTER          4           N
    5  vlag                              BINARY            10           N
* Total **                                                44