Subject Re: csv headers
From Mervyn Bick <invalid@invalid.invalid>
Date Sat, 25 Jan 2020 10:00:09 +0200
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

On 25/01/2020 00:11, Bruce Beacham wrote:
> Do we recall .sch files...?

In over 35 years of using dBASE I've never had cause to use one but
COPY...DELIMITED in dBASE 2019 still creates them.

Something else dBASE still does is to add chr(26) to the end of any file
created using COPY...DELIMITED.  This is the Ctrl-Z end-of-file marker
that was used by CP/M.  This end-of-file marker is not used by Windows
but is a throw-back to the days of dBASE II that has simply been abandoned.

The Ctrl-Z doesn't upset dBASE but it does add an extra line with a
"funny" character in the first field if the .csv file is imported into
an Excel spreadsheet.
