Subject Re: xbase commands
From Akshat Kapoor <>
Date Thu, 12 Dec 2019 23:28:58 +0530
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started
Attachment(s) VFP2dBMatchingCmd.txtVFP2dBNoMatch.txtVFP2dBEquivCmd.txt

On 12-12-2019 22:37, Bill S wrote:
> I'm a long-time user of dBASE Plus 2.8; am completely dependent on traditional xbase commands such as TOTAL and CALC and have no desire to update my code to OODML.
> My very basic question: Do later (and current) versions such as Plus 8...12 and dBASE 2019 handle these traditional xbase commands? Is there a list somewhere showing what xbase commands are NOT recognized in current versions of the software?
> Thanks in advance.

Good Evening Bill,
Most of the Xbase commands still work.

I am attaching a list which I have. It will help you or not I cannot
say. I do not remember the source of these list hence cannot say
anything about its accuracy.

These lists were for visual foxpro commands and I assume that in those
days there was negligible difference between visual foxpro and dBase so
it may be of help to you.

And even apart from this list the best way to find out if a command
works or not is to try it out.


  Visual FoxPro Commands, Functions, Class Names, or Properties
  that have exact or close matches in dBASE Plus

& Command                                          
&& Command                                        
* Command                                          
= Command                                          
? | ?? Command                                    
??? Command                                        
ALTER TABLE – SQL Command                          
APPEND Command                                    
APPEND FROM ARRAY Command                          
APPEND FROM Command                                
APPEND MEMO Command                                
AVERAGE Command                                    
BLANK Command                                      
BROWSE Command                                    
BUILD EXE Command                                  
BUILD PROJECT Command                              
CALCULATE Command                                  
CANCEL Command                                    
CD | CHDIR Command                                
CLEAR Commands                                    
CLOSE Commands                                    
COMPILE Command                                    
CONTINUE Command                                  
COPY FILE Command                                  
COPY MEMO Command                                  
COPY STRUCTURE Command                            
COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED Command                    
COPY TO ARRAY Command                              
COPY TO Command                                    
COUNT Command                                      
CREATE Command                                    
CREATE FORM Command                                
CREATE FROM Command                                
CREATE LABEL Command                              
CREATE MENU Command                                
CREATE PROJECT Command                            
CREATE QUERY Command                              
CREATE REPORT Command                              
CREATE SCREEN Command                              
CREATE TABLE – SQL Command                        
DEBUG Command                                      
DECLARE Command                                    
DELETE Command                                    
DELETE FILE Command                                
DELETE TAG Command                                
DIR or DIRECTORY Command                          
DISPLAY Command                                    
DISPLAY FILES Command                              
DISPLAY MEMORY Command                            
DISPLAY STATUS Command                            
DISPLAY STRUCTURE Command                          
DO CASE ... ENDCASE Command                        
DO Command                                        
DO WHILE ... ENDDO Command                        
DROP TABLE Command                                
EDIT Command                                      
EJECT Command                                      
EJECT PAGE Command                                
ERASE Command                                      
ERROR Command                                      
EXIT Command                                      
FIND Command                                      
FLUSH Command                                      
FOR ... ENDFOR Command                            
FUNCTION Command                                  
GATHER Command                                    
GO | GOTO Command                                  
HELP Command                                      
IF ... ENDIF Command                              
INDEX Command                                      
INSERT - SQL Command                              
KEYBOARD Command                                  
LIST Commands                                      
LOCAL Command                                      
LOCATE Command                                    
LOOP Command                                      
MD | MKDIR Command                                
MODIFY COMMAND Command                            
MODIFY FILE Command                                
MODIFY FORM Command                                
MODIFY LABEL Command                              
MODIFY MENU Command                                
MODIFY PROJECT Command                            
MODIFY QUERY Command                              
MODIFY REPORT Command                              
MODIFY SCREEN Command                              
MODIFY STRUCTURE Command                          
MODIFY VIEW Command                                
NOTE Command                                      
ON ERROR Command                                  
ON ESCAPE Command                                  
ON KEY Command                                    
ON KEY LABEL Command                              
ON PAGE Command                                    
OPEN DATABASE Command                              
PACK Command                                      
PARAMETERS Command                                
PRINTJOB ... ENDPRINTJOB Command                  
PRIVATE Command                                    
PROCEDURE Command                                  
PUBLIC Command                                    
QUIT Command                                      
RECALL Command                                    
REINDEX Command                                    
RELEASE Command                                    
RENAME Command                                    
RENAME TABLE Command                              
REPLACE Command                                    
REPLACE FROM ARRAY Command                        
REPORT Command                                    
RESTORE FROM Command                              
RESUME Command                                    
RETRY Command                                      
RETURN Command                                    
ROLLBACK Command                                  
RUN | ! Command                                    
SAVE TO Command                                    
SCAN ... ENDSCAN Command                          
SEEK Command                                      
SELECT - SQL Command                              
SELECT Command                                    
SET ALTERNATE Command                              
SET AUTOSAVE Command                              
SET BELL Command                                  
SET BLOCKSIZE Command                              
SET CENTURY Command                                
SET Command                                        
SET CONFIRM Command                                
SET CONSOLE Command                                
SET COVERAGE Command                              
SET CURRENCY Command                              
SET CURSOR Command                                
SET DATABASE Command                              
SET DATE Command                                  
SET DECIMALS Command                              
SET DELETED Command                                
SET DEVELOPMENT Command                            
SET ECHO Command                                  
SET ESCAPE Command                                
SET EXACT Command                                  
SET EXCLUSIVE Command                              
SET FIELDS Command                                
SET FILTER Command                                
SET FULLPATH Command                              
SET FUNCTION Command                              
SET HEADINGS Command                              
SET HELP Command                                  
SET HOURS Command                                  
SET INDEX Command                                  
SET KEY Command                                    
SET LIBRARY Command                                
SET LOCK Command                                  
SET MARGIN Command                                
SET MARK TO Command                                
SET MEMOWIDTH Command                              
SET MESSAGE Command                                
SET NEAR Command                                  
SET ODOMETER Command                              
SET ORDER Command                                  
SET PATH Command                                  
SET POINT Command                                  
SET PRINTER Command                                
SET PROCEDURE Command                              
SET REFRESH Command                                
SET RELATION Command                              
SET REPROCESS Command                              
SET SAFETY Command                                
SET SEPARATOR Command                              
SET SKIP Command                                  
SET SPACE Command                                  
SET STEP Command                                  
SET TALK Command                                  
SET TOPIC Command                                  
SET TYPEAHEAD Command                              
SET UNIQUE Command                                
SET VIEW Command                                  
SKIP Command                                      
SORT Command                                      
STORE Command                                      
SUM Command                                        
SUSPEND Command                                    
TEXT ... ENDTEXT Command                          
TOTAL Command                                      
TRY...CATCH...FINALLY Command                      
TYPE Command                                      
UNLOCK Command                                    
UPDATE - SQL Command                              
UPDATE Command                                    
USE Command                                        
WAIT Command                                      
WITH ... ENDWITH Command                          
ZAP Command                                        
ABS( ) Function                                    
ACOPY( ) Function                                  
ACOS( ) Function                                  
ADEL( ) Function                                  
ADIR( ) Function                                  
AELEMENT( ) Function                              
AFIELDS( ) Function                                
AINS( ) Function                                  
ALEN( ) Function                                  
ALIAS( ) Function                                  
ASC( ) Function                                    
ASCAN( ) Function                                  
ASIN( ) Function                                  
ASORT( ) Function                                  
ASUBSCRIPT( ) Function                            
AT( ) Function                                    
ATAN( ) Function                                  
ATN2( ) Function                                  
BITAND( ) Function                                
BITLSHIFT( ) Function                              
BITNOT( ) Function                                
BITOR( ) Function                                  
BITRSHIFT( ) Function                              
BITSET( ) Function                                
BITXOR( ) Function                                
BOF( ) Function                                    
CAST( ) Function                                  
CDOW( ) Function                                  
CEILING( ) Function                                
CHR( ) Function                                    
CMONTH( ) Function                                
COS( ) Function                                    
CTOD( ) Function                                  
DATE( ) Function                                  
DATETIME( ) Function                              
DAY( ) Function                                    
DBF( ) Function                                    
DELETED( ) Function                                
DESCENDING( ) Function                            
DIFFERENCE( ) Function                            
DISKSPACE( ) Function                              
DMY( ) Function                                    
DOW( ) Function                                    
DTOC( ) Function                                  
DTOR( ) Function                                  
DTOS( ) Function                                  
DTOT( ) Function                                  
EMPTY( ) Function                                  
EOF( ) Function                                    
ERROR( ) Function                                  
EXP( ) Function                                    
FCLOSE( ) Function                                
FCOUNT( ) Function                                
FCREATE( ) Function                                
FDATE( ) Function                                  
FEOF( ) Function                                  
FERROR( ) Function                                
FFLUSH( ) Function                                
FGETS( ) Function                                  
FIELD( ) Function                                  
FILE( ) Function                                  
FKLABEL( ) Function                                
FKMAX( ) Function                                  
FLDLIST( ) Function                                
FLOCK( ) Function                                  
FLOOR( ) Function                                  
FOPEN( ) Function                                  
FOR( ) Function                                    
FOUND( ) Function                                  
FPUTS( ) Function                                  
FREAD( ) Function                                  
FSEEK( ) Function                                  
FSIZE( ) Function                                  
FTIME( ) Function                                  
FUNCTION Command                                  
FV( ) Function                                    
FWRITE( ) Function                                
GETCOLOR( ) Function                              
GETDIR( ) Function                                
GETENV( ) Function                                
GETFILE( ) Function                                
GETFONT( ) Function                                
HOME( ) Function                                  
IIF( ) Function                                    
INKEY( ) Function                                  
INT( ) Function                                    
ISALPHA( ) Function                                
ISBLANK( ) Function                                
ISCOLOR( ) Function                                
ISLOWER( ) Function                                
ISMOUSE( ) Function                                
ISUPPER( ) Function                                
KEY( ) Function                                    
KEYMATCH( ) Function                              
LEFT( ) Function                                  
LEN( ) Function                                    
LIKE( ) Function                                  
LINENO( ) Function                                
LOCK( ) Function                                  
LOG( ) Function                                    
LOG10( ) Function                                  
LOOKUP( ) Function                                
LOWER( ) Function                                  
LTRIM( ) Function                                  
LUPDATE( ) Function                                
MAX( ) Function                                    
MDX( ) Function                                    
MDY( ) Function                                    
MEMLINES( ) Function                              
MEMORY( ) Function                                
MESSAGE( ) Function                                
MIN( ) Function                                    
MLINE( ) Function                                  
MOD( ) Function                                    
MONTH( ) Function                                  
NDX( ) Function                                    
ORDER( ) Function                                  
OS( ) Function                                    
PAYMENT( ) Function                                
PCOL( ) Function                                  
PCOUNT( ) Function                                
PI( ) Function                                    
PRINTSTATUS( ) Function                            
PROGRAM( ) Function                                
PROPER( ) Function                                
PROW( ) Function                                  
PUTFILE( ) Function                                
PV( ) Function                                    
RAND( ) Function                                  
RAT( ) Function                                    
READKEY( ) Function                                
RECCOUNT( ) Function                              
RECNO( ) Function                                  
RECSIZE( ) Function                                
RELATION( ) Function                              
REPLICATE( ) Function                              
RIGHT( ) Function                                  
RLOCK( ) Function                                  
ROUND( ) Function                                  
RTOD( ) Function                                  
RTRIM( ) Function                                  
SECONDS( ) Function                                
SEEK( ) Function                                  
SELECT( ) Function                                
SET( ) Function                                    
SIGN( ) Function                                  
SIN( ) Function                                    
SOUNDEX( ) Function                                
SPACE( ) Function                                  
SQLEXEC( ) Function                                
SQRT( ) Function                                  
STR( ) Function                                    
STUFF( ) Function                                  
SUBSTR( ) Function                                
TAG( ) Function                                    
TAGCOUNT( ) Function                              
TAGNO( ) Function                                  
TAN( ) Function                                    
TARGET( ) Function                                
TIME( ) Function                                  
TRANSFORM( ) Function                              
TRIM( ) Function                                  
TTOC( ) Function                                  
TYPE( ) Function                                  
UNIQUE( ) Function                                
UPDATED( ) Function                                
UPPER( ) Function                                  
VAL( ) Function                                    
VERSION( ) Function                                
YEAR( ) Function                                  
_ALIGNMENT System Variable                        
_CUROBJ System Variable                            
_INDENT System Variable                            
_LMARGIN System Variable                          
_PADVANCE System Variable                          
_PBPAGE System Variable                            
_PCOLNO System Variable                            
_PCOPIES System Variable                          
_PDRIVER System Variable                          
_PECODE System Variable                            
_PEJECT System Variable                            
_PEPAGE System Variable                            
_PLENGTH System Variable                          
_PLINENO System Variable                          
_PLOFFSET System Variable                          
_PPITCH System Variable                            
_PQUALITY System Variable                          
_PSPACING System Variable                          
_RMARGIN System Variable                          
_TABS System Variable                              
_WRAP System Variable                              
Top Property                                      
Left Property                                      
Height Property                                    
Width Property                                    
387 Matches

  Visual FoxPro Commands, Functions, Class Names, or Properties
  that have do not have a match (exact or otherwise) in dBASE Plus.

  Some of these are commands that were dropped from dBASE since
  the DOS versions, some others are specific to FoxPro.

  Many of the functions can be accomplished in dBASE Plus via add-on
  libraries or through custom coding.

  Please see the dUFLP - dBASE User Functions Library Project
  at for a large set of
  functions and classes developed to enhance dBASE.

@ ... CLASS Command                                
@ ... CLEAR Command                                
@ ... FILL Command                                
@ ... GET - Transparent Buttons Command            
@ ... PROMPT Command                              
@ ... SCROLL Command                              
@ ... TO Command                                  
ACTIVATE MENU Command                              
ACTIVATE POPUP Command                            
ACTIVATE SCREEN Command                            
ACTIVATE WINDOW Command                            
ADD CLASS Command                                  
ADD TABLE Command                                  
APPEND PROCEDURES Command                          
ASSERT Command                                    
ASSIST Command                                    
BUILD DLL Command                                  
BUILD MTDLL Command                                
CALL Command                                      
CLOSE MEMO Command                                
COPY INDEXES Command                              
COPY PROCEDURES Command                            
COPY TAG Command                                  
CREATE CLASS Command                              
CREATE CLASSLIB Command                            
CREATE COLOR SET Command                          
CREATE CONNECTION Command                          
CREATE CURSOR – SQL Command                        
CREATE DATABASE Command                            
CREATE REPORT – Quick Report Command              
CREATE SCREEN – Quick Screen Command              
CREATE SQL VIEW Command                            
CREATE TRIGGER Command                            
CREATE VIEW Command                                
DEACTIVATE MENU Command                            
DEACTIVATE POPUP Command                          
DEACTIVATE WINDOW Command                          
DEBUGOUT Command                                  
DELETE CONNECTION Command                          
DELETE DATABASE Command                            
DELETE TRIGGER Command                            
DELETE VIEW Command                                
DIMENSION Command                                  
DISPLAY CONNECTIONS Command                        
DISPLAY DATABASE Command                          
DISPLAY DLLS Command                              
DISPLAY OBJECTS Command                            
DISPLAY VIEWS Command                              
DOCK Command                                      
DROP VIEW Command                                  
EXPORT Command                                    
EXTERNAL Command                                  
FOR EACH ... ENDFOR Command                        
FREE TABLE Command                                
GETEXPR Command                                    
HIDE MENU Command                                  
HIDE POPUP Command                                
HIDE WINDOW Command                                
IMPORT Command                                    
INPUT Command                                      
JOIN Command                                      
LIST CONNECTIONS Command                          
LIST DLLS Command                                  
LIST OBJECTS Command                              
LIST VIEWS Command                                
LOAD Command                                      
LPARAMETERS Command                                
MENU Command                                      
MENU TO Command                                    
MODIFY CLASS Command                              
MODIFY CONNECTION Command                          
MODIFY DATABASE Command                            
MODIFY GENERAL Command                            
MODIFY WINDOW Command                              
MOUSE Command                                      
ON EXIT BAR Command                                
ON EXIT MENU Command                              
ON EXIT PAD Command                                
ON EXIT POPUP Command                              
ON KEY = Command                                  
ON READERROR Command                              
ON SELECTION BAR Command                          
ON SELECTION MENU Command                          
ON SELECTION PAD Command                          
ON SELECTION POPUP Command                        
ON SHUTDOWN Command                                
PACK DATABASE Command                              
PLAY MACRO Command                                
POP KEY Command                                    
POP MENU Command                                  
POP POPUP Command                                  
PUSH KEY Command                                  
PUSH MENU Command                                  
PUSH POPUP Command                                
RD | RMDIR Command                                
READ EVENTS Command                                
READ MENU Command                                  
RELEASE BAR Command                                
RELEASE CLASSLIB Command                          
RELEASE MENUS Command                              
RELEASE PAD Command                                
RELEASE WINDOWS Command                            
REMOVE CLASS Command                              
REMOVE TABLE Command                              
RENAME CLASS Command                              
RENAME CONNECTION Command                          
RENAME VIEW Command                                
RESTORE MACROS Command                            
RESTORE SCREEN Command                            
RESTORE WINDOW Command                            
SAVE MACROS Command                                
SAVE SCREEN Command                                
SAVE WINDOWS Command                              
SCROLL Command                                    
SET ANSI Command                                  
SET ASSERTS Command                                
SET AUTOINCERROR Command                          
SET BROWSEIME Command                              
SET CARRY Command                                  
SET CLASSLIB Command                              
SET CLEAR Command                                  
SET CLOCK Command                                  
SET COLLATE Command                                
SET COLOR OF SCHEME Command                        
SET COLOR SET Command                              
SET COMPATIBLE Command                            
SET CPCOMPILE Command                              
SET CPDIALOG Command                              
SET DEBUG Command                                  
SET DEBUGOUT Command                              
SET DEFAULT Command                                
SET DELIMITERS Command                            
SET DEVICE Command                                
SET DISPLAY Command                                
SET DOHISTORY Command                              
SET ENGINEBEHAVIOR Command                        
SET EVENTLIST Command                              
SET EVENTTRACKING Command                          
SET FDOW Command                                  
SET FIXED Command                                  
SET FORMAT Command                                
SET FWEEK Command                                  
SET INTENSITY Command                              
SET KEYCOMP Command                                
SET MACKEY Command                                
SET MULTILOCKS Command                            
SET NOCPTRANS Command                              
SET NOTIFY Command                                
SET NULL Command                                  
SET NULLDISPLAY Command                            
SET OLEOBJECT Command                              
SET OPTIMIZE Command                              
SET PALETTE Command                                
SET PDSETUP Command                                
SET READBORDER Command                            
SET RELATION OFF Command                          
SET RESOURCE Command                              
SET SECONDS Command                                
SET STATUS BAR Command                            
SET STRICTDATE Command                            
SET SYSFORMATS Command                            
SET SYSMENU Command                                
SET TABLEVALIDATE Command                          
SET TEXTMERGE DELIMITERS Command                  
SET TRBETWEEN Command                              
SET UDFPARMS Command                              
SET WINDOW OF MEMO Command                        
SHOW GET Command                                  
SHOW GETS Command                                  
SHOW MENU Command                                  
SHOW OBJECT Command                                
SHOW POPUP Command                                
SHOW WINDOW Command                                
SIZE POPUP Command                                
SIZE WINDOW Command                                
VALIDATE DATABASE Command                          
ACLASS( ) Function                                
ADBOBJECTS( ) Function                            
ADDBS( ) Function                                  
ADLLS( ) Function                                  
ADOCKSTATE( ) Function                            
AEVENTS() Function                                
AFONT( ) Function                                  
AGETCLASS( ) Function                              
AGETFILEVERSION( ) Function                        
AINSTANCE( ) Function                              
ALANGUAGE( ) Function                              
ALINES( ) Function                                
AMOUSEOBJ( ) Function                              
ANETRESOURCES( ) Function                          
APRINTERS( ) Function                              
APROCINFO( ) Function                              
ASELOBJ( ) Function                                
ASESSIONS( ) Function                              
ASQLHANDLES( ) Function                            
ASTACKINFO( ) Function                            
ATC( ) Function                                    
ATCC( ) Function                                  
ATCLINE( ) Function                                
ATLINE( ) Function                                
AUSED( ) Function                                  
AVCXCLASSES( ) Function                            
BAR( ) Function                                    
BARCOUNT( ) Function                              
BARPROMPT( ) Function                              
BETWEEN( ) Function                                
BINDEVENT() Function                              
BINTOC( ) Function                                
CANDIDATE( ) Function                              
CAPSLOCK( ) Function                              
CDX( ) Function                                    
CHRTRAN( ) Function                                
CHRTRANC( ) Function                              
CLEARRESULTSET( ) Function                        
CNTBAR( ) Function                                
CNTPAD( ) Function                                
COL( ) Function                                    
COMARRAY( ) Function                              
COMCLASSINFO( ) Function                          
COMPOBJ( ) Function                                
COMPROP( ) Function                                
COMRETURNERROR( ) Function                        
CPCONVERT( ) Function                              
CPCURRENT( ) Function                              
CPDBF( ) Function                                  
CREATEBINARY( ) Function                          
CREATEOBJECTEX( ) Function                        
CREATEOFFLINE( ) Function                          
CTOBIN( ) Function                                
CURSORGETPROP( ) Function                          
CURSORSETPROP( ) Function                          
CURSORTOXML( ) Function                            
CURVAL( ) Function                                
DBC( ) Function                                    
DBGETPROP( ) Function                              
DBSETPROP( ) Function                              
DBUSED( ) Function                                
DDEAbortTrans( ) Function                          
DDEEnabled( ) Function                            
DDELastError( ) Function                          
DDERequest( ) Function                            
DDESetService( ) Function                          
DIRECTORY( ) Function                              
DisplayPath( ) Function                            
DRIVETYPE( ) Function                              
DROPOFFLINE( ) Function                            
EVENTHANDLER( ) Function                          
FCHSIZE( ) Function                                
FONTMETRIC( ) Function                            
FORCEEXT( ) Function                              
FORCEPATH( ) Function                              
FULLPATH( ) Function                              
GETAUTOINCVALUE( ) Function                        
GETBAR( ) Function                                
GETCP( ) Function                                  
GETFLDSTATE( ) Function                            
GETINTERFACE( ) Function                          
GETNEXTMODIFIED( ) Function                        
GETPAD( ) Function                                
GETPEM( ) Function                                
GETPICT( ) Function                                
GETRESULTSET( ) Function                          
GETWORDCOUNT( ) Function                          
GETWORDNUM( ) Function                            
GETCURSORADAPTER( ) Function                      
GOMONTH( ) Function                                
HEADER( ) Function                                
ICASE( ) Function                                  
IDXCOLLATE( ) Function                            
IMESTATUS( ) Function                              
INDBC( ) Function                                  
INLIST( ) Function                                
InputBox( ) Function                              
INSMODE( ) Function                                
ISDIGIT( ) Function                                
ISEXCLUSIVE( ) Function                            
ISLEADBYTE( ) Function                            
ISMEMOFETCHED( ) Function                          
ISPEN( ) Function                                  
ISTRANSACTABLE( ) Function                        
JUSTDRIVE( ) Function                              
JUSTEXT( ) Function                                
JUSTFNAME( ) Function                              
JUSTPATH( ) Function                              
JUSTSTEM( ) Function                              
LOADPICTURE( ) Function                            
MAKETRANSACTABLE( ) Function                      
MTON( ) Function                                  
MWINDOW( ) Function                                
NORMALIZE( ) Function                              
NTOM( ) Function                                  
NUMLOCK( ) Function                                
OBJNUM( ) Function                                
OBJTOCLIENT( ) Function                            
OBJVAR( ) Function                                
OCCURS( ) Function                                
PAD( ) Function                                    
PADL( ) | PADR( ) | PADC( ) Functions              
PEMSTATUS( ) Function                              
PRIMARY( ) Function                                
Quarter( ) Function                                
RATLINE( ) Function                                
RDLEVEL( ) Function                                
RGB( ) Function                                    
RGBSCHEME( ) Function                              
ROW( ) Function                                    
SAVEPICTURE( ) Function                            
SCHEME( ) Function                                
SCOLS( ) Function                                  
SETFLDSTATE( ) Function                            
SETRESULTSET( ) Function                          
SQLCANCEL( ) Function                              
SQLCOLUMNS( ) Function                            
SQLGETPROP( ) Function                            
SQLIDLEDISCONNECT( ) Function                      
SQLMORERESULTS( ) Function                        
SQLSETPROP( ) Function                            
SROWS( ) Function                                  
STRCONV( ) Function                                
STREXTRACT( ) Function                            
STRTOFILE( ) Function                              
STRTRAN( ) Function                                
SYS( ) Functions Overview                          
SYSMETRIC( ) Function                              
TEXTMERGE( ) Function                              
TXTWIDTH( ) Function                              
WCHILD( ) Function                                
WDOCKABLE( ) Function                              
WEEK( ) Function                                  
WEXIST( ) Function                                
WFONT( ) Function                                  
WLAST( ) Function                                  
WONTOP( ) Function                                
WOUTPUT( ) Function                                
WREAD( ) Function                                  
XMLTOCURSOR( ) Function                            
XMLUPDATEGRAM( ) Function                          
_ASSIST System Variable                            
_BOX System Variable                              
_FOXDOC System Variable                            
_GENGRAPH System Variable                          
_GENPD System Variable                            
_GENSCRN System Variable                          
_GENXTAB System Variable                          
_PDSETUP System Variable                          
_PSCODE System Variable                            
_PWAIT System Variable                            
_TRANSPORT System Variable                        
CLEAR READ Command                                
ReadActivate Event                                
ReadCycle Property                                
ReadDeactivate Event                              
ReadForeColor Property                            
ReadLock Property                                  
ReadMouse Property                                
ReadObject Property                                
ReadSave Property                                  
ReadShow Event                                    
ReadTimeout Property                              
ReadValid Event                                    
ReadWhen Event                                    
SET VOLUME Command                                
SizeBox Property                                  
SYS(101) - Device Setting                          
SYS(15) - Character Translation                    
SYS(20) - Transform German Text                    
SYS(23) - FoxPro EMS Memory Usage                  
SYS(24) - EMS Memory Limit                        
WindowList Property                                
WREAD( ) Function                                  
ZoomBox Property                                  
FormSet Object                                    
Collection Class                                  
Control Object                                    
CursorAdapter Class                                
ProjectHook Object                                
Count: 376 Items

  Visual FoxPro Commands, Functions, Class Names, or Properties
  that have similar or equivalent functionality in dBASE Plus

VFP Command                                        dBASE Plus Equivalent
@ ... BOX Command                                  Rectangle Class                                    
@ ... EDIT - Edit Boxes Command                    Editor Class                                      
@ ... GET - Check Boxes Command                    CheckBox Class                                    
@ ... GET - Combo Boxes Command                    ComboBox Class                                    
@ ... GET - Command Buttons Command                Pushbutton Class                                  
@ ... GET - List Boxes Command                     ListBox Class                                      
@ ... GET - Option Buttons Command                 RadioButton Class                                  
@ ... GET - Spinners Command                       SpinBox Class                                      
@ ... GET - Text Boxes Command                     EntryField Class                                  
@ ... MENU Command                                 MenuBar and Menu Classes                          
@ ... SAY - Pictures & OLE Objects Command         Image and OLE Classes                              
@ ... SAY Command                                  Text and TextLabel Classes                        
\ | \\ Command                                     ? | ?? Commands                                    
APPEND GENERAL Command                             APPEND MEMO or replaceFromFile() method            
BEGIN TRANSACTION Command                          BEGINTRANS() function or begintrans() method        
BUILD APP Command                                  Use BUILD to create an .exe                        
CHANGE Command                                     EDIT                                              
DECLARE - DLL Command                              EXTERN                                            
DEFINE BAR Command                                 Use MENU Class                                    
DEFINE BOX Command                                 Use Rectangle Class                                
DEFINE CLASS Command                               CLASS ... ENDCLASS                                
DEFINE MENU Command                                Use MENUBAR Class                                  
DEFINE PAD Command                                 Use MENU Class                                    
DEFINE POPUP Command                               Use POPUP Class                                    
DEFINE WINDOW Command                              Use FORM Class                                    
DELETE - SQL Command                               Use rowset.delete() or SQLEXEC()                  
DISPLAY PROCEDURES Command                         Use set("PROCEDURE", <n>) to display nth procedure
DISPLAY TABLES Command                             Use DIR for currently open database                
DO FORM Command                                    DO <form file>                                    
DOEVENTS Command                                   _app.executeMessages()                            
END TRANSACTION Command                            COMMIT()                                          
INSERT Command                                     INSERT INTO or APPEND                              
LABEL Command                                      DO <label file.lbl>                                
LIST DATABASE Command                              Use DIR command for current database              
LIST PROCEDURES Command                            Use set("PROCEDURE", <n>) to display nth procedure
LIST TABLES Command                                Use DIR command for current database              
MODIFY MEMO Command                                Use <entryfield>.showMemoEditor() method          
MODIFY PROCEDURE Command                           MODIFY COMMAND                                    
MOVE POPUP Command                                 Use Popup Class Top and Left properties            
MOVE WINDOW Command                                Use top and left properties of window              
ON BAR Command                                     Use onClick() event of menu object                
ON PAD Command                                     Use onclick() event of Menu object                
READ Command                                       Use form object's open() or readmodal() methods    
RELEASE LIBRARY Command                            RELEASE DLL                                        
RELEASE POPUPS Command                             Use release() method of popup object              
RELEASE PROCEDURE Command                          CLOSE PROCEDURE                                    
SCATTER Command                                    STORE AUTOMEM                                      
SET BORDER Command                                 Use the border and borderstyle properties          
SET BRSTATUS Command                               statusMessage property                            
SET COLOR OF Command                               Use colorNormal, colorHighlight & other properties
SET COLOR TO Command                               Use colorNormal, colorHighlight & other properties
SET DATASESSION Command                            SESSION CLASS                                      
SET LOGERRORS Command                              See LOG clause of COMPILE Command                  
SET MARK OF Command                                See checkedBitmap in class Menu                    
SET SKIP OF Command                                See disabled property of class menu                
SET STATUS Command                                 View Status Bar Menu option                        
SET TEXTMERGE Command                              TEXT...ENDTEXT or ?, ??, ???                      
SET TOPIC ID Command                               See helpId property                                
SYS(2001) – SET ... Command Status                 See SET() and SETTO()                              
ZOOM WINDOW Command                                See windowState property                          
ADATABASES( ) Function                             _app.databases property                            
ADDPROPERTY( ) Function                            use objectref.newproperty=value                    
AERROR( ) Function                                 Error(), DBError(), SQLError()                    
ALLTRIM( ) Function                                Use LTRIM( RTRIM() )                              
AMEMBERS( ) Function                               ENUMERATE()                                        
AT_C( ) Function                                   AT()                                              
ATAGINFO( ) Function                               See indexes property of TableDef class            
BITCLEAR( ) Function                               BITAND()                                          
BITTEST( ) Function                                BITSET()                                          
CHRSAW( ) Function                                 NEXTKEY()                                          
CREATEOBJECT( ) Function                           new                                                
CTOT( ) Function                                   CTODT()                                            
CURDIR( ) Function                                 SET("DIRECTORY")                                  
DDEAdvise( ) Function                              advise() method of DDELink class                  
DDEExecute( ) Function                             execute() method of DDELINK class                  
DDEInitiate( ) Function                            initiate() method of DDELINK class                
DDEPoke( ) Function                                poke() method of DDELINK class                    
DDESetOption( ) Function                           timeout property of DDELINK class                  
DDESetTopic( ) Function                            Create a DDETopic object                          
DDETerminate( ) Function                           terminate() method of DDELINK class                
DEFAULTEXT( ) Function                             FUNIQUE( )                                        
DODEFAULT( ) Function                              SUPER::<method Name>                              
EDITSOURCE( ) Function                             MODIFY COMMAND                                    
EVALUATE( ) Function                               Use macro operator (&)                            
EVL( ) Function                                    Use iif( empty( <exp1> ), <exp2>, exp1)            
EXECSCRIPT( ) Function                             Use CodeBlocks                                    
FILETOSTR( ) Function                              Use read() method of FILE Class                    
FILTER( ) Function                                 SET("FILTER")                                      
GETOBJECT( ) Function                              See OLEAUTOCLIENT class                            
GETPRINTER( ) Function                             CHOOSEPRINTER()                                    
HOUR( ) Function                                   hour property or gethours() method of date class  
INDEXSEEK( ) Function                              KEYMATCH()                                        
ISFLOCKED( ) Function                              isSetLocked() method of ROWSET class              
ISNULL( ) Function                                 iif( <value> = null, True, False )                
ISREADONLY( ) Function                             live property of ROWSET class                      
ISRLOCKED( ) Function                              isRowLocked property of ROWSET class              
LASTKEY( ) Function                                NEXTKEY( )                                        
LEFTC( ) Function                                  LEFT( )                                            
LENC( ) Function                                   LEN( )                                            
LIKEC( ) Function                                  LIKE( )                                            
LOCFILE( ) Function                                FILE( )                                            
MCOL( ) Function                                   Use col parameter in mouse events                  
MDOWN( ) Function                                  Use object's MouseDown() events                    
MENU( ) Function                                   See name property of MENUBAR class                
MESSAGEBOX( ) Function                             MSGBOX( )                                          
MINUTE( ) Function                                 minute property or getMinutes() method of DATE obj
MRKBAR( ) Function                                 See checked property of MENU class                
MRKPAD( ) Function                                 See checked property of MENU class                
MROW( ) Function                                   Use the row parameter in the mouse events          
NEWOBJECT( ) Function                              <object1>.<property> = new <classname>( )          
NVL( ) Function                                    Use iif( <exp1>=Null, <exp2>, <exp1> )            
OEMTOANSI( ) Function                              ANSI( )                                            
OLDVAL( ) Function                                 Save value property of field objects prior to edit
ON( ) Function                                     SET("ON <cmd>")                                    
PARAMETERS( ) Function                             PCOUNT( ) or ARGCOUNT( )                          
POPUP( ) Function                                  See name property of POPUP class                  
PRMBAR( ) Function                                 See text property of MENU class                    
PRMPAD( ) Function                                 See the text property of the MENU class            
PROMPT( ) Function                                 Use text property of MENU object within onClick( )
PRTINFO( ) Function                                See printer object                                
RAISEEVENT() Function                              An event handler can be called directly            
RATC( ) Function                                   RAT( )                                            
REFRESH( ) Function                                REFRESH command or refresh() method of rowset      
REQUERY( ) Function                                See requery() method of query or storedproc object
RIGHTC( ) Function                                 RIGHT( )                                          
SEC( ) Function                                    second property or getSeconds() of DATE class      
SKPBAR( ) Function                                 See enabled property of MENU class                
SKPPAD( ) Function                                 See enabled property of MENU class                
SQLCOMMIT( ) Function                              COMMIT( ) function or database commit() method    
SQLCONNECT( ) Function                             See active property of database class              
SQLDISCONNECT( ) Function                          Set to False                      
SQLPREPARE( ) Function                             See prepare( ) method of query or storedproc class
SQLROLLBACK( ) Function                            ROLLBACK( ) or database.rollback()                
SQLSTRINGCONNECT( ) Function                       OPEN DATABASE ... or database class                
SQLTABLES( ) Function                              See database.getSchema() method                    
STUFFC( ) Function                                 STUFF( )                                          
SUBSTRC( ) Function                                SUBSTR( )                                          
TABLEREVERT( ) Function                            See AbandonRecord()  or abandon() method of rowset
TABLEUPDATE( ) Function                            See SaveRecord() or save() method of ROWSET class  
TTOD( ) Function                                   DTTOD( )                                          
TXNLEVEL( ) Function                               See isolationLevel of DATABASE class              
UNBINDEVENTS() Function                            Set event property's value to Null                
USED( ) Function                                   not empty(DBF( <workarea number> ))                
VARREAD( ) Function                                See activeControl property of Form class          
VARTYPE( ) Function                                TYPE( )                                            
WBORDER( ) Function                                See border property of object                      
WCOLS( ) Function                                  See width property of object                      
WLCOL( ) Function                                  See the left property                              
WLROW( ) Function                                  See the top property                              
WMAXIMUM( ) Function                               See the windowState property of the Form class    
WMINIMUM( ) Function                               See the windowState property of the Form class    
WPARENT( ) Function                                See the parent property of most objects            
WROWS( ) Function                                  See the height property of most objects            
WTITLE( ) Function                                 See the text property of the FORM Class            
WVISIBLE( ) Function                               See visible property of Form                      
ACCEPT Command                                     Use the entryfield class on a form                
ANSITOOEM( ) Function                              OEM( )                                            
ColorScheme Property                               See Color Scheme dialog in the Form Designer      
ErrorMessage Event                                 See Valid() event                                  
MemoWindow Property                                See the Editor class                              
Message Event                                      See the StatusMessage Property                    
OEMTOANSI( ) Function                              ANSI( )                                            
OpenWindow Property                                See the Entryfield or Editor classes              
ReadBackColor Property                             See the colorNormal and colorHightlight properties
SYS(100) - Console Setting                         SET("CONSOLE")                                    
SYS(102) - Printer Setting                         SET("PRINTER")                                    
SYS(103) - Talk Setting                            SET("TALK")                                        
SYS(18) - Current Control                          See Form Class - ActiveControl property            
SYS(2016) - SHOW GETS WINDOW Name                  See Form Class - Method Refresh()                  
Form Object                                        Form Class                                        
Checkbox Control                                   CheckBox Class                                    
Column                                             GridColumn Class                                  
ComboBox Control                                   ComboBox Class                                    
CommandButton Control                              PushButton Class                                  
CommandGroup Control                               See group property                                
Container Object                                   Container Class                                    
Custom Object                                      Object Class                                      
EditBox Control                                    Editor Class                                      
Exception Class                                    Exception Class                                    
Grid Control                                       Grid Class                                        
Header Object                                      ColumnHeadingControl Class                        
Image Control                                      Image Class                                        
Label Control                                      Text Class or TextLabel Class                      
Line Control                                       Line Class                                        
ListBox Control                                    ListBox Class                                      
OLE Bound Control                                  OLE Class                                          
OLE Container Control                              ActiveX Class                                      
OptionButton Control                               RadioButton Class                                  
OptionGroup Control                                See group property                                
Page Object                                        See Notebook Class                                
PageFrame Control                                  Notebook Class                                    
ReportListener Object                              See Report Class and associated classes            
Session Object                                     Session Class                                      
Shape Control                                      Shape Class                                        
_SCREEN                                            _app.FrameWin object                              
Spinner Control                                    SpinBox Class                                      
TextBox Control                                    EntryField Class                                  
Timer Control                                      Timer Class                                        
ToolBar Object                                     ToolBar Class                                      
Cursor Object                                      Rowset Class                                      
Count: 200 Equivalent Items