Subject editor control
From Mustansir Ghor <>
Date Tue, 16 Jul 2019 15:31:41 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started
Attachment(s) R1538955.txt

Dear Mervyn

I am reading a text file (attached) with file class object say fout, with fout.gets(). The text file is well aligned for first 3 columns. The syntax is below

fout = new file()"R1538955.txt")
mresult= fout.gets()+chr(13)
do while not fout.eof()
mresult+= fout.gets()+chr(13)

edrem = new editor()
edrem.value = mresult

The edrem when displayed on the form, it does not allign as shown in the text file.

I cant figured out why? If I omit chr(13) in the above syntax, then even line break does not appear.

Best Regards

Neu%                95.3         H        3.50-9.50                10^3/uL
Bas%                2.0         L        20.0-50.0                %
Gran%                2.7         L        50.0-70.0                %
Neu#                2.66         L        3.0-9.0                %
Bas#                0.05         L        1.10-3.20                10^3/uL
Gran#                0.08         L        2.0-7.0                10^3/uL
NRBC%                1.14         H        0.10-0.90                10^3/uL
RBC                0.9         L        3.80-5.80                10^6/uL
HGB                7.9         L        11.5-17.5                g/dL
HCT                68.8         H        35.0-50.0                %
MCV                7.5         L        82.0-100.0                fL
MCH                10.9         L        27.0-34.0                pg
MCHC                35.0                 31.6-35.4                g/dL
RDW-CV                97.1         H        11.0-16.0                %
RDW-SD                720         H        35.0-56.0                fL
PLT                8.8         L        125-350                10^3/uL
MPV                18.1         H        6.5-12.0                fL
PDW                0.630         L        9.0-17.0                fL
PCT                24.4         H        0.108-0.282                %
P-LCR                175         H        11.0-45.0                %
WBC Flag                Anisocytosis.Microcytosis.Anemia.Hypochromia         L        30-90                10^3/uL
RBC Flag                Thrombocytosis                                 
PLT Flag                D:/SYSMEX/R3468562_graphic