Subject Creating an sql link from dbase
From Michael <>
Date Fri, 20 Jul 2018 19:42:38 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Hi Guys,

I need to write to a dbase table on the web for an interface, can anyone translate these instruction in english step by step so I know what i am doing?

How do I do this from DBASE 11?

This is the data to translate,

Create a direct connection or a odbc connections as below The working connection strings are below
1.        Connecting direct ( sample string below )
The DBMSSOCN  may not be required as it simply forces to use TCP "Network Library=DBMSSOCN;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Data Source=,52590;Initial Catalog=z_test;User Id=KeyAddOnSAPTest;Password=password"
2.        Connecting ODBC
The connection string should be as below for Local PC ( residing in the network )  - port is not mandatory if you are specifying server as Server\instancename "Driver={SQL Server};Server=SQLServerName;UID=sa;PWD=password;Database=SBODemoAU;PORT=1000"
The connections string should be as below for remote ( ZT sample below ) "Server=ipaddress,sqlport;UID=sa;PWD=password;Database=demo"

The credentials for the test database
Sever ip =
Port = 52590
Database name= z_test
SQL User id  = KeyAddOnSAPTest
Sql password = will sms this one

How do i do it?

