Subject Re: Field Names in a Table
From Mervyn Bick <invalid@invalid.invalid>
Date Mon, 19 Feb 2018 17:36:58 +0200
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started
Attachment(s) create_tablecode.wfm

On 2017-07-03 6:59 PM, steve dupuie wrote:

> Sorry I'm late getting back.  I just tried using the alter table command, and it works.  This is going to be grueling.

The problem stems from using an older version of dBASE with a newer
version of Windows.   If you upgrade your dBASE to 11.3 it will play
nicely with Windows 10 and the table designer will work properly.  In
the meantime though, as you say, gruelling.

I post many little example programs in the newsgroup and to make them
self-contained I need to create and populate tables.  The easiest way to
do this is to use CREATE TABLE to create the table and then INSERT INTO
to place data in the files.  With this code in the header section of a
form the table(s) are created before the form opens and the form can use it.

Writing suitable code by hand was more than gruelling, it was a PITA.
:-)  To get round this I wrote a little program that would generate the
code for me.  I have used this little program as a starting point to
create a DIY table designer.  The resulting program has some major
limitations.  Unfortunately I'm busy with two separate projects and so I
can't spend any more time on this now.

The program only creates tables in the same folder as the program.

There is a limit to the length of a CREATE TABLE command.  This means
there is a limit to the number of fields that an be created.  This
number is not a specific number as it depends on the length of the
fieldnames and the type of fields.  I'm not sure what the limit is but
cretable7.prg in the dUFLP set the limit to 1024 characters.  If
additional fields are required it is necessary to use UPDATE TABLE to
add them one by one.  As I was only making small example tables I didn't
need to do this.  I'll probably get round to fixing it later but I'm
afraid it's not high on the priority list.  If this limit affects you
now then feel free to modify the program.   Cretable7.prg should give
you an idea of how to do this.

If the 'field_type' column is left blank (or c is entered) a character
field is created.  If the 'field-spec' column is left blank the values
set in the entryfields at the top of the form are used.  Only single
characters are needed for the 'field_type' column.  You can look in the
code to see which characters will be accepted.


if file('mbtemptable.dbf')
    drop table mbtemptable

if not file('mbtemptable.dbf')
   create table mbtemptable (name character(20),field_type character(3),field_spec character(10))

if file('mbtempdata.dbf')
    drop table mbtempdata

** END HEADER -- do not remove this line
// Generated on 2018/02/19
parameter bModal
local f
f = new create_tablecodeForm()
if (bModal)
   f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI

class create_tablecodeForm of FORM
   with (this)
      height = 31.1364
      left = 55.5714
      top = 0.4091
      width = 81.4286
      text = "Table designer"

   this.MBTEMPTABLE1 = new QUERY(this)
   with (this.MBTEMPTABLE1)
      width = 10.0
      height = 1.0
      sql = 'select * from "mbtemptable.DBF"'
      active = true

   this.ENTRYFIELD1 = new ENTRYFIELD(this)
   with (this.ENTRYFIELD1)
      onKey = class::ENTRYFIELD1_ONKEY
      height = 1.0
      left = 22.0
      top = 1.3636
      width = 18.4286
      value = " "

   this.TEXTLABEL1 = new TEXTLABEL(this)
   with (this.TEXTLABEL1)
      height = 1.0
      left = 8.7143
      top = 1.3636
      width = 12.0
      text = "Name of table"

   this.GRID1 = new GRID(this)
   with (this.GRID1)
      dataLink = form.mbtemptable1.rowset
      height = 20.5909
      left = 6.2857
      top = 5.4091
      width = 66.0

   this.PUSHBUTTON2 = new PUSHBUTTON(this)
   with (this.PUSHBUTTON2)
      onClick = class::PUSHBUTTON2_ONCLICK
      height = 1.0909
      left = 32.0
      top = 27.5
      width = 17.8571
      text = "Create table"

   this.TEXTLABEL4 = new TEXTLABEL(this)
   with (this.TEXTLABEL4)
      height = 1.0
      left = 9.0
      top = 3.6818
      width = 12.0
      text = "Default char"

   this.TEXTLABEL5 = new TEXTLABEL(this)
   with (this.TEXTLABEL5)
      height = 1.0
      left = 35.4286
      top = 3.6818
      width = 12.0
      text = "Default num"

   this.ENTRYFIELD4 = new ENTRYFIELD(this)
   with (this.ENTRYFIELD4)
      onKey = class::ENTRYFIELD4_ONKEY
      height = 1.0
      left = 22.0
      top = 3.6818
      width = 8.0
      value = "15"

   this.ENTRYFIELD5 = new ENTRYFIELD(this)
   with (this.ENTRYFIELD5)
      onKey = class::ENTRYFIELD5_ONKEY
      height = 1.0
      left = 48.2857
      top = 3.6818
      width = 8.0
      value = "10,2"

   this.PUSHBUTTON5 = new PUSHBUTTON(this)
   with (this.PUSHBUTTON5)
      onClick = class::PUSHBUTTON5_ONCLICK
      height = 1.0909
      left = 3.5714
      top = 27.5
      width = 15.2857
      text = "Clear "

   this.rowset = this.mbtemptable1.rowset

   function ENTRYFIELD1_onKey(nChar, nPosition,bShift,bControl)
      if nChar = 13 or nChar = 9

     function ENTRYFIELD4_onKey(nChar, nPosition,bShift,bControl)
      if nChar = 13 or nChar = 9

   function ENTRYFIELD5_onKey(nChar, nPosition,bShift,bControl)
      if nChar = 13 or nChar = 9

   function addrow
      use mbtemptable
      append blank
      if type("form.mbtemptable1") # "U" = false = true

   function PUSHBUTTON2_onClick
      if "."$form.entryfield1.value
        form.entryfield1.value = left(form.entryfield1.value,at(".",form.entryfield1.value)-1)
      if empty(form.entryfield1.value)
         form.entryfield1.value = "mbtesttable"
      cFile = trim(form.entryfield1.value)+'.dbf'
      if file(cFile)
         cmd = 'drop table '+form.entryfield1.value
      cStr=  "create table "+form.entryfield1.value+" ("
      cStr += trim(form.rowset.fields["name"].value)
      cStr += " "+class::convert_type()
      do while not form.rowset.endofset
         cStr += ","
         cStr += trim(form.rowset.fields["name"].value)
         cStr += " "+class::convert_type()
      cStr += ")"


   function PUSHBUTTON5_onClick
      clear = false
      if type("form.mbtempdata") # "U"
 = false
      if file('mbtemptable.dbf')
          drop table mbtemptable
      if not file('mbtemptable.dbf')
         create table mbtemptable (name character(20),field_type character(3),field_spec character(10)) = false = true
         form.grid1.datalink = form.mbtemptable1.rowset
      if file('mbtempdata.dbf')
          drop table mbtempdata
      form.entryfield1.value = ""

   function convert_type
        local cNewtype
        do case
           case form.rowset.fields["field_type"].value.toUpperCase() = " "
                cNewType = "character("
                if not empty(form.rowset.fields["field_spec"].value)
                   cNewType += trim(form.rowset.fields["field_spec"].value)+")"
                   cNewType += form.entryfield4.value + ")"
           case form.rowset.fields["field_type"].value.toUpperCase() = "C"
                cNewType = "character("
                if not empty(form.rowset.fields["field_spec"].value)
                   cNewType += trim(form.rowset.fields["field_spec"].value)+")"
                   cNewType += form.entryfield4.value + ")"
           case form.rowset.fields["field_type"].value.toUpperCase() = "N"
                cNewType = "numeric("
                if not empty(form.rowset.fields["field_spec"].value)
                   cNewType += trim(form.rowset.fields["field_spec"].value)+")"
                   cNewType += form.entryfield5.value + ")"
            case form.rowset.fields["field_type"].value.toUpperCase() = "F"
                 cNewType = "float"
           case form.rowset.fields["field_type"].value.toUppercase() = "I"
               cNewType ="integer"
           case form.rowset.fields["field_type"].value.toUpperCase() = "A"
               cNewType = "autoinc"
           case form.rowset.fields["field_type"].value.toUpperCase() = "D"
               cNewType = "date"
           case form.rowset.fields["field_type"].value.toUpperCase() = "T"
               cNewType = "timestamp"
           case form.rowset.fields["field_type"].value.toUpperCase() = "L"
               cNewtype = "boolean"
           case form.rowset.fields["field_type"].value.toUpperCase() = "M"
               cNewtype = "blob(0,1)"
           case form.rowset.fields["field_type"].value.toUpperCase() = "B"
               cNewtype = "blob(0,2)"
           case form.rowset.fields["field_type"].value.toUpperCase() = "O"
               cNewtype = "blob(0,4)"
       return cNewType

   function shapeData(data,cType)
      do case
      case upper(cType) = "C"
          shapedData = '"'+trim(data)+'"'
      case upper(cType) = "N"
          shapedData = data
      case upper(cType) = "F"
          shapedData = data
      case upper(cType) = "D"
          shapedData = "'"+str(data.month+1,2,0,"0")+"/"+str(,2,0,"0")
          shapedData += "/"+str(data.year,4,0)+"'"
      case upper(cType) = "T"
         shapedData = '"'+trim(data)+'"'
      case upper(cType) = "L"
         if data = true
           shapedData = "true"
           shapedData = "false"
      case upper(cType) = "M"
         shapedData = '"'+data+'"'
      case upper(cType) = "B"
         shapedData = "null"
      case upper(cType) = "O"
         shapedData = "null"
         shapedData = '"'+trim(data)+'"'
      return shapedData
