Subject Http: Response into my local software
From Michael <>
Date Sun, 17 Sep 2017 03:54:41 -0400
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

Hi Guys,

I have been looking for an easy way to send and retrieve data from a hosted server mysql table and process locally. I have been studying running an Mysql database but I see too many steps and parameters to make it functional for my software.

Recently I discovered the OLEautoclient( used by google to retrieve images through dbase.

      // Google API Call -- don't change this address:
      cURL = ""  // POST do not use ?
      // max size is 520?
      cPar = "chs="+nSize+"x"+nSize+"&cht=qr&chl=" + cStr  // image format 520x520
      objHttp = new OleAutoClient("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")"POST",cURL,false)
      objHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www- form-urlencoded")
      if not empty(objHttp.responseText)
          objStream = new OleAutoClient("ADODB.Stream")
          objStream.Type = 1 // adTypeBinary
          objStream.SaveToFile(cImg,2) //adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
       *? "Login Failed! " + datetime()+cImg

I already have a database driven website and scripts in php for a portal I have set up for my clients. I just want to update and recieve some data when I run my local software.

I can pass parameters up to the server, so have no problems to run php pages that can create and insert records. The problem I have is how can I retrieve data from an executed script/webpage back down that I can read from my software. I can read the physical page but not the executed result.

Does anyone know how I can receive the results?  

The ADODB.Stream is great for receiving graphical binary data but what commands and or does anyone have any source to show how I can receive the results of my executed sql query on the web.

Please help!

