From Ken Mayer <>
Date Wed, 22 Feb 2017 10:08:01 -0800
Newsgroups dbase.getting-started

On 2/22/2017 10:00 AM, Mustansir Ghor wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I had learned in Tutorial to find Name in the grid using seeker. However it was tabbox so that record in rowset position remained same between the tab pages.
> But now I wish to open an another form to find the name using seeker and grid and then close it after finding the name. When I return to original form it should remain to the same record that I selected in the finding the name form.
> Please anybody can guide me best way to do the above thing.

You would need to work with the concept of a "child form". Assuming you
use a pushbutton to open the child form. Note -- this is completely

     function FindButton_onClick() // whatever this is named
        set procedure to FindItForm.wfm // whatever this is named
        local f
        f = new FindItFormForm() // whatever ...
        f.mdi := false
        // at this point the child form needs to be closed
        // for other code to execute, because it was opened
        // modal

        // get the primary key or other value from the table
        // used in the child form, which should still be pointing
        // to the record found by the user:
        nPrimary = f.rowset.fields["name_of_primary"].value

        // using the primary key, you can find the record
        // in the parent form (this assumes the index is set
        // to the primary key, if not you may want to use
        // the rowset's applyLocate() instead:
        form.rowset.findKey( nPrimary )

        // cleanup
        release object f
        f = null
        close procedure FindItForm.wfm

*Ken Mayer*
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